The 2020 Presidential Election

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morekaos said:
irvinehomeowner said:
morekaos said:

Dang it!! Every candidate I send my dollar to implodes....well I guess I have to back sleepy Joe frustrating!

Please send money to Charismatic Orange campaign.

He doesn't need my dollar...Biden will receive the cursed bill....

Donald Trump donates his fourth quarter salary of $100,000 to Health and Human Services to help coronavirus efforts
President Trump donated his  2019 fourth quarterly salary to the Department of Health and Human Services
White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham posted an image of the $100,000 check from Trump to HHS Secretary Alex Azar
The money is to help with responding to the continuing coronavirus outbreak
There have been nine deaths in the U.S. related to coronavirus ? all in Washington state ? and there are more than 100 confirmed cases
Trump took a trip to National Institute of Health Tuesday afternoon and returned to the White House later that day with Azar and top immunologist Anthony Fauci
Trump has donated every one of his presidential salary checks since entering office to government agencies or efforts, like fighting the opioid crisis

This says it all, I wish I had written it....

It would take a heart of stone not to laugh at the Democrats' current dilemma.  The party of racial diversity has only white candidates.  The party of youth has only old candidates.  The party's top candidate is an angry, spit-flecked, wild-maned old man who has been a Marxist his entire life, has never held a real job in the private sector, is now hypocritically reveling in the life of a millionaire and can't stop himself from praising grotesque dictators.

And here's the biggest laugh of all: the Democrat party's only hope is a confused old man whose corruption is oozing into the open only because the Democrats wagered everything on impeaching President Trump.

It's very likely that, if the Democrats hadn't been bound and determined to impeach Trump, Gropey Biden's dirty dealings in Ukraine on behalf of his cocaine-snorting, alcohol-chugging, widow-shtupping, stripper-impregnating, deadbeat-dad son would have stayed in the shadows.  However, by choosing Trump's phone call to Ukraine's President Zelensky as the impeachment bridge to die on, the Democrats practically hired a blimp to circle the Super Bowl stadium while trailing a sign saying, "Our preferred candidate for president is corrupt."

Joe Biden has been in politics since 1972.  Behind the good-guy persona is a self-centered, vicious, corrupt man.  It would take a longer blog post than this to detail all the things that stand against him, but here's a short list:

He invented "borking," when he joined with Teddy Kennedy to malign in the crudest, most vicious fashion one of America's leading jurists, Robert Bork.
For decades, he has smeared the reputation of the man who drove the truck involved in the accident that killed Biden's wife and daughter.
He lied about his academic record.
He's plagiarized on at least two occasions, with the second act of plagiarism destroying his first presidential run.
He gropes children.
He has consistently embarrassed female Secret Service agents by swimming naked in front of them.
He's enriched his entire family to the tune of billions of dollars in suspect business deals with Ukraine, China, Costa Rica, Iraq, Kazakhstan, and Russia, all countries in Biden's portfolio as vice president.
And note, please, that the above list has nothing to do with Biden's political stands, which, while hewing left, are all over the board, drifting with the political winds.  His only consistent position has been to hate the Second Amendment.  He's just another leftist who prefers to govern over disarmed subjects.

It will be interesting, to say the least, to see what comes out of Ukraine as the campaign progresses, especially if the Democrats succeed in wresting a primary victory out of Bernie the Red's clutches and bestowing it on Biden.
morekaos said:
OK, I have evolved and am abandoning my support of Marianne Williamson (I want my dollar back) and throwing my considerable resources behind Iron Eyes Cody.  She will be, without a doubt, the most fun to watch get thumped like a deerskin drum at the debates.  My dollar is on its way!

Elizabeth Warren will drop out of the 2020 presidential race after disappointing Super Tuesday showing

My Cursed dollar claims another victim...Biden cashed the check today!!
morekaos said:
morekaos said:
OK, I have evolved and am abandoning my support of Marianne Williamson (I want my dollar back) and throwing my considerable resources behind Iron Eyes Cody.  She will be, without a doubt, the most fun to watch get thumped like a deerskin drum at the debates.  My dollar is on its way!

Elizabeth Warren will drop out of the 2020 presidential race after disappointing Super Tuesday showing

My Cursed dollar claims another victim...Biden cashed the check today!!

i knew it looked smoky this morning...
Irvinecommuter said:
morekaos said:
If that?s the demo you are depending can have them. As I said before, have you ever had a conversation with an 18-20 year old about politics? It?s shocking how uninformed and malleable they are. Even the educated ones I love are not only breathtakingly ignorant of even a basic idea of how our political system works. Not only that, they are lazy, they?ll be happy to bend your ear with an opinion but few will take the time to vote or even register (which they don?t know they have to do ahead of time, LOL). Good luck with can have them, I?ll take them later when they start paying taxes and actually vote.

Okay...ignore at your own peril. 

This demo is so consistent. If the Dems are relying on the "youth vote" to save them they will be disappointed again...

Many young voters sat out Super Tuesday, contributing to Bernie Sanders' losses

The lackluster showing is sure to fire up the long-standing assessments of election experts who say young voters? energy rarely matches their turnout on Election Day. It also undercuts Sanders? argument that he is best suited to defeat President Donald Trump in November.
the irony is that there are actually more older voters now due to an aging population.

but the youth will save them! 

you can vote on your iphone, right?
Mety said:
What does this picture mean?

Am I too young to know what every old American knows?
That is a picture of Red Guards beating up an older gentleman.

During the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, one of the most famous ?movements? of the 20th Century, Chairman Mao encouraged idealistic youth to attack their elders because older Chinese were not enthusiastic enough about socialism. So young people in China organized themselves into Red Guards, sort of like Bernie Bros of the 1960s, and roamed the country beating up and humiliating older people. You know the old saying, the beatings will continue until everyone is happy.
Happiness said:
Mety said:
What does this picture mean?

Am I too young to know what every old American knows?
That is a picture of Red Guards beating up an older gentleman.

During the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, one of the most famous ?movements? of the 20th Century, Chairman Mao encouraged idealistic youth to attack their elders because older Chinese were not enthusiastic enough about socialism. So young people in China organized themselves into Red Guards, sort of like Bernie Bros of the 1960s, and roamed the country beating up and humiliating older people. You know the old saying, the beatings will continue until everyone is happy.

My grandmother's family owned a small and simple farm in China back then, until the Communists came & confiscated everything and publicly condemned them as traitors, and greedy capitalist pigs. To this day, she refuses to go into all the details because of the childhood trauma. I'm sure that something like this must have happened to them as well.

It's a disgrace that America doesn't condemn this today like they condemned the Nazi's.
So Biden will have to pick a woman and complete his transformation into Mondale/Ferraro in the 1984 Presidential race with Ronnie.  Who will co-captin the Titanic? The outcome will be the same wipe out..History may not play the same song but the melody is unmistakable.

Media launch veepstakes chatter: Biden needs a woman, but which one?

Second, the choice should, and almost surely will, be a woman. After watching a diverse field of promising candidates dwindle to two old white men, Democratic voters will insist on that.

But .?.?. which woman?

As with the vast presidential field a year ago, there is a surfeit of talent. And as with that field, when you start to examine possibilities one by one, inevitably you see weaknesses as well as strengths. That?s human nature.

You start with the senators who gained stature and name recognition competing on the presidential stage: Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.), Kamala D. Harris (Calif.), Amy Klobuchar (Minn.), Elizabeth Warren (Mass.). The flip side: They all lost, and they all had time to rub at least some voters the wrong way.
I'm sure Biden would get along real well with Katie Hill but the GSA cleaners would probably not appreciate cleaning up all the bong water stains from the Great Seal carpet in the oval office.

morekaos said:
So Biden will have to pick a woman and complete his transformation into Mondale/Ferraro in the 1984 Presidential race with Ronnie.  Who will co-captin the Titanic? The outcome will be the same wipe out..History may not play the same song but the melody is unmistakable.

Media launch veepstakes chatter: Biden needs a woman, but which one?

Second, the choice should, and almost surely will, be a woman. After watching a diverse field of promising candidates dwindle to two old white men, Democratic voters will insist on that.

But .?.?. which woman?

As with the vast presidential field a year ago, there is a surfeit of talent. And as with that field, when you start to examine possibilities one by one, inevitably you see weaknesses as well as strengths. That?s human nature.

You start with the senators who gained stature and name recognition competing on the presidential stage: Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.), Kamala D. Harris (Calif.), Amy Klobuchar (Minn.), Elizabeth Warren (Mass.). The flip side: They all lost, and they all had time to rub at least some voters the wrong way.
Smith senses weakness now moves to absorb Sleepy Joe.

AOC refused to publicly back Bernie and rejected multiple invitations to speak at Sanders rallies after he promoted endorsement of 'anti-trans' podcaster Joe Rogan

Congresswoman declined numerous invites from Sanders campaign to speak
Since February, AOC appeared at just two campaign rallies for Sanders 
Source said getting her to speak in New Hampshire was 'like pulling teeth'
Sanders campaign was upset by AOC's remarks during January event in Iowa
At Iowa event, AOC urged public to notify others when ICE was present in area
Sanders campaign chief denied report he admonished AOC over ICE comments
AOC reportedly upset by Sanders' campaign touting endorsement by Joe Rogan
Rogan, a known podcaster, made controversial comments about trans people
Haven't been on for a few months and I forgot how toxic this forum is.
I don't even like Bernie but come on.
Seriously equating Bernie to Mao and Nazi who actually killed millions???
It's fine to love trump and/or dislike socialism.
But this is just nonsense.
