The 2020 Presidential Election

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I'm old enough to remember when President Mondale smoked former President Reagan in the 1984 debates. Last night was more Bread and Circuses for the publicans way back in the Forum's cheap seats.

To paraphrase: "Are you not entertained?"

If not, then there's always this:

If you want a joke candidate to continue an "Operation Chaos" I think Steyer is accepting donations still ... From what I've read he's doing comparatively well in South Carolina.

My .02c
aquabliss said:
I expected better from Bloomberg.  He%u2019s not green, he%u2019s been in politics for many years and has a multi billion dollar company so he must have spoken in front of thousands of people, maybe he%u2019s just used to having his ass kissed and not being on the defensive.

As much $ as he%u2019s spending, he should have hired someone better to prep him for this so that his responses could have been more on point.  I barely watch politics and I could have predicted all these jabs last week. So ya, I expected much better.

So he didnt meet the expectations.
I was more shocked about Bernie. He talks like he is Robinhood and fights for inequality. But in actuality he owns 3 houses. Also, Bernie gives the perception that he is for minorities. But why did he vote against the immigration reform bill. His response was comical he said it would treated like slaves? I do not get it. His health insurance plan does not make sense also.

It was Free for all event last night. Warren is down in the polls. So I expected her to attack. It looked silly as she attacked everybody on the stage.

Sanders will pick Occasional Cortex and complete the transformation into Mondale/Ferraro.  History repeats...wipeout!
Last night was light watching the overly controlling grandparents of a large dysfunctional family trying to maintain their control.

Sorry Grandpa and Grandma, time for you to sit down and shut up.
morekaos said:
Sanders will pick Occasional Cortex and complete the transformation into Mondale/Ferraro.  History repeats...wipeout!

If Sanders wins Democrats will not vote or might vote for Trump. I don?t like how he act like he doesn?t have nothing and he owns 3 houses.

I think that?s why Trump always back Bernie. (Conspiracy theory)
nosuchreality said:
Last night was light watching the overly controlling grandparents of a large dysfunctional family trying to maintain their control.

Sorry Grandpa and Grandma, time for you to sit down and shut up.

Every debate should be like this A straight up food fight. That happened last time Trump debated for the Republican nominee. But it?s okay since it?s Trump?

Double standard.
Bernie is going to win. Dems cannot afford to look biased after stealing the nomination from him in 2016.  They are coming to the realization that Trump is going to be re-elected.  Bernie affords them an acceptable sacrifice and they can build support behind another (Probably Butteggegegeg) for a 2024 challenge. 
morekaos said:
Bernie is going to win. Dems cannot afford to look biased after stealing the nomination from him in 2016.  They are coming to the realization that Trump is going to be re-elected.  Bernie affords them an acceptable sacrifice and they can build support behind another (Probably Butteggegegeg) for a 2024 challenge. 

Do we trust what you even say? Pa-lease
No one trusts you on TI. Maybe 1
You have no credibility. The fake financial advisor acts like a used car salesman online. You only talked about 1 stock. (Target) Also, the stories that you tell does not make sense. For example, the story that there are people always waiting blocks and blocks to enter your friend or relative chicken store with rice. You endorsed the store, but after I made a comment you mention that you do not even go there.  ;)

Give me a break!
Don't give tips out on an anonymous gotta pay for the good stuff.  But  I'll be right about this always.
morekaos said:
Don't give tips out on an anonymous gotta pay for the good stuff.

Or maybe you read an article on yahoo finance, and you told us what we already knew. That at the time Target was going to ramp up its online business. Lol

My new word:
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
Don't give tips out on an anonymous gotta pay for the good stuff.

Or maybe you read an article on yahoo finance, and you told us what we already knew. That at the time Target was going to ramp up its online business. Lol

My new word:

Or I saw things others did not and took action that made many of my clients lots of dough...just doing my job.

paydawg said:
GH said:
morekaos said:
I like Target at $55.  11PE. 4.3% dividend. Whats not to like?

Wow -- didn't realize how much they have fallen -- Used to have them as my retail stock but swapped with Costco last year -- you think its a good bet to swap again ?

Target needs to get their online presence act together.  Their website is awful and that's where the growth opportunities are right now.  That's why Walmart is starting to look better.
Naw naw. I read about it on yahoo finance and wsj, and saw analysts talk about it on CNBC. I think Jim Cramer also talked about it on Mad Money. Come on basically everybody knew about it.

That?s like saying Tesla is ramping up production. (we all know that, it is all over the news) lol
Really? can you send me those articles from before the March 2017 date?  There aren't any bullish ones...all were very bearish on TGT...Its what i do.
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
I tell you this if Sanders wins the Dem nominee. Trump will have the advantage.

eyephone turning to the orange side. :)

Again: Sanders acts like he is poor, but in actuality he is not. (He has written and sold books, and has three houses.)
He knocks people for making money, but how about donating his houses to charities?  We all know he is going to do that.

He talks about money and taxes. But he was on the floor when the tax bill passed. Did he go good crazy and give great examples like me? (Probably I think I was more vocal about the new tax law that the middle class is left out more than him.)

Also, I do not like how he says he is for minorities when he had an opportunity in a lifetime to vote for a bi partisan immigration bill under GWB presidency. Bernie voted against it. (Right there says it all.)
So when you see him on the stage saying brown and black people etc.. keep that in the back in your mind. He did not vote to pass the bill for immigration reform.
God bless America
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
Don't give tips out on an anonymous gotta pay for the good stuff.

Or maybe you read an article on yahoo finance, and you told us what we already knew. That at the time Target was going to ramp up its online business. Lol

My new word:

Sounds like the slowdown call. :)
