The 2020 Presidential Election

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Last time you check in, you were vying for 30K run up for the dow.

Now you have an expert predict this "Stocks could drop 40%," says Nouriel Roubini.

Your hope is all but hopes. By the way Trump have stopped his tweet about now is a good time to get back into the market. I guess he woked up after 20% crash, we only half way there.

Tulsi Gabbard finally succumbed, calling it quits and backing Joe. Sanders is next to sunset his campaign. It's only a matter of time IMHO

Why does this all seem like an poor mans version of "Survivor"? Outwit, Outplay, Outlast.... and in the end the Old guy wins?

My .02c
What doesn?t kill you makes you stronger....

Trump's approval rating has JUMPED five points to 49 per cent - matching his all time high - as voters signal they are happy with how he has handled the coronavirus crisis

Poll found that 49% of Americans approve of the job Trump is doing as president
Unusually, the rise appears to be among people of all political persuasions
It is not uncommon for a president's ratings to increase during a national crisis
Trump declared national emergency March 13, freeing up billions in resources
He has also pledged to invoke the Korean War-era Defense Production Act
He drew criticism this week for apparently rushing to end lockdowns, saying America would be 'open for business' very soon
[url][/url] are gonna owe me your government loan money. >:D

President Trump Job Approval

RCP Average 3/11 - 3/24 -- 46.3 49.8 -3.5
Gallup 3/13 - 3/22 1020 A 49 45 +4
Economist/YouGov 3/22 - 3/24 1170 RV 47 51 -4
The Hill/HarrisX 3/22 - 3/23 1002 RV 50 50 Tie
Politico/Morning Consult 3/20 - 3/22 1996 RV 45 52 -7
Monmouth 3/18 - 3/22 754 RV 48 48 Tie
Say what you will about POTUS 45, but there are many on one side yelling "Why wasn't Trump doing ANYTHING about this pandemic in January or February!!!!"

I seem to remember a constitutional crisis event running through both the House and Senate over a phone call during those same two months. Perhaps if that issue wasn't played out over weeks and weeks the Country could have been, oh, I dunno, more focused on important issues.

Seems like an eternity ago, but it's been roughly 5 weeks back since the House D's were looking to push POTUS 45 out the door.

What interesting times we live in.
Many Americans disagree...

A lot of Americans like Trump's handling of crisis

(CNN)As the coronavirus crisis unfolds and media and Democratic bashing of President Donald Trump continues, a curious thing is happening -- his numbers are going up.
The Gallup poll this week recorded its highest ever job approval for the President (49% approve, versus 45% who don't). Likewise, Trump is generally getting decent marks on his handling of the pandemic, with Gallup showing 60% approval on the subject.
The question is -- why? Trump has lived in a very tight job-approval zone for most of his presidency, hovering around 42-43% among registered and likely voters. But today, FiveThirtyEight's Trump job approval tracker shows him with an average approval of 44.9% and the RealClearPolitics tracker has him at 46.3%.
I don't mean to get all political, but even just from a non-political stand point of view, anyone really thinks Joe Biden would be a better President than Trump?  ;D
As I've told others, I'm thrilled to have a Businessman at the helm rather than a Government Lawyer with zero real world experience.

Substitute "Reality Game Show Host" for "Businessman" if you prefer. The end result is the same.

November 2020? Who know... but for now we're doing better in some ways, worse in others, but still on whole heading in a right direction.
With the constant drip....drip...drip of
sexual assault accusations against Biden, articles suggesting that he step aside by the NYT and other outlets, unexplained technical issues with his virtual town halls making Joe and his team look like bumbling fools, does anyone else feel like this is an orchestrated campaign to force Joe off the ticket?

Assuming this is the case, who will replace him, and at what cost to their chance of winning in November?

My .02c
Soylent Green Is People said:
With the constant drip....drip...drip of
sexual assault accusations against Biden, articles suggesting that he step aside by the NYT and other outlets, unexplained technical issues with his virtual town halls making Joe and his team look like bumbling fools, does anyone else feel like this is an orchestrated campaign to force Joe off the ticket?

Assuming this is the case, who will replace him, and at what cost to their chance of winning in November?

My .02c

But her story changed a lot.