[quote author="blackvault_cm" date=1231296804]IMO thats the whole reason that the market is staying put and slightly rising. The market always prices everything in...it already has been pricing in the 775B stimulus and a bit on the excitement that Obama will finally be president. This is why I'm starting to shift my portfolio. I think we rally a bit more, probably till S&P hits 1K and then we are going to go further lower than we were before. I can't say 1K is for sure, thats why I have to watch the technicals very close. Once I have several indicators signaling a shift, I will move very quickly and swiftly.
Aside from trading...
Europe is contracting, Japan is contracting and so is China. This isn't a local issue its a global issue that will have major consequences. Have you seen the economic news the past 2 weeks? It is beyond horrific. Each time it gets worse and worse as things deteriorate, yet we stay put and even rally a bit. Remember when industrials fell to a 30 year low like a week or so ago? I think the numeber was like 32 and they were expecting a slight improvement from a previous month of like 45 from 42. Yet the market was up 258 pts or so? Come on now...people are already drunk and drinking more...
People are still happy coming from X-mas and hoping that the New Year will bring new fortunes...give it till end of this month or maybe mid Feb, before firms are slapped with disappointing earnings, leading to more job losses, to forclosures and ARM resests definately not helping anyone.
Cheer the low rates? Go ahead...isn't low rates what got us into this mess? Is the Fed that stupid to combat the problem using the problem? This isn't a snake bite...
5-6K Dow is still my target assuming we dont have a major war with either Russia, China or US involved with whoever else. Then I'd say Dow to 2K.
So I will position myself accordingly. If I'm right, I'll profit...If I'm wrong, we won't have a war and everybody will be happy. It's almost a win win.</blockquote>
I'm waiting in the wings to go short on the markets myself, I think after the Jan options expire and Obama takes office the market will get the cold slap of reality of where the economy is. I keep seeing more and more analysts come on CNBC telling people that we will have double digit returns in the market in 2009 and how the bottom is in place (one guy even made a prediction that the S&P goes to 1,200 this year...what a joke). All those analysts expect the economy to rebound by the middle of this year....not a chance in my mind.