The 2020 Presidential Election

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eyephone said:
eyephone said:
Ready2Downsize said:
eyephone said:
Ready2Downsize said:
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
He can not even walk down a ramp at the West Point graduation.  Lol

So here is the video:

Here is his tweet about it:

"The ramp that I descended after my West Point Commencement speech was very long & steep, had no handrail and, most importantly, was very slippery. The last thing I was going to do is 'fall' for the Fake News to have fun with. Final ten feet I ran down to level ground. Momentum!"

To me, it didn't look that bad... but let's be honest... he did not "run the final 10 feet".

I realize he feels he needs to defend himself, which is ironic after criticizing Obama about the way he walked down from Air Force One... but he should leave it alone. Instead, he talks more about it:

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal's Michael Bender on Thursday, Trump, unprompted, raised the ramp walk, which had led some to speculate that he was in ill health. Here's the exchange:

Trump: But I also, if you think about it, I went to West Point over the weekend, made a very good speech, according to everybody. They said the speech was one of the best. The kids thought it was one of the best they'd ever heard. Stood up there for a long time saluting. Were you there?

Bender: No, but I watched. It looked like a really nice day.

Trump: Yeah. After the helicopters came over, the hats went up, the general said, Sir, Are you ready? I said, I'm ready. And he led me to a ramp that was long and steep and slippery. And I said, I got a problem because I wear, you know, the leather bottom shoes. I can show them to you if you like. Same pair. And you know what I mean, they're slippery. I like them better than the rubber because they don't catch. So they're better for this. But they're not good for ramps. I said, General, I got a problem here. That ramp is slippery....

So I'm going to go real easy. So I did. And then the last 10 feet I ran down. They always stop it just before I ran, they always stop it. So, I spent three hours between speeches and saluting people and they end up, all they talked about is ramp. ... If you would have seen this ramp, it was like an ice skating rink. So I'm the only one that can happen. But the church is an interesting thing. I mean, here I spent three hours on stage, the sun pouring in and I saluted 1,106 cadets, and that's not easy. Even the general said, That's amazing. Other presidents would never have been able to do it. Because usually they do the first 10. They do 10 honor rolls, and then they go home. I stayed there for hours. And what do I do? I get publicity about walking down a ramp. And does he have Parkinson's? I don't think so.

To be fair... I probably look like that walking down a ramp... but I can accept that... I have bad knees... and I wouldn't attempt to run at the end. :)

Are you kidding me? THAT was it? Give me a break! I have a bad knee and I think I look worse than that. In fact, I've had my bum knee completely give out on me unexpectedly walking on a flat surface decades ago!

Soon as he hit flat ground, he was not one dang bit slow or unsteady.

It is fair game. They did the same thing to Hilary.

You must mean the time she tripped going up the plane ramp.

Couldn't be this time cuz I think that was after she lost a no lose election:

Or maybe it was this one:

Yup. But since it is your guy. I can not say anything. A total double standard.
I need to be on the same level as your Q-conspiracies.
Your latest about covid and masks is a classic.

Again, if you just look at the video. I do not see the army guy slipping down the ramp and it did not look like it rained or it was raining. Maybe it is not a big deal. It can be the shoes! ;)

I was on the money. I predicted it before the Tulsa rally. Trump blamed his unbalancing act on his shoes.  ;)

He already said that in my previous post in an interview.

Why he keeps repeating it is so strange.
irvinehomeowner said:
Hmm... no comments from the Trumporters?

I don't think that went well last night. Trump even said his own speech was average. Too much rambling about bargaining on Air Force One and still making excuses for the ramp and glass of water.

Just to note... I'm not impressed with Biden either... I'm worried about this election either way. Time for a 3rd candidate. :)
Not sure what comment you expect, but I will roll a die. Tulsa rally was awfully organized. However, if you compare it to Biden's rally... Oh wait, Joe didn't have a rally. He's still hiding from the pressers. Each time he opens a mouth, his rating goes down. he can't even figure out the VP yet.
adventurous said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Hmm... no comments from the Trumporters?

I don't think that went well last night. Trump even said his own speech was average. Too much rambling about bargaining on Air Force One and still making excuses for the ramp and glass of water.

Just to note... I'm not impressed with Biden either... I'm worried about this election either way. Time for a 3rd candidate. :)
Not sure what comment you expect, but I will roll a die. Tulsa rally was awfully organized. However, if you compare it to Biden's rally... Oh wait, Joe didn't have a rally. He's still hiding from the pressers. Each time he opens a mouth, his rating goes down. he can't even figure out the VP yet.

Well usually someone like morekaos will chime in and say the rally was #winning... but I think he realizes it was a #fail.

I'm not sure what he was trying to say with that speech. Just airing his grievances?

And yes... I keep seeing that Biden ad on YouTube where he can't even read his lines properly... why haven't they changed that ad?
irvinehomeowner said:
Well usually someone like morekaos will chime in and say the rally was #winning... but I think he realizes it was a #fail.

I'm not sure what he was trying to say with that speech. Just airing his grievances?

And yes... I keep seeing that Biden ad on YouTube where he can't even read his lines properly... why haven't they changed that ad?
I am not a hardcore Trump supporter, I am just a little bit more conservative than an average user on this board. I don't mind nailing down failures and cheer the winners, regardless which side they are on.
Getting back to Trump, yes the rally was a fiasco, he quickly realized that.
Biden is non-existent, I really want to see who he nominates as VP. That gal is going to rule the country and keep Biden in the basement, provided my opponents will will in November.
irvinehomeowner said:
adventurous said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Hmm... no comments from the Trumporters?

I don't think that went well last night. Trump even said his own speech was average. Too much rambling about bargaining on Air Force One and still making excuses for the ramp and glass of water.

Just to note... I'm not impressed with Biden either... I'm worried about this election either way. Time for a 3rd candidate. :)
Not sure what comment you expect, but I will roll a die. Tulsa rally was awfully organized. However, if you compare it to Biden's rally... Oh wait, Joe didn't have a rally. He's still hiding from the pressers. Each time he opens a mouth, his rating goes down. he can't even figure out the VP yet.

Well usually someone like morekaos will chime in and say the rally was #winning... but I think he realizes it was a #fail.

I'm not sure what he was trying to say with that speech. Just airing his grievances?

And yes... I keep seeing that Biden ad on YouTube where he can't even read his lines properly... why haven't they changed that ad?

They have another Joe Biden add btw. The ad is kind of genius. It shows that he is like the common American. (down to earth)

Please tell me why I keep on seeing help elect Steve Daines for Montana Senate on YouTube? (GOP candidate)
1. I do not live in Montana (I guess the advertising setting is set to include people that live in California? Even though I can not vote for him. Haha)
2. I am not an expert, but I would of done a better ad. (Bunch of GOP promoting Daines such as Jr, Marco, Mitch and more) It looks like the resolution/quality different camera angles, close up/far away from the camera when they talk on the video. I assume they got the video clips and combined it.
(just my observation. What do I know?) ;)
It's too early to pull Biden out of the basement. He's probably still hooked up to an IV drip of Adderall which doesnt make for compelling TV. Sheesh, I don't like to listen to Trump speeches but Biden so so much worse. It will be an interesting set of debates between Corn Pop and The Tang Menace. If I had money to bet, Corn Pop isn't going to do well.

Yes, 2020 is all about The DNC telling Corn Pop who is VP is. It will be very interesting to see if it's Warren or Harris - both toxic picks IMHO, perhaps someone under the radar no one really is thinking about. They run the risk of "Palin-izing" the entire election with a curveball choice. If either of the Rice's (Susan or Condoleezza), it's game over for Biden as well.

Live by identity politics, die by identity politics.

My .02c

If you click on the link of the sponsorship it goes to Then why sponsor TI? It is only business.
(What I said is perfectly legal.)

Soylent Green Is People said:
It's too early to pull Biden out of the basement. He's probably still hooked up to an IV drip of Adderall which doesnt make for compelling TV. Sheesh, I don't like to listen to Trump speeches but Biden so so much worse. It will be an interesting set of debates between Corn Pop and The Tang Menace. If I had money to bet, Corn Pop isn't going to do well.

Yes, 2020 is all about The DNC telling Corn Pop who is VP is. It will be very interesting to see if it's Warren or Harris - both toxic picks IMHO, perhaps someone under the radar no one really is thinking about. They run the risk of "Palin-izing" the entire election with a curveball choice. If either of the Rice's (Susan or Condoleezza), it's game over for Biden as well.

Live by identity politics, die by identity politics.

My .02c
Soylent Green Is People said:
Yes, 2020 is all about The DNC telling Corn Pop who is VP is. It will be very interesting to see if it's Warren or Harris - both toxic picks IMHO, perhaps someone under the radar no one really is thinking about. They run the risk of "Palin-izing" the entire election with a curveball choice. If either of the Rice's (Susan or Condoleezza), it's game over for Biden as well.
Harris is not very well recognized at the federal level. She needs to spend a few more terms in the Senate, sponsor a few more liberal bills, then there will be her time to shine.
Warren, in my view, is the front-runner. Self proclaimed Native Indian, self-proclaimed liberal (who basically stole a few Sanders' ideas), she can help Biden to consolidate the far left socialists' votes. If I was betting my wager, I would make my bet on her.
While I wish Warren had a better fighting chance to reform the Banking Services Industry, she is still as phony as a 3 dollar bill. She's also not a POC which will ignite many of the hard left Biden needs in November. Bernie Bro's will fume also because Warren hung out juuuuuusst long enough to kill of Bernie's chances. Had Liawatha dropped out when she should have, the Biden / Bernie race would still be ongoing.

From what I've read many POC can't stand Harris, not just for her duplicity (I was against jailing people before I was for it....pass that blunt please...) but also because she got her job only because she serviced Willy Brown - a married man with children. That's not me accusing her, that's Speaker Brown  himself. A San Francisco / Sacramento liberal isn't going to help Biden given the riots peaceful protests going on.

We should know in July since the debates etc have to get scheduled. "TBA" can't be on the calling card.

My .02c
Soylent Green Is People said:
While I wish Warren had a better fighting chance to reform the Banking Services Industry, she is still as phony as a 3 dollar bill. She's also not a POC which will ignite many of the hard left Biden needs in November. Bernie Bro's will fume also because Warren hung out juuuuuusst long enough to kill of Bernie's chances. Had Liawatha dropped out when she should have, the Biden / Bernie race would still be ongoing.

From what I've read many POC can't stand Harris, not just for her duplicity (I was against jailing people before I was for it....pass that blunt please...) but also because she got her job only because she serviced Willy Brown - a married man with children. That's not me accusing her, that's Speaker Brown  himself. A San Francisco / Sacramento liberal isn't going to help Biden given the riots peaceful protests going on.

We should know in July since the debates etc have to get scheduled. "TBA" can't be on the calling card.

My .02c
Warren is a better choice for the radical left than any other candidate, except the infamous AOC and Sanders himself. :) However, the bartender girl is way too young to get a foot into the establishment club, unless she gets a bartender job there.
Harris is really very controversial candidate for the left, considering her AG job and many of brothas jailed by her DAs.
When Covid-20 rears its head this fall (I don't think it will be an *if*)... how will this affect the elections?

I doubt there will be another lockdown, but this can't be good for the incumbent.

And with the TikTok/K-Pop manipulation of the Tulsa Rally tickets... do you think the 18-25ers will be able to swing the vote?
18-25 as a voting block is typically unreliable. They often don't show up at the polls. They didn't show up for Bernie in the primary.

I think Independents will swing the votes, not the D or R base. This is very evident in the polling #s.

Trump has held 95%+ R approval and Biden has near 90% D approval. The recent changes in the polls, leading to Biden's huge lead over Trump, all came from Independents.

It's a bit of a d?j? vu, like 2016 all over again.

The Dems have a centrist candidate no one is really enthusiastic about, but the polls show he is trouncing Trump.

In 2016, there was a wide delta between what ppl are willing to say publicly vs. what they're saying in private. Is that still the case in 2020?

My guts says no.

irvinehomeowner said:
When Covid-20 rears its head this fall (I don't think it will be an *if*)... how will this affect the elections?

I doubt there will be another lockdown, but this can't be good for the incumbent.

And with the TikTok/K-Pop manipulation of the Tulsa Rally tickets... do you think the 18-25ers will be able to swing the vote?
Dow vs COVID. Whichever prevails the mind of dwellers. Any half-successful vaccine can tilt the scales.
So isn't Trump like 0-4 right now? LBGTQ+, DACA, Bolton book, and Tulsa Rally?

Let's hope he turns it around at Phoenix today... but if he talks about RampAndGlassOfWaterGate again... boo.
irvinehomeowner said:
So isn't Trump like 0-4 right now? LBGTQ+, DACA, Bolton book, and Tulsa Rally?

Let's hope he turns it around at Phoenix today... but if he talks about RampAndGlassOfWaterGate again... boo.
I would probably vote for you, should you decide to run for the office. Note, I am not joking here.
adventurous said:
irvinehomeowner said:
So isn't Trump like 0-4 right now? LBGTQ+, DACA, Bolton book, and Tulsa Rally?

Let's hope he turns it around at Phoenix today... but if he talks about RampAndGlassOfWaterGate again... boo.
I would probably vote for you, should you decide to run for the office. Note, I am not joking here.

Hah. No way... politics is hard. So while there are many things to dislike about politicians, at the same time, what they are doing is much more difficult than a normal job because they are under so much scrutiny so there is a certain admiration for anyone brave enough to be in that type of position.

I tend to side with the right in terms of business, less government and less spending (well... not sure if less spending is a right characteristic anymore)... whereas I'm left when it comes to social issues (although not all of them... as I'm not supportive of things like universal healthcare and welfare state programs).

So this election is going to be tough for me (just like it was 4 years ago).  If the president is a Dem, I'll vote Republican on everything else, and vice versa. Being in Cali, my vote really doesn't mean much, maybe I'll throw it on JoJo. :)
I noticed that politically, my left shoulder touches your right one. I am a little bit more conservative, that makes a few argument sparks between us, but overall I find your political stance very reasonable.
Should you change you mind about your future carrier change, feel free to let me know. I will stand my word :)
irvinehomeowner said:
So isn't Trump like 0-4 right now? LBGTQ+, DACA, Bolton book, and Tulsa Rally?

Let's hope he turns it around at Phoenix today... but if he talks about RampAndGlassOfWaterGate again... boo.

But he wants to do less testing. Which he confirmed today. While the WH staff said he was just joking.

Trump said he will bomb Bolton. (Whatever that means?)
It is more than 0-4. The tear gas event in DC for a photo, George Floyd lack of response, Trump blamed the 75 year old caucasion guy for getting slammed by the police, covid response, the firing of the SDNY head attorney which Trump appointed because he was investigating Giuliani. [this is just recent events, but somehow important events]

Election is over