Protest, Riot, Curfew

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eyephone said:
I think you answered the question. Yes.
Here is the action plan for you. Read it carefully, do it exactly as I said
1. Break your piggy bank and exchange your coins for a $20 bill
2. Google the directions to the closest magic store. Note, by default google maps shows you the driving directions. Change it to walking directions
3. Go there, buy a new Crystal Ball from a reputable manufacturer. Please, buy a new one. Don't buy used from Craigslist. Don't buy a counterfeit from Alibaba
4. Walk back home
irvinehomeowner said:
Kings said:
this is going to get interesting, folks

full autopsy has been released and this guy was pumped full of drugs:

- 11 ng/ml fentanyl (deaths reported as little as 0.75 ng/ml, avg. being 9.96)
- methamphetamine
- morphine
- thc
- cotinine (nicotine)
- caffeine

previous covid-19 positive, along with:

- 90% blocked right coronary artery
- 75% blocked left coronary artery
- severe hypertension
- extreme sickle cell anemia

and finding no injuries to the anterior muscles of neck or laryngeal structures

i think the prosecutors may have shot themselves in the foot charging murder 2 on this one.  if a suspect dies in police custody, what's the ruling?  how does the prosecution prove floyd died from asphyxiation when he was saying he can't breathe while he was standing up and there are other factors at play?

I'm not sure where you are trying to go with this narrative, but it was ruled as a homicide:

"He couldn't breathe %u2014 asphyxia due to compression of the neck and the back," Dr. Michael Baden, the former chief medical examiner of New York City, told reporters in a videoconference. "And that's homicidal."

The report differs from that of the Hennepin County medical examiner, which said Monday that his cause of death was %u201Ccardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression.%u201D

The medical examiner ruled that Floyd's death was a homicide but added that he had "significant" underlying conditions, including hypertensive heart disease, fentanyl intoxication and recent methamphetamine use.

But the pathologists hired by the family insisted that Floyd had no other medical conditions that contributed to his death.

"Our findings do differ," said Dr. Allecia Wilson, director of autopsy and forensic services at the University of Michigan. "This is the point in which we do disagree, that there is evidence in this case of mechanical or traumatic asphyxia."

Both doctors rejected any notion that Floyd had heart disease that could have played a role in his death.

"The autopsy shows that Mr. Floyd had no underlying medical problems that caused or contributed to his death," Baden said. "He was in good health."

Are you claiming that what Chauvin had no part in Floyd dying?

homicide does not imply intent.

Manner of death classification is a statutory function of the medical examiner, as part of death certification for purposes of vital statistics and public health. Manner of death is not a legal determination of culpability or intent, and should not be used to usurp the judicial process. Such decisions are outside the scope of the Medical Examiner%u2019s role or authority.,%20George%20Perry%20Update%206.1.2020.pdf

i'm not making any claims as to what the final verdict will be - it frankly doesn't matter what i think.  the jury will ultimately decide his fate, and right now the more that comes out the worse it looks for the simple belief that chauvin murdered him in cold blood.

also - it's rich that the "independent" autopsy that was performed has baden (a celebrity in his own right) claims he had no underlying medical conditions and he was in good health.  the actual autopsy proves otherwise, so anything this guy says can be thrown out with the bath water.
Kings said:
i'm not making any claims as to what the final verdict will be - it frankly doesn't matter what i think.  the jury will ultimately decide his fate, and right now the more that comes out the worse it looks for the simple belief that chauvin murdered him in cold blood.
Under the circumstances, it will be impossible to find an unbiased jury. Everyone has their mind set on the issue.

But you are trying to confuse the issue with all this "evidence" from his autopsy.

I agree with you that it will be difficult to prove intent because at the core, I don't think police officers intend to kill the people they apprehend.

But, if someone is telling you they can't breathe, and you don't let up... that's where Murder 2 comes in. That's not "cold blooded" murder, but it does fall under 2nd degree murder to me.
Adventure guy likes authentic Chinese food. Dim sum with soy sauce!

eyephone said:
Did you try Panda Express? Lol

adventurous said:
I am looking for a good quality authentic food, with little to none American cusine footprint

eyephone said:
Did you find your favorite Chinese restaurant?

adventurous said:
What your favorite Chinese restaurant with authentic food?,10971.msg210510.html#msg210510