Presidential Elections

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Hey MK I found something funny on Trumps website you?de probably like.  If you go to some random string of letters here) like:

It gives a 404 error with a picture of Hillary standing at a podium with a Presidential Seal and says ?Oops, you?re looking for something that doesn?t exist...?

Like Trump or not, that?s pretty funny stuff.
aquabliss said:
Hey MK I found something funny on Trumps website you%u2019de probably like.  If you go to some random string of letters here) like:

It gives a 404 error with a picture of Hillary standing at a podium with a Presidential Seal and says %u201COops, you%u2019re looking for something that doesn%u2019t exist...%u201D

Like Trump or not, that%u2019s pretty funny stuff.

They are still stuck on Hillary. But they should look in the mirror.
Nothing beats Trump ridiculous behavior at pandemic briefings.
freedomcm said:
Election could be decided by how many DJT supporters follow his advice to drink Lysol as a treatment for CoViD

Or the Red State gamble.  Given the incubation time, the percentage that get sick enough,  and lead time to being sick enough to take oneself to the hospital, the Georgia results won?t be visible until about Memorial Day.

If it spikes sooner than that it?s really bad. 

Otherwise, lots of time for people think it?s fine before we can tell if the reopening is making it worse or not.
Trump administration asks Supreme Court to strike down Obamacare amid pandemic, recession

The move comes after Trump confirmed his administration would continue to press for its elimination, ignoring warnings about the risk of voter backlash.

The late-night brief, filed Thursday in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, carries major implications for the presidential election. If the justices agree, it would cost an estimated 20 million Americans their insurance coverage and nullify protections for pre-existing conditions.

For the roughly 25 million people out of work and collecting jobless benefits, the ACA's marketplaces and Medicaid expansion provide avenues to gain subsidized health insurance with consumer protections.

What a guy! He wants to take insurance away from an estimated 20 mil Americans under ACA during a deep recession and a health crisis. (I assume there are Republican supporters that have insurance under ACA. Not a smart thing to do especially now. In addition, Trump has not come up with an alternative.)

eyephone said:
Wall Street executives brace for a potential Biden win as Trump fades in polls

The growing confidence in Biden within the industry follows what has been a strong 2020 fundraising election cycle for the Democrat. Money is flowing into his campaign and other efforts from all corners of the business community, including from Wall Street financiers.

Markets will mostly shrug off either winner.  Most people thought the markets were doomed if Trump won in 2016:

Donald Trump Says Joe Biden Is 'Going to Be Your President' Because 'Some People Don't Love Me, Maybe'

Chris Christie says Trump is on track to lose to Joe Biden

Christie said. The trend is moving towards Joe Biden when Joe Biden hasn't said a word. Joe Biden's hiding in the basement and not saying anything. No discredit to the vice president ? if you're winning without doing anything, why do anything.

Per Christie. He is losing, and if he doesn't change course both in terms of the substance of what he's discussing and the way that he approaches the American people, then he will lose

I think Joe Biden not saying a word helps him since whenever he says something, he just messes up big time ;D

Anyways, I never thought a guy like Trump would win last time. I never thought and still think a guy like Biden would win, but based on last time?s prediction, who knows if Sleepy Joe wins this November?
irvinehomeowner said:
Twitch and Reddit banning Trump's accounts.

He should open a TikTok one. :)

Facebook might do something about hate speech and misinformation since big time companies will not advertise on Facebook or Instagram.