The 2020 Presidential Election

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Kings said:
morekaos said:
So Russia wants them both to win? ;D

U.S. officials tell Bernie Sanders that Russia is trying to HELP with his 2020 presidential campaign

Sanders was told about Russia's interference in his campaign in a briefing
Trump and other lawmakers have also been informed of their involvement

quick, get the fisa court on this one so we can wiretap bernie's campaign and put all of his businesses under a microscope, then hire a special prosecutor for $40m of taxpayer money to determine if he's a russian asset!

Thanks for your reminder. You still haven?t respond to my comment regarding your spying claim.
eyephone said:
Kings said:
morekaos said:
So Russia wants them both to win? ;D

U.S. officials tell Bernie Sanders that Russia is trying to HELP with his 2020 presidential campaign

Sanders was told about Russia's interference in his campaign in a briefing
Trump and other lawmakers have also been informed of their involvement

quick, get the fisa court on this one so we can wiretap bernie's campaign and put all of his businesses under a microscope, then hire a special prosecutor for $40m of taxpayer money to determine if he's a russian asset!

Thanks for your reminder. You still haven?t respond to my comment regarding your spying claim.

doesn't that really razz your berries?
Of the free everything people on stage, IMHO, Bernie is the realist that undrestands it works via a 60% top tax bracket applied to everyone making over $55K, like Denmark.

Fighting with Bernie will just energize Trump. Having Elizabeth Warren harangue him like Bloomberg and Trump won't get on the same stage more than once, he can't take it, his skin is too thin.  The question, IMHo, is if the dems can figure it out that you don't policy debate Trump just belittle every continuous falsehood out of his mouth.

Having a woman do it, IMHO is doubly insulting to him.
nosuchreality said:
Of the free everything people on stage, IMHO, Bernie is the realist that undrestands it works via a 60% top tax bracket applied to everyone making over $55K, like Denmark.

Fighting with Bernie will just energize Trump. Having Elizabeth Warren harangue him like Bloomberg and Trump won't get on the same stage more than once, he can't take it, his skin is too thin.  The question, IMHo, is if the dems can figure it out that you don't policy debate Trump just belittle every continuous falsehood out of his mouth.

Having a woman do it, IMHO is doubly insulting to him.

This is coming from the same guy who blamed nationwide drug problem on the homeless. Your rep is becoming like Morekas. Lol
morekaos said:
Bernie is going to win. Dems cannot afford to look biased after stealing the nomination from him in 2016.  They are coming to the realization that Trump is going to be re-elected.  Bernie affords them an acceptable sacrifice and they can build support behind another (Probably Butteggegegeg) for a 2024 challenge. 

Wow, I see the future again...

MSNBC's Chris Matthews speculates Democrats may be better off with Trump as president than Sanders

MSNBC host Chris Matthews wondered if the Democratic Party would be better off if President Trump wins reelection rather than if Sen. Bernie Sanders takes over the White House.

Matthews, 74, brought up the possibility that centrist Democrats may prefer Trump over the socialist Sanders during the network's Saturday afternoon coverage of the Nevada caucuses. The host of Hardball with Chris Matthews was leading a conversation about how centrist candidates were splitting the vote, likely a detriment to one another but a benefit for Sanders.

"I?m wondering whether the Democratic moderates want Bernie Sanders to be president," he said. "That?s maybe too exciting a question to raise. They don?t like Trump at all. Do they want Bernie Sanders to take over the Democratic Party in perpetuity? I mean, he takes it over, he sets the direction of the future of the party ? maybe they?d rather wait four years and put in a Democrat that they like."
Actually I already said this and IHO made a comment. (Please read previous posts)

morekaos said:
morekaos said:
Bernie is going to win. Dems cannot afford to look biased after stealing the nomination from him in 2016.  They are coming to the realization that Trump is going to be re-elected.  Bernie affords them an acceptable sacrifice and they can build support behind another (Probably Butteggegegeg) for a 2024 challenge. 

Wow, I see the future again...

MSNBC's Chris Matthews speculates Democrats may be better off with Trump as president than Sanders

MSNBC host Chris Matthews wondered if the Democratic Party would be better off if President Trump wins reelection rather than if Sen. Bernie Sanders takes over the White House.

Matthews, 74, brought up the possibility that centrist Democrats may prefer Trump over the socialist Sanders during the network's Saturday afternoon coverage of the Nevada caucuses. The host of Hardball with Chris Matthews was leading a conversation about how centrist candidates were splitting the vote, likely a detriment to one another but a benefit for Sanders.

"I?m wondering whether the Democratic moderates want Bernie Sanders to be president," he said. "That?s maybe too exciting a question to raise. They don?t like Trump at all. Do they want Bernie Sanders to take over the Democratic Party in perpetuity? I mean, he takes it over, he sets the direction of the future of the party ? maybe they?d rather wait four years and put in a Democrat that they like."
Feel the Bern?!!!!  Go Bernie, Go!!  He is bat$#it crazy....I love him and may just vote for him in Cali!!

Bernie's magic numbers: Socialist Sanders dramatically produces his 'detailed' $40 TRILLION spending plans that will be funded by lawsuits against the fossil fuel industry, slashing military spending and taxing Wall Street

with CNN's Chris Cuomo in Charleston
Sanders was asked how he intends to pay for ambitious social programs
Democratic front runner pulled out paper from jacket and handed it to Cuomo 
His campaign then posted detailed policy proposals on its web site
The plan suggests Sanders intends to shell out at least $40 trillion on his plans
Sanders wants to tax the ultra-wealthy and raise trillions of dollars in revenue
He says the money would then be used to fund universal health care
Sanders also wants to fund Green New Deal by suing fossil fuel industry
morekaos said:
Feel the Bern?!!!!  Go Bernie, Go!!  He is bat$#it crazy....I love him and may just vote for him in Cali!!

Bernie's magic numbers: Socialist Sanders dramatically produces his 'detailed' $40 TRILLION spending plans that will be funded by lawsuits against the fossil fuel industry, slashing military spending and taxing Wall Street

with CNN's Chris Cuomo in Charleston
Sanders was asked how he intends to pay for ambitious social programs
Democratic front runner pulled out paper from jacket and handed it to Cuomo 
His campaign then posted detailed policy proposals on its web site
The plan suggests Sanders intends to shell out at least $40 trillion on his plans
Sanders wants to tax the ultra-wealthy and raise trillions of dollars in revenue
He says the money would then be used to fund universal health care
Sanders also wants to fund Green New Deal by suing fossil fuel industry
If lawsuits and taxes fail win class enemies' cooperation, you can always just line them up against the wall.
Watching them eat their own is macabre but entertaining...

Registered Democrats Sue to Kick Commie Bernie Sanders Off Ballot in Florida

Two Florida Democrats are suing to block Bernie Sanders from running as a Democrat in the state?s March 17 presidential primary.

In the lawsuit filed Monday in circuit court in Leon County, the plaintiffs ask that Sanders be disqualified from the Democratic primary because he?s a declared independent.

The Florida Democratic Party labeled the complaint ?ridiculous,? and the Sanders campaign called it ?spurious.?

The complaint also seeks to prevent state election officials from counting any votes Sanders has already received. More than 244,000 Democrats have already voted by mail in Florida.

Karen Gievers, a former circuit court judge representing Frank Bach and George Brown, both Tallahassee Democrats, said Sanders should not be allowed on the Democratic ballot.
Slow realization of the inevitable...

Bill Clinton has 'vented' to friends that Democrats face being wiped out in November if Bernie Sanders wins primary - while Barack Obama pitches 'unified support' of the nominee

Democratic Party leaders are sweating over the prospect of Democratic nominee Bernie Sanders, who might lose to President Trump in November
They're also worried about a brokered convention leading to a fractured party, if Sanders doesn't amass 50 per cent of the pledged delegates needed to win
The New York Times reported that former President Bill Clinton has been calling old friends and venting about Sanders, who he thinks will lose to Trump
The Times also reported Democrats have been asking former President Barack Obama to get involved in brokering a deal between Sanders and the party
Obama declined and on Thursday sent out a fundraising email that had a central theme of showing 'unified support' for the Democratic nominee
Superdelegates interviewed by The Times floated convention scenarios in which a candidate who's not currently running could be the nominee
Names brought up included Sens. Sherrod Brown and Kamala Harris, and also Michelle Obama as vice president 
Anyone else ready to raise their hand and acknowledge
how thankful they are that Tom Steyer dropped out?

Best take so far "(Steyer's).. mid-life crises masquerading as a Presidential campaign has ended..."

My paraphrase.

Where does a Steyer voter go now?  Bloomberg?

My .02c
It?s wierd, I have seen and heard tons of Steyer commercials both on the radio and TV. Guess they have to play out the ad buy even thoug he has already dropped out... like I said about waste of money but as long as it?s theirs it?s OK with me. ;D