The 2020 Presidential Election

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Maybe someone from the GOP or the Trump Admin looks at my post on TI. Haha
Because they are doing what I say. Lol (my theory idk)
It might be true or false I don?t know. But as soon as I complained something happened. Lol
Too funny,  This guy is going to get re-elected in a landslide.

America ?Cannot Do a Damn Thing,? Eh?

So much for the taunt from Iran?s ?supreme leader,? Ayatollah Khamenei, that America ?cannot do a damn thing? about Iran?s attack on our embassy in Baghdad. It took President Trump but a day after that jibe to wheel on the Iranians. He launched a drone attack that found and killed the commander of Iran?s Revolutionary Guard Corps, General Qassim Soleimani. It is likely to mark a turning point in the not-so-quasi war that Iran has been levying against us ? and, among others, Israel.

This is not a situation in which responsibility is being debated on murky evidence. The Pentagon itself put out a straightforward statement saying that our military had acted ?at the direction of the president.? It characterized the attack as a ?decisive defensive action to protect U.S. personnel.? The Pentagon pointed out that Soleimani?s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force is an American-designated foreign terrorist organization.

?General Soleimani and his Quds Force,? the Pentagon noted, ?were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition service members and the wounding of thousands more. He had orchestrated attacks on coalition bases in Iraq over the last several months ? including the attack on December 27th ? culminating in the death and wounding of additional American and Iraqi personnel.? It was Soleimani also approved the attacks this week on our embassy in Baghdad.
eyephone said:
OCLuvr said:
eyephone said:
Someone people might say I am a marketing expert. Good luck out marketing me. Look at the neighborhood the great TI members (Belly and I) endorsed. It took off to the moon. Still getting thanks equivalents to likes/thumbs up.
Is it Eastwood?

But of course.
What was your take on Orchard Hills Reserve?
OCLuvr said:
eyephone said:
OCLuvr said:
eyephone said:
Someone people might say I am a marketing expert. Good luck out marketing me. Look at the neighborhood the great TI members (Belly and I) endorsed. It took off to the moon. Still getting thanks equivalents to likes/thumbs up.
Is it Eastwood?

But of course.
What was your take on Orchard Hills Reserve?

Let?s talk about it a housing thread.
morekaos said:
eyephone said:
That?s good but not good enough. Say hi to Kanye for me or maybe not. Watch out for that trap door. Lol

So, You don't think he went far enough?

You were saying/....

Iran DELIBERATELY failed to hit US military targets in Iraq missile attack for fear of escalating conflict with Donald Trump, intelligence sources reveal
Iran fired 22 ballistic missiles at two Iraqi bases housing American troops early Wednesday local time
Strikes are not thought to have killed any US or Iraqi personnel, though extent of damage is being assessed
Ayatollah said US was given a 'slap' but strikes alone are 'not enough' and called for troops to be kicked out
But foreign minister said 'proportionate' attack had 'concluded' and that Iran wanted no further escalation
morekaos said:
morekaos said:
eyephone said:
That?s good but not good enough. Say hi to Kanye for me or maybe not. Watch out for that trap door. Lol

So, You don't think he went far enough?

You were saying/....

Iran DELIBERATELY failed to hit US military targets in Iraq missile attack for fear of escalating conflict with Donald Trump, intelligence sources reveal
Iran fired 22 ballistic missiles at two Iraqi bases housing American troops early Wednesday local time
Strikes are not thought to have killed any US or Iraqi personnel, though extent of damage is being assessed
Ayatollah said US was given a 'slap' but strikes alone are 'not enough' and called for troops to be kicked out
But foreign minister said 'proportionate' attack had 'concluded' and that Iran wanted no further escalation

and unsurprisingly, ms(13)nbc reported iranian propaganda of US casualties because they're anti-american and willing to undermine our government at all costs.  sad!

MSNBC parrots US casualties number provided by Iranian government

After watching the American news media?s recent coverage of the escalating hostilities between Washington and Tehran, I see now why Iran's tyrannical regime grants Western journalists so much access. It could hardly hope for a more sympathetic and pliable audience.

MSNBC, for example, broadcast Iranian propaganda Tuesday evening, claiming that up to 30 U.S. servicemen had been killed in Iranian-led rocket attacks on at least two Iraqi military bases housing American troops.

This does not appear to be the case. In fact, the Iranians seem to have fabricated that number entirely. U.S. officials have told reporters on background that there appear to be no American casualties in the missile strikes.

But even if it were true that some Americans were killed, why not wait for confirmation from a source that is slightly more reliable than the Iranian mullahs?

"The IRGC was saying that Ayatollah Khamenei, the supreme leader of this country, was in the control center coordinating these attacks," NBC News's Tehran bureau chief Ali Arouzi told MSNBC host Chris Matthews during a live broadcast.

"This bit I'm not sure about, but Iran state media is claiming that 30 U.S. soldiers have been killed in this attack,? Arouzi added. "This is not confirmed; this is just coming from the Iranian media."

Here is a tip: If you are not sure about an allegation, don?t repeat it on national television, especially if there is a chance it is Iranian agitprop.
...and the internet rumors boil over...

It Sure Looks Like the Ukrainian 737 May Have Been Accidentally Shot Down in Iran

In the wake of the crash of Ukrainian International Airlines Flight 752 in Tehran this morning, two schools of thought quickly emerged. The first accepted the explanation given by Iranian authorities: that the 3-year-old 737-800, which had taken off minutes before, had suffered engine failure before plunging into the ground at Khalaj Abad, killing all 176 aboard. The second, widespread on the internet, was that the Kiev-bound plane had been accidentally shot down by an Iranian air-defense missile.

Given that the facts are just starting to trickle in, it?s far too early to say with any certainty what actually happened. Based on past experience, much of what has been reported as fact will turn out to be wrong; the true cause may very well turn out to be something no one has yet considered. But given the information we have right now, the second explanation makes more sense than the first.

According to flight data recorded by Flightradar 24, the plane took off at 2:42 universal time, or 6.12 a.m. local time, a little more than three hours after Iran launched more than a dozen ballistic missiles at Iraqi bases hosting U.S. troops. Three minutes later, it had reached an altitude of nearly 8,000 feet and was continuing to climb at a steady ground speed of 276 knots, or 318 mph. Then, abruptly, it dropped. A state-run Iranian media outlet released a video that appeared to show the aircraft descending in flames before impacting the ground.
Guess it wasn't a conspiracy theory after all....

President Trump says he believes Ukrainian jet was shot down by mistake and 'something very terrible happened, very devastating' as Pentagon official says the plane WAS downed by Iranian missile
Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 crashed outside of Tehran on Wednesday, killing all 176 on board
US intelligence are 'confident' the airliner was shot down by Iran after detecting two missile launches
Pentagon officials said missiles likely fired in error by crews on alert for US response to Iran rocket strike

Iran claims that the crash was the result of mechanical error and that black box may have been 'damaged'
President Trump said: 'Somebody could have made a mistake. I have a feeling something terrible happened.
morekaos said:
Guess it wasn't a conspiracy theory after all....

President Trump says he believes Ukrainian jet was shot down by mistake and 'something very terrible happened, very devastating' as Pentagon official says the plane WAS downed by Iranian missile
Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 crashed outside of Tehran on Wednesday, killing all 176 on board
US intelligence are 'confident' the airliner was shot down by Iran after detecting two missile launches
Pentagon officials said missiles likely fired in error by crews on alert for US response to Iran rocket strike

Iran claims that the crash was the result of mechanical error and that black box may have been 'damaged'
President Trump said: 'Somebody could have made a mistake. I have a feeling something terrible happened.

journalists' favorite phrase is "president trump says ________ with no evidence"  as a method to discredit him.  do they not think that the president of the united states possibly has more info than they do?  no, that can't be....must undermine orange man...
She's goin who do I send a dollar to in order to tank their campaign? ;D >:D

Warren campaign scrambling for survival

Elizabeth Warren?s once-surging Democratic presidential nomination bid is losing steam.

After largely shunning national television interviews, the Massachusetts senator, 70, appeared on Sunday morning news programs and MSNBC?s The Rachel Maddow Show. She also unveiled a scarce endorsement from a former rival for the 2020 Democractic presidential nomination, hosting a rally this week with Julian Castro, 45, in New York. And she bounded into the New Year with campaign trips to Iowa and New Hampshire.

But, while she?s built a strong organizing network of paid field staff and volunteers in the states hosting the first two nominating contests, she?s making her final push ahead of the start of the primary season with soft polling and fundraising numbers. She was even outraised in the final quarter of 2019 by former Vice President Joe Biden, 77, whose own struggles with donors have been well documented.

?There are three tickets out of Iowa and New Hampshire. You need to finish top three in one of those states, unless we are looking at a brokered convention, which is a possibility, given the fluidity of this race,? Christopher Hahn, Aggressive Progressive podcast host and former Democratic strategist, told the Washington Examiner.
3 weeks to the Iowa hootenanny and like most of us here, I can't wait until it's over.

What interests me the most is Super Tuesday. Momentum will come via Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, but ST will push all of the Tier 2 candidates out of the race.

With the vast amount of cash Bloomberg and Steyer are spending in California, they may pick up enough delegates to soldier on. Anyone want to guess how much each delegate has cost either of these two candidates? Example - if Bloomberg spent a verified $200m in ads and gets 10 delegates, that's $20m per delegate. In reality it's $200m Bloomberg burnt to a crisp since he won't be the nominee with 10 delegates.

For now I'm going to go with $20m per delegate for Bloomberg, and Steyer at $30m per delegate. Steyer spending less, but will get fewer delegates IMHO.

Full disclosure - just as in 2016, I'm rooting for a Sanders / Trump general election. Time will tell.....

My .02c