The 2020 Presidential Election

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irvinehomeowner said:
I actually wish that the Dems would nominate a female candidate (well... other than "her").

It's time for a woman prez in office!

I'd love to have a leader like Mrs. Thatcher. My favorite Thatcher quote: "socialism works great until you run out of other people's money."
morekaos said:
I would vote for Nikki Haley.  She would check a bunch of Dem boxes.

She'd never survive primaries, both parties are dominated by their Ralph Kramden contingent.

Now quick, to twitter to voice the outrage.

Side note: Klobuchar threw her towel in before exit polls even popped.  The establishment must be doing the hard sell.  Or she got a dose of reality in SC that made it through the campaign bubble.
nosuchreality said:
morekaos said:
I would vote for Nikki Haley.  She would check a bunch of Dem boxes.

She'd never survive primaries, both parties are dominated by their Ralph Kramden contingent.

Now quick, to twitter to voice the outrage.

Side note: Klobuchar threw her towel in before exit polls even popped.  The establishment must be doing the hard sell.  Or she got a dose of reality in SC that made it through the campaign bubble.

The fake Trump supporter that makes comments and does not respond when I reply. Get out of here!

According to Noreality you should be scared of the seasonal flu.
(Where is the cough syrup?)
So the party of "inclusiveness" is down to 3 old white guys...DOOMED!! I love it!!!

Buttigieg set to endorse Biden

Former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg is set to endorse former Vice President Joe Biden in the Democratic presidential race one day after ending his own bid, according to a source close to the Biden campaign.

Buttigieg's planned endorsement comes as fellow moderate Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) also throws her support behind Biden after dropping out of the race Monday.

The latest endorsements for Biden point to a consolidation of the moderate lane of the Democratic race in an effort to block progressive Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) from getting the nomination.
there are two realistic outcomes now for the left on this one:

1) bernie wins out and becomes the dem nominee.  millennials rejoice because free stuff, but in the end independents vote for trump because nobody wants a soviet-loving socialist to run the country.  trump wins.

2) biden is the nominee and we get hilldog 2.0. a million bernie bros cry out in despair as they decide to stay home on election day or vote for trump to spite the democrat party.  trump wins.
Big Super Tuesday question I'm looking to be answered on Wednesday AM - how many "moderates" will Bloomberg take away from Biden. Will he prevent Biden from getting enough delegates in some states like North Carolina?

Since Bernie is going to get squeezed out by the establishment again, will Biden pick Klobuchar or Mayor Pete as a VP? If not Biden as the nom, who will Bloomberg pick for VP?

We live in interesting times, don't we?

My .02c 
morekaos said:
Gonna be just like Reagen v Mondale...wipeout!

Chris Matthews: If Bernie Gets Democrat Nomination ?We?ll Lose 49 States? Against Trump

?They?ve got to get out there and say I disagree with socialism; I believe in the markets; I think he?s wrong,? Matthew said. ?I think you?ll never get it done and this country will never go that direction, by the way we?ll lose forty nine states.?

Cancel culture takes another scalp for stepping out of line..

Chris Matthews announces retirement, mutually parts ways with MSNBC

Matthews was due to retire in the near future with the events of the past week playing a factor in the timing of the move, an MSNBC spokesperson said.
The last stand against Smith and a total takeover....

Joe Biden is joined on stage by Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar AND Beto O'Rourke as he unveils key endorsements hours before Super Tuesday - and says the former mayor 'reminds me of Beau'

Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, and Beto O'Rourke endorsed Joe Biden
Endorsements give Biden momentum along with a show of force and party unity ahead of Super Tuesday contests
'I'm looking for a leader, I'm looking for a president who will draw out what is best in each of us,' Buttigieg said in his endorsement
Klobuchar appealed for party unity
?If we spend the next four months dividing our party and going at each other, we will spend the next four years watching Donald Trump tear apart this country'
'We need somebody who can beat Donald Trump,' O'Rourke said
14 states will vote Tuesday with 1,357 delegates, a third of the total up for grabs
Kings said:
there are two realistic outcomes now for the left on this one:

1) bernie wins out and becomes the dem nominee.  millennials rejoice because free stuff, but in the end independents vote for trump because nobody wants a soviet-loving socialist to run the country.  trump wins.

2) biden is the nominee and we get hilldog 2.0. a million bernie bros cry out in despair as they decide to stay home on election day or vote for trump to spite the democrat party.  trump wins.

To your point...history may not repeat the song but the melody is still familiar.

I worked hard for McGovern and he was doomed. Sanders backers, please don't repeat 1972.
McGovern spoke to my teen aspirations for wholesale change in US foreign and domestic policies. My generation went for broke and woke up empty handed.

Back in 1972, when I was a teenager, I campaigned my heart out for Sen. George McGovern, who ran hard to the left of the other Democratic candidates in the presidential primaries. His message of ending the Vietnam War and eradicating income inequality resonated deeply with young people like me. McGovern secured the Democratic nomination only to lose the popular vote by the most lopsided landslide in presidential politics to President Richard (?Tricky Dick?) Nixon.

I?m telling my story because, as philosopher George Santayana said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

I know many young people feel as strongly about Sen. Bernie Sanders as I once did about McGovern. All I can say is this: Please do not make the same mistake that my generation did and let a promise for transformational change blind you to the effectiveness of ?realpolitik.?
morekaos said:
Feel the Bern?!!!!  Go Bernie, Go!!  He is bat$#it crazy....I love him and may just vote for him in Cali!!

Bernie's magic numbers: Socialist Sanders dramatically produces his 'detailed' $40 TRILLION spending plans that will be funded by lawsuits against the fossil fuel industry, slashing military spending and taxing Wall Street

with CNN's Chris Cuomo in Charleston
Sanders was asked how he intends to pay for ambitious social programs
Democratic front runner pulled out paper from jacket and handed it to Cuomo 
His campaign then posted detailed policy proposals on its web site
The plan suggests Sanders intends to shell out at least $40 trillion on his plans
Sanders wants to tax the ultra-wealthy and raise trillions of dollars in revenue
He says the money would then be used to fund universal health care
Sanders also wants to fund Green New Deal by suing fossil fuel industry

Dang it!! Every candidate I send my dollar to implodes....well I guess I have to back sleepy Joe frustrating!
Do you think if warren dropped out, sanders would have done better?
klob & buti dropped out to give biden a boost.
zubs said:
Do you think if warren dropped out, sanders would have done better?
klob & buti dropped out to give biden a boost.

If Bloomberg dropped out, Biden would get 95% of those votes and Biden would have won California.

I?m not confident that all Warren supporters will move to Bernie if she drops out, but we?ll probably find out this week.
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
Soylent Green Is People said:
Fun article, however the key point IMHO is deep within the piece....

Since November through end of January, Hard Mike has spent well over $400m. That's about $150m or so every 30 days to shoehorn his way into this election cycle. Another perspective (if my math is right) it's about 0.70 percent of his $64B net worth and will likely regenerate itself within a brief window of time. At current rate, and if he gets the nomination, his spending PLUS The DNC spending should be in the $2-3B arena once the dust settles.

Amazing stuff.

My .02c

Money better spent expanding his business and creating wealth for him and others.  This money goes down a rat-hole.

Another double standard.
It is okay if Trump or the GOP to spend money on ads.
But when mike does it. It?s not fair or waste of money.

Well, can't say I didn't tell you so.  American Samoa for $500,000,000.00 is not a great way to deploy assets or a great rate of return on investment. Translation....Waste.
irvinehomeowner said:
morekaos said:

Dang it!! Every candidate I send my dollar to implodes....well I guess I have to back sleepy Joe frustrating!

Please send money to Charismatic Orange campaign.

He doesn't need my dollar...Biden will receive the cursed bill....

Donald Trump donates his fourth quarter salary of $100,000 to Health and Human Services to help coronavirus efforts
President Trump donated his  2019 fourth quarterly salary to the Department of Health and Human Services
White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham posted an image of the $100,000 check from Trump to HHS Secretary Alex Azar
The money is to help with responding to the continuing coronavirus outbreak
There have been nine deaths in the U.S. related to coronavirus ? all in Washington state ? and there are more than 100 confirmed cases
Trump took a trip to National Institute of Health Tuesday afternoon and returned to the White House later that day with Azar and top immunologist Anthony Fauci
Trump has donated every one of his presidential salary checks since entering office to government agencies or efforts, like fighting the opioid crisis