Protest, Riot, Curfew

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It happens. The Compton Police department was disbanded in 2000. After that the City of Compton hired LA County Sheriff department for the police force.

Kings said:
this would be a fascinating history lesson for the ages. utopia is always just over yonder.

Minneapolis City Council members consider disbanding the police

?Several of us on the council are working on finding out what it would take to disband the Minneapolis Police Department and start fresh with a community-oriented, nonviolent public safety and outreach capacity,? he wrote.

Fletcher says the entire council ?to some degree? has been discussing disbanding the police department as an option. He doesn?t yet know what that will look like. He suspects it?s a transition that will take time, and the involvement ? and possibly voting capacity ? of residents.
eyephone said:
It happens. The Compton Police department was disbanded in 2000. After that the City of Compton hired LA County Sheriff department for the police force.

Kings said:
this would be a fascinating history lesson for the ages. utopia is always just over yonder.

Minneapolis City Council members consider disbanding the police

?Several of us on the council are working on finding out what it would take to disband the Minneapolis Police Department and start fresh with a community-oriented, nonviolent public safety and outreach capacity,? he wrote.

Fletcher says the entire council ?to some degree? has been discussing disbanding the police department as an option. He doesn?t yet know what that will look like. He suspects it?s a transition that will take time, and the involvement ? and possibly voting capacity ? of residents.

they're talking about a "community-oriented, nonviolent public safety and outreach capacity"

if you thought looting was bad now...i'm sure all of those upstanding citizens will be good now that the big bad police force is gone :)
So just throwing this out here... perhaps this needs to be a separate thread or poll, but let's play "what if".

"What if".... the Irvine PD get's woke and decides to do as LA / NYC apparently are going to do and cuts 30 percent from the IPD budget, redirecting the funds to social services. How would you react?

Good thing? Bad thing? Stoopid thing? Discuss....
Soylent Green Is People said:
So just throwing this out here... perhaps this needs to be a separate thread or poll, but let's play "what if".

"What if".... the Irvine PD get's woke, and decides as LA and NYC apparently is going to do, and cuts 30 percent from the IPD budget, redirecting it to social services. How would you react?

Good thing? Bad thing? Stoopid thing? Discuss....

Maybe simply training. For example I do not know if people were joking around, but I think someone posted they profile or tail people driving old cars. Is this good to do? Probably not. (again rumor idk if it is true)
Soylent Green Is People said:
So just throwing this out here... perhaps this needs to be a separate thread or poll, but let's play "what if".

"What if".... the Irvine PD get's woke and decides to do as LA / NYC apparently are going to do and cuts 30 percent from the IPD budget, redirecting the funds to social services. How would you react?

Good thing? Bad thing? Stoopid thing? Discuss....

Then iPD wouldn't be able to have 3-4 cruisers at every traffic stop.

The humanity!

Not sure where you got 30% from. Mayor Garcetti is proposing cuts of $100-150 million from a $1,800 million budget.

I'm pretty sure 30% of $1,800 million is $540 million.

But yeah, 30% sounds like a good scare tactic!
paperboyNC said:
Soylent Green Is People said:
So just throwing this out here... perhaps this needs to be a separate thread or poll, but let's play "what if".

"What if".... the Irvine PD get's woke and decides to do as LA / NYC apparently are going to do and cuts 30 percent from the IPD budget, redirecting the funds to social services. How would you react?

Good thing? Bad thing? Stoopid thing? Discuss....

Then iPD wouldn't be able to have 3-4 cruisers at every traffic stop.

The humanity!

Not sure where you got 30% from. Mayor Garcetti is proposing cuts of $100-150 million from a $1,800 million budget.

I'm pretty sure 30% of $1,800 million is $540 million.

But yeah, 30% sounds like a good scare tactic!

This is might be an outfield idea. But in actuality it is disguised as a budget cut due to covid. (tax revenues for municipalities are down)
Amy Cooper, the white woman who called the cops on a black man who had the audacity to ask her to leash her dog in compliance with the law, is a card carrying Liberal.

Campaign donation records show she is a contributor to Barack Obama, Pete Buttigieg, and John Kerry.

I guess that?s why they call it virtue signaling. Your purported virtue is just a public signal that does not reflect how you act when you think no one is watching.

I?ll bet you all the buffets IHO can eat in a year that if Ms. Cooper had been better able to control her inner Karen a couple of weeks ago, she would be marching for George Floyd now.

I don't want to send the wrong signal here (virtuous or not), but I thanked your post for the buffet reference.

It is possible that she would protest... but there is hypocrisy like this in both parties.
It's honestly shocking how many people are stuck in this partisan mind set.

I hope nobody's true value and character are defined by his/her voting record.

Soylent Green Is People said:
So just throwing this out here... perhaps this needs to be a separate thread or poll, but let's play "what if".

"What if".... the Irvine PD get's woke and decides to do as LA / NYC apparently are going to do and cuts 30 percent from the IPD budget, redirecting the funds to social services. How would you react?

Good thing? Bad thing? Stoopid thing? Discuss....

Honestly they could just implement the "8 can't wait" policies promoted in Obama's online town hall earlier this week and call it a day.

Data proves that together these eight policies can decrease police violence by 72%.


I'm surprised and disappointed that we aren't seeing more leadership on civil rights from the Libertarian side too. Isn't there an "Ayn Rand Institute" in Irvine?
HMart said:
Honestly they could just implement the "8 can't wait" policies promoted in Obama's online town hall earlier this week and call it a day.

Data proves that together these eight policies can decrease police violence by 72%.


I'm surprised and disappointed that we aren't seeing more leadership on civil rights from the Libertarian side too. Isn't there an "Ayn Rand Institute" in Irvine?
I can easily replace it with one policy, which will eliminate all the conflicting situations.
* Stop resisting arrest
Simple. You have something to say? Say it to the cop or later to the judge. But  flexing your muscles on a cop is not going to be wise in the long term.
Yeah I?ve never understood the idea of trying to resist arrest. If I was ever arrested I?m just putting my hands up for everyone to see.

With that said, you can?t continue to have excuses for cops - he was reaching for this, he was reaching for that. I thought he was kneeling down in preparation to shoot me, etc. not making excuses for criminals but we need to stop making excuses for cops.

Is there an equivalent to shutdown on shootings?
qwerty said:
Is there an equivalent to shutdown on shootings?

Yeah, it's called the lockdown.

I blame the reopenings... if people were not out and about, there would be no need to arrest anyone.

irvinehomeowner said:
qwerty said:
Is there an equivalent to shutdown on shootings?

Yeah, it's called the lockdown.

I blame the reopenings... if people were not out and about, there would be no need to arrest anyone.


I do think the lockdown contributed to the quantity of people at these protests. If they were at their. Job they would have had less time to protest.

An idle mind...
qwerty said:
With that said, you can?t continue to have excuses for cops - he was reaching for this, he was reaching for that. I thought he was kneeling down in preparation to shoot me, etc. not making excuses for criminals but we need to stop making excuses for cops.

Is there an equivalent to shutdown on shootings?

It's not about looking for excuses. I am throwing out a universal solution. If someone fights a cop, he (well, sometimes she) should better understand the consequences of his (respectively, her) action. Then again, police brutality does exist. Cops get agitated too, they are same people, but better trained on some aspects of dealing with people in the streets.
No, I am not a cop ;)
irvinehomeowner said:
Yeah, it's called the lockdown.

I blame the reopenings... if people were not out and about, there would be no need to arrest anyone.

It's a slippery slope path :) Jailing everyone is a little bit too extreme solution of this problem :)

However, I admit, it will solve the vast majority of the world problem. Prob, we should try it :)
qwerty said:
irvinehomeowner said:
qwerty said:
Is there an equivalent to shutdown on shootings?

Yeah, it's called the lockdown.

I blame the reopenings... if people were not out and about, there would be no need to arrest anyone.


I do think the lockdown contributed to the quantity of people at these protests. If they were at their. Job they would have had less time to protest.

An idle mind...

It might be systematic or culture problem. Buffalo PD knocks down 75 year old to the ground during protest.

CNBC: Cuomo applauds suspension of Buffalo cops who knocked down 75-year-old man

(Click abc news link for video)

What if there was not a camera? The 75 year old may have been charge with something. (Just saying) If you watch the video this could of been another fatality by a cop. The 75 year old guy appears to be white. (This issue is not a racism problem, but abusing power problem or something)

(I think the problem if another cop says something about another cop the following may occur: they are considered to be crossing the blue line, they get the cold treatment, backup might be late on calls, bad patrol car, crappy area to patrol) To sum it up, they get punished for speaking up.