The 2020 Presidential Election

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Mety said:
If you like Trump's new tax plan, you're rich. If you don't, you're not. Is that fair, CV?

That is fair to say that. This tax plan heavily favor corps and the big guys. Evidence, in the stock/ equities market.

While in my tax case it favors landlords overall.

The tax favor small and private landlords and easy write off.

The 5 % annual increase plus inflation, in my opinion is a huge win for landlord. Before landlord has to justify the increase, now all they have to do is point to the law. It said here I can increase 5 % and by the way inflation is 2 %. So there I am following the law.
Compressed-Village said:
Mety said:
If you like Trump's new tax plan, you're rich. If you don't, you're not. Is that fair, CV?

That is fair to say that. This tax plan heavily favor corps and the big guys. Evidence, in the stock/ equities market.

While in my tax case it favors landlords overall.

The tax favor small and private landlords and easy write off.

The 5 % annual increase plus inflation, in my opinion is a huge win for landlord. Before landlord has to justify the increase, now all they have to do is point to the law. It said here I can increase 5 % and by the way inflation is 2 %. So there I am following the law.

1. First of all the top big companies are paying nothing or close to nothing because they are too smart. The new tax plan supposed to get rid of that, but Trump has done nothing. Mean while stores are closing down left and right. It%u2019s not a fair playing field or something. I dont know what it is. Lack of crackdown or the new tax law if flawed to begin with.

2. Why not mention the cap on SALT? The cap on stale and local taxes. In my opinion slowed down RE market.
eyephone said:
Compressed-Village said:
Mety said:
If you like Trump's new tax plan, you're rich. If you don't, you're not. Is that fair, CV?

That is fair to say that. This tax plan heavily favor corps and the big guys. Evidence, in the stock/ equities market.

While in my tax case it favors landlords overall.

The tax favor small and private landlords and easy write off.

The 5 % annual increase plus inflation, in my opinion is a huge win for landlord. Before landlord has to justify the increase, now all they have to do is point to the law. It said here I can increase 5 % and by the way inflation is 2 %. So there I am following the law.

1. First of all the top big companies are paying nothing or close to nothing because they are too smart. The new tax plan supposed to get rid of that, but Trump has done nothing. Mean while stores are closing down left and right. I don%u2019t know what it is. Lack of crackdown or the new tax law if flawed to begin with.

2. Why not mention the cap on SALT? The cap on stale and local taxes. In my opinion slowed down RE market.

1. I think Amazon actually has taken over lots of businesses. Free and the same day shipping with Premium account is something most people use now days so they can order stuff they want with a touch of a button instantly. It's a matter of time those physical stores will close down eventually. I think this reason has more to do than the new tax plan.

2. While it is a less favorable thing especially in CA to have that SALT cap, I don't think that's the main reason RE is not giving you much appreciation as it used to in 2017-18. Be careful with saying "slow down."  ;)
I guess you can say people were buying online more than stores. But why don?t the big companies pay their share of taxes? Our deficit is at record numbers due to Trumps tax plan.

Also, the middle class got screwed. That?s why he was thinking of doing another tax cut for the middle class. He could of when the Republicans had control over the house and senate. 
Yeah, online thing is where we're headed to. That's why Tesla is doing well. People order "cars" online now days. Could you have imagined that 10 years ago? Online shopping with the same/next day delivery option seems to be the direction of sales and business now.

About political arguments you bring, I'll let the politicians figure that out. 
I asked my middle class secretary if the 2019 trump taxes benefited her.  After some calculations she said she lost $1,500 even after accounting for the higher payments in her semi monthly checks.  She got a $1495 tax return instead of the $3,500 she normally receives.  The extra money she got in her salary check only amounted to $500.
1a. Tesla has nothing to do with the new tax plan.
1b. Maybe you should vent to congress to extend the fed rebate/tax reduction if you buy an electric car.

2. Tesla makes a good product and charges a lot. But people buy it. I would compare it to Apple. But Apple like makes a boat load of money.

3. Political argument? Taxes and the national debt are everybodys problem.

Ordering cars online is not the magic formula. Its the products that they sell. But when all the car makers go electric. I say good luck!
eyephone said:
1a. Tesla has nothing to do with the new tax plan.
1b. Maybe you should vent to congress to extend the fed rebate/tax reduction if you buy an electric car.

2. Tesla makes a good product and charges a lot. But people buy it. I would compare it to Apple. But Apple like makes a boat load of money.

3. Political argument? Taxes and the national debt are everybodys problem.

Ordering cars online is not the magic formula. Its the products that they sell. But when all the car makers go electric. I say good luck!

Another reason to lease! Ride it for 3 years then a new car again.
Gonna be just like Reagen v Mondale...wipeout!

Chris Matthews: If Bernie Gets Democrat Nomination ?We?ll Lose 49 States? Against Trump

?They?ve got to get out there and say I disagree with socialism; I believe in the markets; I think he?s wrong,? Matthew said. ?I think you?ll never get it done and this country will never go that direction, by the way we?ll lose forty nine states.?

It's not going to be Bernie. The establishment won't allow it. Besides, as much of a committed communist Bernie is, Bernie can still be bought.

In 2016 when HRC and the DNC gave Bernie the shaft with Super Delegates and a wide array of shenanigans, he was quiet, resting up for a 2020 run in his newly purchased home. A pretty nice reward for being such a schmuck, daring to disrupt the inevitable coronation of HRC. During a CNN interview on Tuesday Bernie said he could support whomever the D's nominate, including Bloomberg! This means to me at least that Bernie is signaling capitulation, providing Bloomberg and the D's quietly feathers Bernie's nest just as they did post convention in 2016.

As much as I believe the nation needs a Bernie/Trump election to vet the dividing issues before us today, I now believe it's going to be Establishment Favorite Bloomberg (D/R/D/?) vs The Golden Golem (R) this November.

We will see.
Soylent Green Is People said:
It's not going to be Bernie. The establishment won't allow it. Besides, as much of a committed communist Bernie is, Bernie can still be bought.

In 2016 when HRC and the DNC gave Bernie the shaft with Super Delegates and a wide array of shenanigans, he was quiet, resting up for a 2020 run in his newly purchased home. A pretty nice reward for being such a schmuck, daring to disrupt the inevitable coronation of HRC. During a CNN interview on Tuesday Bernie said he could support whomever the D's nominate, including Bloomberg! This means to me at least that Bernie is signaling capitulation, providing Bloomberg and the D's quietly feathers Bernie's nest just as they did post convention in 2016.

As much as I believe the nation needs a Bernie/Trump election to vet the dividing issues before us today, I now believe it's going to be Establishment Favorite Bloomberg (D/R/D/?) vs The Golden Golem (R) this November.

We will see.

Cmon SGIP, I can't send my dollar to Bloomberg...he isn't taking any.  Let me have my fantasy would be endlessly more fun.
morekaos said:
Gonna be just like Reagen v Mondale...wipeout!

Chris Matthews: If Bernie Gets Democrat Nomination ?We?ll Lose 49 States? Against Trump

?They?ve got to get out there and say I disagree with socialism; I believe in the markets; I think he?s wrong,? Matthew said. ?I think you?ll never get it done and this country will never go that direction, by the way we?ll lose forty nine states.?

If Doomberg gets the nomination they will only lose 46 states. ;D
I dunno SGIP,  doomberg augered  into a wall tonight... Bernie, Bernie, Bernies!!! The people?s army will bring hope to the oppressed who are enslaved by the runny dog capitalists imperialists...

Mike Bloomberg is savaged over sexism at Democratic debate as Elizabeth Warren slams him for calling women 'horse-faced lesbians and fat broads' then demands he release employees who sued him from gagging orders - and he says 'they didn't like my jokes'

I wish Warren would have pressed on Bloomberg ?did you really tell that girl you would do her in a second??.  She had him in a headlock and should have squeezed a bit harder.

Pretty sure Bloomberg lost some supporters tonight, he looked pretty out of place.
Someone told me Warren is like another Hilary. So I say no.
Mike Hard Bloomberg first presidential debate. What do you expect?

Why is Bernie concern about the rich and want to tax the rich? But he has 3 houses. Just like Mayor Pete mention, that Bernie will bring down the party.
Through watching the debate, I learned Bernie voted against the bipartisan immigration reform bill under GWB.
Also, his health care plan would bring us into more debt like what Trump is doing to this country.
I expected better from Bloomberg.  He?s not green, he?s been in politics for many years and has a multi billion dollar company so he must have spoken in front of thousands of people, maybe he?s just used to having his ass kissed and not being on the defensive.

As much $ as he?s spending, he should have hired someone better to prep him for this so that his responses could have been more on point.  I barely watch politics and I could have predicted all these jabs last week. So ya, I expected much better.