The 2020 Presidential Election

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irvinehomeowner said:
Kings said:
irvinehomeowner said:
I thought Obama was a very moral man

is spying on your political opponent moral?


So you've never cheated on anything in your entire life?

We're talking about morality not perfection.

nothing is black and white.  so because i cheated on my hypothetical third grade math quiz, it's okay for obama to spy on the trump campaign?

if we're excusing obama, then we can certainly excuse trump for making america great again  ;)
King avoids me regarding his spy allegation because I?m correct. (Super genius)
He fails to consider the actions of Trumps transition team.

Select memory. Just think the things you want to think about, and forget the rest happened.
Think I'll Stir the pot... >:D

Mr. President! Too Much ? WINNING ? Can?t ? Take It ?

It just doesn?t stop now. The winning has become EXHAUSTING.

In the last couple of weeks, the winning hit Mach 5:

Trump bug-splatters Iranian terrorist mastermind Quesadilla Soleimani In Iraq
Trump beats the impeachment like the rented donkey it was
Trump sees the economy and jobs reports to one historic high after another
Trump thumps the federal-judge injunction brigade and gets his money for the border wall
Trump sees record number of federal judges confirmed by the Senate
Trump gets the emoluments lawsuit against him thrown out in the street
Trump knocks the SOTU Address out of the ballpark and simultaneously makes Nan-Nan Pelosi look like an epic jerk
Trump helps Brexit across the finish line
(I?m sure there are some I?m blanking right now, but forgive me, my head is spinning ?)

As for the president?s opponents, as I look at the headlines:

Trump super-hater Jussie Smollett just indicted on six counts for his (alleged) hate hoax targeting the president and his supporters
Rep. Elijah ?This President Is Racism? Cummings still dead and likely to remain so
The whole NATIONS of China and its proxy North Korea hit with a MASSIVE health catastrophe
Robert De Niro?s Oscar-bait movie ?The Irishman? ignored at the Academy Awards in spite of De Niro?s pious ?F?k Trump!? outbursts to the choir
The anti-Trump Academy Awards and the Golden Globes hit record-low viewership this year
Michael Bloomberg just exposed on tape basically saying black people are the only ones who need policing
The Democrat caucuses LITERALLY falling apart
This is classic manipulation. Whenever I prove a good point. They post a huge article. Lol

Btw: people read my posts because I am a super genius  :D
Kings said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Kings said:
irvinehomeowner said:
I thought Obama was a very moral man

is spying on your political opponent moral?


So you've never cheated on anything in your entire life?

We're talking about morality not perfection.

nothing is black and white.  so because i cheated on my hypothetical third grade math quiz, it's okay for obama to spy on the trump campaign?

if we're excusing obama, then we can certainly excuse trump for making america great again  ;)

I'm not excusing anyone.

I'm saying no one is perfect, everyone has cheated, sinned, etc... to what level varies by person, job, or whatever profile you can apply.

It's all relative, just like you think that cheating in the 3rd grade may not be immoral, a 3rd grader may not think spying on a political opponent as immoral either.

Who do you think are "moral" presidents?
irvinehomeowner said:
Kings said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Kings said:
irvinehomeowner said:
I thought Obama was a very moral man

is spying on your political opponent moral?


So you've never cheated on anything in your entire life?

We're talking about morality not perfection.

nothing is black and white.  so because i cheated on my hypothetical third grade math quiz, it's okay for obama to spy on the trump campaign?

if we're excusing obama, then we can certainly excuse trump for making america great again  ;)

I'm not excusing anyone.

I'm saying no one is perfect, everyone has cheated, sinned, etc... to what level varies by person, job, or whatever profile you can apply.

It's all relative, just like you think that cheating in the 3rd grade may not be immoral, a 3rd grader may not think spying on a political opponent as immoral either.

Who do you think are "moral" presidents?

i never said cheating in 3rd grade wasn't immoral.  i insinuated that cheating/spying/(insert immoral activity) is, like you said, relative.  you cannot compare an 8 year old cheating on an inconsequential math quiz to trying to spin the results of a presidential election.  to do so, and to try to compare it to the way a 3rd grader thinks, would be completely disingenuous.

i honestly couldn't care less if a president was "moral" or not.  most of them, as does anyone in this world, do things to benefit themselves over anyone else.  it's human nature.  the president isn't my friend, he's not my wife, and he's not my offspring.  i don't need him to be any of those things.  i need a president that's effective and makes life better for me and everyone of this great nation.  so far, he's done that.
eyephone said:
King avoids me regarding his spy allegation because I?m correct. (Super genius)
He fails to consider the actions of Trumps transition team.

Select memory. Just think the things you want to think about, and forget the rest happened.

But he can?t respond to me. Because I?m like totally correct. He must be a super light weight.
Morality is a concept that changes over time and place. It wasn't immoral to own slaves in 1787 but it is now. What is moral in West Hollywood is not necessarily moral in Norman, Oklahoma. I think what you are really asking is whether a POTUS should have empathy. Empathy does not change over time and place. Yes, I believe a good leader should have empathy.
I can agree morality changes over time but I guess I'm just applying what is moral at the time we are talking about.

Regardless of definition or relativity, I stand by my what I said... a president should have some level of morality even if they go against it.
I think we can all agree that Jimmy Carter was and is a very moral person. Unlike modern virtue signalers, Carter has for decades been quietly doing charitable work, sometimes at great risk to his own life. Yet his presidency was marred by sky high interest rates, slow growth, inflation, high gas prices, and he didn't fight back when critics, sometimes unfairly, criticized his decisions. For Carter, being a moral man did not help him be an effective POTUS.
Job Description of The President

The Constitution assigns the president two roles: chief executive of the federal government and Commander in Chief of the armed forces. As Commander in Chief, the president has the authority to send troops into combat, and is the only one who can decide whether to use nuclear weapons.

As chief executive, he enforces laws, treaties, and court rulings; develops federal policies; prepares the national budget; and appoints federal officials. He also approves or vetoes acts of Congress and grants pardons.

source from:

BTW their yearly salary is $400k. They gotta work at least 3 years to buy an attached condo Delano from Eastwood in full cash.
Kings said:
i need a president that's effective and makes life better for me and everyone of this great nation.

I guess it matters to me not just the what but the how and why. It's more than being effective, it's the method and manner. Life may be better for you but not for everyone.

so far, he's done that.

But at what cost?
Happiness said:
I think we can all agree that Jimmy Carter was and is a very moral person. Unlike modern virtue signalers, Carter has for decades been quietly doing charitable work, sometimes at great risk to his own life. Yet his presidency was marred by sky high interest rates, slow growth, inflation, high gas prices, and he didn't fight back when critics, sometimes unfairly, criticized his decisions. For Carter, being a moral man did not help him be an effective POTUS.

I think there were some effective things that Carter was responsible for.
irvinehomeowner said:
Kings said:
i need a president that's effective and makes life better for me and everyone of this great nation.

I guess it matters to me not just the what but the how and why. It's more than being effective, it's the method and manner. Life may be better for you but not for everyone.

so far, he's done that.

But at what cost?

To start 1.5 trillions tax cut, primary for .....yes yes everyone, right? The rich surely get their so call even share. 1% for the rich = A thousands % for the poor, except the poor get less much much less than that.
Everything is relative. 

Someone asked me how to become rich.  I said hang out with people poorer than you.
You just gotta compare yourself to the people eating pagpag...then you're rich as hell.