The 2020 Presidential Election

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Build that wall!!! (quietly happening without anyone noticing)

Donald Trump will shift another $7.2 BILLION in Pentagon funding to pay for his border wall this year after federal appeals court lifted injunction blocking last year's massive cash transfer
Trump administration will repurpose another $7.2 billion in Pentagon money, turning it into a border-wall fund
Brings the total to $18 billion that the president has managed to corral for it
A federal court blocked him in December from moving $3.6 billion to the Pentagon so the Army Corps of Engineers can build it
But an appeals court lifted the temporary injunction while the administration formally appeals the ruling
That freed the president to move ahead and emboldened him to redirect even more money for his signature construction project
Typically the elections have been about turning out and motivating the base.

This election will be different, both bases are foaming at the mouth and will turn out.  Who least alienates the middle in a few key counties will win.

Trump plays those counties and those voters fears very well.  Sadly, most of Dem candidates play into those fears.
Promises kept....

President Trump signs North American trade deal into law

President Donald Trump on Wednesday is expected to sign into law a revised trade deal between the United States, Mexico and Canada, solidifying one of his top priorities and most-touted talking points.

The signing comes amid an ongoing impeachment trial in the Senate and follows a "phase one" trade deal with China.

During his 2016 presidential campaign, Trump talked up reforming the North American Free Trade Agreement, calling it "one of the worst trade deals ever made."

The Senate approved the new trade deal, the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, in an overwhelming 89-10 vote earlier this month.

The Trump administration worked with Democrats to resolve concerns about enforcement of labor and environmental standards.

The USMCA makes several tweaks to the North American Free Trade Agreement, which took effect in 1994. Trump and Democrats alike argued that the earlier deal, which opened more free trade across the three countries, damaged American workers by encouraging companies to move jobs out of the U.S.
Cracks appear...setting up for the inevitable let down....

MSNBC?s Chris Matthews admits Trump has ?good shot? at reelection, calls crowd at NJ rally an ?incredible show?

President Donald Trump appears to be on easy street when it comes to his potential re-election. In fact, his chances are so good that even liberal talking-head Chris Matthews was forced to admit that the president is sitting pretty leading up to November.

During MSNBC?s day-long coverage of the impeachment trial, the ?Hardball? host decided to take a moment to ?put it all together? for the audience. Unfortunately, it may not be what the left-leaning group of listeners wants to hear.
trump stopping the drug problems too! #winning

[size=14pt]Drug Overdose Deaths Drop for First Time in Nearly Two Decades[/size]

Deaths from drug overdoses dipped in 2018 for the first time in nearly two decades as the nation continues to battle the opioid crisis.

The number of drug overdoses deaths dropped 4.1 percent from 70,237 in 2017 to 67,367 in 2018, according to data released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Fake news
Kings said:
trump stopping the drug problems too! #winning

[size=14pt]Drug Overdose Deaths Drop for First Time in Nearly Two Decades[/size]

Deaths from drug overdoses dipped in 2018 for the first time in nearly two decades as the nation continues to battle the opioid crisis.

The number of drug overdoses deaths dropped 4.1 percent from 70,237 in 2017 to 67,367 in 2018, according to data released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
And like the Titanic.."Nearer my God to thee"....

?We?re losing our damn minds?: James Carville unloads on the Democratic Party
Why the longtime Democratic strategist is ?scared to death? of the 2020 election.

MSNBC?s Chris Matthews Explodes On Democrats Over Socialism: ?It Doesn?t Frickin Work!?
For once I agree with Van Jones...

He mentioned Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), which have struggled for years. He talked about criminal justice reform. He talked about opportunity zones and better employment numbers. He talked about charter schools. Democrats need to wake up. All Trump needs to do is to move the margins to guarantee his reelection.
There is this liberal bubble that believes that 98% of black women and 81% of black men will always vote for the Democrat, as they did for Hillary Clinton in 2016, according to Pew. But what Trump said Tuesday night to black voters was this: look at my record and what I am doing for black people. He is going to narrowcast that message, and it only takes small margins to shatter the Democratic winning coalition.

Democrats are going to have to be absolutely clinical in response -- paying close attention to the African-American and Latino vote instead of operating on assumptions, and countering Trump not with fact-checks or outrage but a compelling story of how people of different races can come together to build an America that works for everyone, not just the powerful and well-connected.
If we do not, the strategy Trump unveiled today will lead to his victory in November.
The wuhan virus is helping trump.
Back in 2018 ~ 2019, trump put tariffs on China.
This helped spur companies to move production elsewhere.

Now in 2020 the wuhan virus is causing delays in the supply line.  Whether you call it god, faith, luck, voodoo magic, trump already gave US companies reason to move out 1+ year before this epidemic.  It makes him look like he is:

1. Lucky
2. The chosen one
3. Whatever he does, the world will change to make the previous decision beneficial.

Unless Trump is the one who started the bio warfare in China.
zubs said:
The wuhan virus is helping trump.
Back in 2018 ~ 2019, trump put tariffs on China.
This helped spur companies to move production elsewhere.

Now in 2020 the wuhan virus is causing delays in the supply line.  Whether you call it god, faith, luck, voodoo magic, trump already gave US companies reason to move out 1+ year before this epidemic.  It makes him look like he is:

1. Lucky
2. The chosen one
3. Whatever he does, the world will change to make the previous decision beneficial.

Unless Trump is the one who started the bio warfare in China.

You bring very good points. I don't think/know if Trump started the bio warfare himself, but I do think he knew way before it got public. He's not as dumb as people might think.

I can't see him as The Chosen One, but God did allow him to be in office currently whether he's a villain or a hero..




Remember, going into the Trade War, if this then that, has been calculated. This is the last year of 4 years cycle of U.S. presidency, drastic measures must employs so claims of victory is clear for his presidency.

Hurtful, to the Chinese and global economy, yes.

The Chinese still not giving in or bowed down before the Corona virus outbreak. Could this force them to complies to the U.S.? Maybe....

There are many weapons, advance technologies, including bio warfare. So advanced that it is undetectable and untraceable.

Maybe that's why Trump shakes hands so violently.

He's had the Russians engineer a virus he is immune to and then he passes it on to other world leaders.


"Take it, take it... that's for you!"