Presidential Elections

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
irvinehomeowner said:
Kenkoko said:
The Cleveland clinic is not a for profit system and they pays doctors a flat salary regardless of the numbers of procedures performed. Guess what? They performed less procedures and have far better patient outcome than industry norm.

Just one nitpick that I have with these type of counter points.

Just because it works for a particular clinic in a particular city, does not mean that will work on a broader scale the size of the US.

If I brought up an example of where the opposite works, does this invalidate your point? Just sayin'... no flack here. :)

The Cleveland Clinic isn't really just a particular clinic in a particular city. They have 30 hospitals and health centers in multiple states.(Ohio, Nevada, and Florida)

But your point isn't completely lost on me.  :)
If you don't trust the government with the plans they've cooked up over the past decades, what does that say about your trust in their ability to manage a VAT or UBI? I do not trust them. Those that do trust can freely give - but rarely do..... Those that don't trust the government to do right should not be compelled to do so.

To reiterate, I'm not against taxation. I'm against frivolity. UBI is just that. To believe once a person gets a "sustainable" income from government that they will wean their dependency on the Federal teat and improve themselves is nothing more than naivite about the human condition.

When the government gives away needles and allows destructive behavior unabated, does that behavior increase or decrease? Sure, there are a few one off's who drop their habit relative to the greater number of consistent, chronic, permanent users, but the one off proves the tried and true fact that humanity seeks the lowest common pathway, not a universal greater good. Order cannot fix chaos.

My .02c
Soylent Green Is People said:
If you don't trust the government with the plans they've cooked up over the past decades, what does that say about your trust in their ability to manage a VAT or UBI? I do not trust them. Those that do trust can freely give - but rarely do..... Those that don't trust the government to do right should not be compelled to do so.

That was actually one of my original arguments against UBI back when Ken and I were discussing it.

That $1000 is actually going to cost way more than that with all the red tape and hoops big gov has.
Soylent Green Is People said:
If you don't trust the government with the plans they've cooked up over the past decades, what does that say about your trust in their ability to manage a VAT or UBI? I do not trust them. Those that do trust can freely give - but rarely do..... Those that don't trust the government to do right should not be compelled to do so.

To reiterate, I'm not against taxation. I'm against frivolity. UBI is just that. To believe once a person gets a "sustainable" income from government that they will wean their dependency on the Federal teat and improve themselves is nothing more than naivite about the human condition.

When the government gives away needles and allows destructive behavior unabated, does that behavior increase or decrease? Sure, there are a few one off's who drop their habit relative to the greater number of consistent, chronic, permanent users, but the one off proves the tried and true fact that humanity seeks the lowest common pathway, not a universal greater good. Order cannot fix chaos.

My .02c

I do have skepticism about government's overreach especially those programs that are just paternalistic in nature. But I don?t understand the distrust in our government in the case of UBI and VAT.

We are one of the few developed countries (if not the only one) to not have a VAT. Are you saying USA isn?t up to par with first world standards? You?re starting to sound like me  :P Watch out IHO might call you out!

In all seriousness, VAT is relatively easy to implement because it?s been used in most 1st world countries for decades and it IS an efficient way to tax. (Unlike Warren?s wealth tax) This is something both conservative and liberal economists both agree on.

After VAT is collected, UBI is very much like Trump?s stimulus. Sending checks out to everyone. So where exactly is your distrust? You don?t think the government can send checks to people promptly and reliably? I?d argue that?s one of few core competencies the federal government has.

To your point about human behavior, I believe we should strive to align incentives better. 

We have grown too trusting of the invisible hand. The invisible hand will not resolve our problems when it comes to managing unemployment and welfare.  We have long bought into the economic theory that after people lose their jobs, they will get reskilled, retrained, and relocate for new jobs and the invisible hand will works its magic, all will be well again. This COVID recession will put this theory really to the test.

I am not optimistic because I look at patterns. When we lost the 5 million manufacturing jobs in the US, half of the workers never worked again. Of that group, half filled for disability. We have more people on disability today than people working in construction. We're going to face a bigger job loss w/ COVID.

Taking away welfare has always been a nonstarter for the left. And this pandemic just made sure it?s going to be damn near impossible to just take away welfare. So what?s the best way forward? I believe we should give UBI a try.

Will there be people who take their UBI checks and do nothing? Of course, just like many people who are on welfare now. But will there be more people who get out and work/volunteer more ? Absolutely because they no longer lose their benefits by doing so. This is the realistic path out of our welfare mess

I don't think the collection of VAT is an issue. It's what they do with it and what they pull from it for "administration" costs that worries me.

Even with the stimulus... you think all of that is going to where it should go?
Guiding things back to "why to" or "not to" vote for someone... Read this article out loud to your Mother, Father, or Grandfather - really anyone who is 70 or older.



Do we really want a President Biden (77 years old BTW) who surrounds himself with people who promote this kind of thinking?

Ezekiel Emanuel is on Biden's Coronavirus Task Force, one of the principal architects of Obamacare, and the brother of Rahm "never let a crisis go to waste" Emanuel.

No on Joe 2020
irvinehomeowner said:
I don't think the collection of VAT is an issue. It's what they do with it and what they pull from it for "administration" costs that worries me.

Even with the stimulus... you think all of that is going to where it should go?

I don't look at things in a vacuum. I look at what we're currently doing and whether there are better alternatives.

The cost of bureaucracy for UBI will be far lower than running our current 150+ welfare programs. There's no means testing, no need to game the system.

Regarding the stimulus, I agree with Mark Cuban on corporate bail outs. US government must get a GREAT deal or else they need to let the company fail.

The expensive cost you're talking about will occur in the corporate bail outs part of the stimulus where they get to administer who get what etc.

The part I support, which is direct cash to families, will cost very little in comparison because it's as simple as sending people a check after verifying tax returns.
Trump may be worse the President Buchanan.
Soy the loan guy that knows politics. But he was wrong on Measure B.

Soylent Green Is People said:
Guiding things back to "why to" or "not to" vote for someone... Read this article out loud to your Mother, Father, or Grandfather - really anyone who is 70 or older.



Do we really want a President Biden (77 years old BTW) who surrounds himself with people who promote this kind of thinking?

Ezekiel Emanuel is on Biden's Coronavirus Task Force, one of the principal architects of Obamacare, and the brother of Rahm "never let a crisis go to waste" Emanuel.

No on Joe 2020
irvinehomeowner said:
I don't think the collection of VAT is an issue. It's what they do with it and what they pull from it for "administration" costs that worries me.

Even with the stimulus... you think all of that is going to where it should go?

Food lines. To the people. (with toilet paper, soap, and PPE)
People are mad and fed up!
Kenkoko said:
The part I support, which is direct cash to families, will cost very little in comparison because it's as simple as sending people a check after verifying tax returns.

I think we discussed this before but have you worked in government?

That "simple" task of sending people a check... or even a direct deposit... and verifying of tax returns... guess what that costs? Who pays for that?
irvinehomeowner said:
Kenkoko said:
The part I support, which is direct cash to families, will cost very little in comparison because it's as simple as sending people a check after verifying tax returns.

I think we discussed this before but have you worked in government?

That "simple" task of sending people a check... or even a direct deposit... and verifying of tax returns... guess what that costs? Who pays for that?

Of course there's a cost associated with everything. But you are talking about a stimulus in dire situations not an academic study in a vacuum.

What's the alternative if we don't give families cash to stay afloat? When your house is on fire, you don't care how much water cost.

Corporate bailouts are entirely different and they are more costly to administer. That's where I draw the line.
The government is a fucking joke. So stupid and inefficient. They were our largest customer at a previous job. But they pay on time and they pay all the time. It was a pleasure doing business with them from that perspective :-)
Soylent Green Is People said:
Guiding things back to "why to" or "not to" vote for someone... Read this article out loud to your Mother, Father, or Grandfather - really anyone who is 70 or older.



Do we really want a President Biden (77 years old BTW) who surrounds himself with people who promote this kind of thinking?

Ezekiel Emanuel is on Biden's Coronavirus Task Force, one of the principal architects of Obamacare, and the brother of Rahm "never let a crisis go to waste" Emanuel.

No on Joe 2020

the last paragraph is a complete invalidation of the entire wall of text he wrote about trying to convince people that after you've lived 75 years you need not live any longer:

Seventy-five years is all I want to live. I want to celebrate my life while I am still in my prime. My daughters and dear friends will continue to try to convince me that I am wrong and can live a valuable life much longer. And I retain the right to change my mind and offer a vigorous and reasoned defense of living as long as possible. That, after all, would mean still being creative after 75.

if you're going to write such hogwash, at least have a little conviction.
This guy is gonna get sooo steamrolled...gonna be fun to watch!

'You know, during World War II, you know, Roosevelt came up with a thing:' Joe Biden rambles and struggles for words during interview on coronavirus response

Joe Biden rambled and struggled for words during a CNN interview on Thursday about the coronavirus response
Speaking to Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Biden stumbled his way through the evening interview
The former VP was asked his thoughts about President Trump's three-phase plan to reopen the country
Biden said: 'You know, there's a uh, during World War II, uh, you know, where Roosevelt came up with a thing uh, that uh, you know, was totally different than a, than the, the, it's called, he called it the, you know, the World War II, he had the war the War Production Board'
Donald Trump Jr. caught wind of the segment, sharing the clip with his followers on Twitter, writing: 'Debates gonna be [fire]'
I wonder if Biden is going to leave the basement to campaign this summer?  He?s definitely high risk if infected, probably won?t even hit the campaign trail.
It?s why his VP pick is so critical...that woman is the one really running for President...if they win good chance that woman takes over some time during their administration.