Presidential Elections

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eyephone said:
I wonder if they sell T-shirts that says Russian bounty gate. (It was recently asked during the Trump interview with Axios and Trump has not brought up bounty gate with Russia during the 7 or more recent call with Putin.) I support tear gas and rubber bullets.

First he was against Mexicans in the first election and now he is against fellow Americans and vets.

Always them v. US...tale as old as time.
It's a trap!!!!

Why Voting By Mail Imperils Biden More Than Trump
It puts Democrat-controlled states at greater risk of missing ?safe harbor? deadline.
Why does this pose a greater risk for Biden than Trump? The states attempting to convert to all mail-in voting are controlled by Democrats. Consequently, they are far more likely to encounter general election problems comparable to the disarray that characterized recent primaries in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. In both of those states, mail-in voting disfranchised tens of thousands due to postal delays, signature match problems, and voter errors. Such issues will inevitably recur in any state attempting to set up vote-by-mail before November. And the safe harbor deadline (December 8, 2020) doesn?t afford them the luxury of endless squabbling with the GOP about the validity of ballots in a contested race:

Under 3 U.S.C. ? 5, the so-called ?safe harbor? provision of federal law, a state can be assured of having its chosen slate of electors recognized only if post-election disputes are resolved within thirty-five days of Election Day.? The federally prescribed Electoral College procedures put a premium on states resolving post-election disputes by the safe harbor date.? Key swing states would be hard-pressed to complete their post-election processes on the timetable contemplated by federal law.
morekaos said:
It's a trap!!!!

Why Voting By Mail Imperils Biden More Than Trump
It puts Democrat-controlled states at greater risk of missing ?safe harbor? deadline.
Why does this pose a greater risk for Biden than Trump? The states attempting to convert to all mail-in voting are controlled by Democrats. Consequently, they are far more likely to encounter general election problems comparable to the disarray that characterized recent primaries in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. In both of those states, mail-in voting disfranchised tens of thousands due to postal delays, signature match problems, and voter errors. Such issues will inevitably recur in any state attempting to set up vote-by-mail before November. And the safe harbor deadline (December 8, 2020) doesn?t afford them the luxury of endless squabbling with the GOP about the validity of ballots in a contested race:

Under 3 U.S.C. ? 5, the so-called ?safe harbor? provision of federal law, a state can be assured of having its chosen slate of electors recognized only if post-election disputes are resolved within thirty-five days of Election Day.? The federally prescribed Electoral College procedures put a premium on states resolving post-election disputes by the safe harbor date.? Key swing states would be hard-pressed to complete their post-election processes on the timetable contemplated by federal law.

Except Trump says mail in ballot is okay for Florida but not anywhere else including states that have mail-in ballot exclusively.  Also okay for military.

Just admit that this is a political effort for Republicans to reduce votes...which is basically only way for Republicans to win now. 
morekaos said:
Absent Tee is not mail in for the whole. He has been very clear about that.

LOL...yes totally different...Trump apparently not differentiating any more...

?Whether you call it Vote by Mail or Absentee Voting, in Florida the election system is Safe and Secure, Tried and True,? Trump wrote in a tweet. ?Florida?s Voting system has been cleaned up (we defeated Democrats attempts at change), so in Florida I encourage all to request a Ballot & Vote by Mail! #MAGA?
Makes limited sense to me -

She does not help deliver a swing state (someone other than Stacey Abrams from GA would have worked for example)

Harris has a terrible reputation on crime and punishment - given the current view on the subject from many on the Left.

A genuinely sordid past, being given a job only after going full "homewrecker" with Willie Brown - and yes, Trump lives in a glass house on this one, but still.

Her positions on 420 issues are "baked".

On the other hand she does support a financial transaction tax - something I also strongly wish would exist.

This may be another one of those "Eh... I'll still vote for Biden/Harris even though I can't stand either of them". Not a compelling argument IMHO.

My .02c
Irvinecommuter said:
eyephone said:
Biden picks Karmala Harris as his VP running mate. Previous California AG.

Makes sense...she was always the front runner.  She checks just about every box except she is not from a "battleground state".

Yup. She is previous AG. Which shuts down the law and order argument. Plus Trump is not, as he pardoned or committed Roger Stone and lobbied for Flynn which he plead guilty.
Soylent Green Is People said:
Makes limited sense to me -

She does not help deliver a swing state (someone other than Stacey Abrams from GA would have worked for example)

Harris has a terrible reputation on crime and punishment - given the current view on the subject from many on the Left.

A genuinely sordid past, being given a job only after going full "homewrecker" with Willie Brown - and yes, Trump lives in a glass house on this one, but still.

Her positions on 420 issues are "baked".

On the other hand she does support a financial transaction tax - something I also strongly wish would exist.

This may be another one of those "Eh... I'll still vote for Biden/Harris even though I can't stand either of them". Not a compelling argument IMHO.

My .02c

One of the reasons why Hillary lost was because she took the minority base for granted.  Her picking Tim Kaine for a running mate was terrible. 

VP is usually a hood ornament role anyways but this one is of interest cause Biden is seen as the stabilizing candidate and thus may not run in 4 years.
Add another to a person connected with Trump getting arrested and/or convicted. (Note: Steve is innocent until court case or case settlement)

CNBC: Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon arrested on fraud charges in border wall fundraising scheme

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon was arrested Thursday after being charged with defrauding hundreds of thousands of donors through his We Build the Wall fundraising campaign.

Bannon and three associates were indicted in a federal investigation in the Southern District of New York. Prosecutors allege the four defrauded donors by raising "more than $25 million to build a wall along the southern border of the United States," but some of that money was used for personal gain.

eyephone said:
Add another to a person connected with Trump getting arrested and/or convicted. (Note: Steve is innocent until court case or case settlement)

CNBC: Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon arrested on fraud charges in border wall fundraising scheme

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon was arrested Thursday after being charged with defrauding hundreds of thousands of donors through his We Build the Wall fundraising campaign.

Bannon and three associates were indicted in a federal investigation in the Southern District of New York. Prosecutors allege the four defrauded donors by raising "more than $25 million to build a wall along the southern border of the United States," but some of that money was used for personal gain.

This whole right-wing/Fox News/Trump thing is just a huge scam...people at Fox News admitted in legal filings and Trump and his group are all out to profit themselves.  Only the cultists refuse to see the truth because they have made everything personal.

Go watch that My Pillow guy on Anderson Cooper the other's just amazing that there is 20-25% of the people who will see that and think that the mass media is trying to stop a "miracle cure" for Covid.
This could be why Trump is hitting postal service

Steve Bannon, a former Trump campaign adviser, was charged with fraud by federal prosecutors and arrested by agents from the US Postal Inspection Service on Thursday.

The arrest came as the Trump administration faces accusations that it's trying to undermine the Postal Service in a crucial election year.

Postal Inspection Service agents arrested Bannon aboard a luxury mega yacht, the $28 million Lady May owned by Chinese businessman Guo Wengui, off the coast of Westbrook, Connecticut, according to the Hartford Courant. Bannon is expected to appear in court later Thursday.

LOL...Postal Service, Chinese involvement, Mexico not paying for the wall, and scamming public.
Irvinecommuter said:
This could be why Trump is hitting postal service

Steve Bannon, a former Trump campaign adviser, was charged with fraud by federal prosecutors and arrested by agents from the US Postal Inspection Service on Thursday.

The arrest came as the Trump administration faces accusations that it's trying to undermine the Postal Service in a crucial election year.

Postal Inspection Service agents arrested Bannon aboard a luxury mega yacht, the $28 million Lady May owned by Chinese businessman Guo Wengui, off the coast of Westbrook, Connecticut, according to the Hartford Courant. Bannon is expected to appear in court later Thursday.

LOL...Postal Service, Chinese involvement, Mexico not paying for the wall, and scamming public.

Not to be worry. He will get a pardon from POTUS, next week and celebrate with his friends and pals on another mega yatch. Life is good when your friends with the corrupted President. :)
Actually, Guo Wengui aka Miles Kwok is not associated with the CCP. He is a refugee businessman who hates the CCP, he fled to the US & regularly condemns their corrupt one party system.

See for yourself. I think this was discussed on TI previously.

The interviewer, Kyle Bass has also had Steve Bannon on his show talk about the dangers of Communist China.

MTalltheway said:
Actually, Guo Wengui aka Miles Kwok is not associated with the CCP. He is a refugee businessman who hates the CCP, he fled to the US & regularly condemns their corrupt one party system.

See for yourself. I think this was discussed on TI previously.

The interviewer, Kyle Bass has also had Steve Bannon on his show talk about the dangers of Communist China.

Btw: Steve recently got arrested. The arrest took place on a yacht or a big boat.
MTalltheway said:
Actually, Guo Wengui aka Miles Kwok is not associated with the CCP. He is a refugee businessman who hates the CCP, he fled to the US & regularly condemns their corrupt one party system.

I cannot even take this comment think the guy who was the 73rd richest person in China at one point was not associated with the CCP?  He is only not associate with it because he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

He began his business career in Zhengzhou, before moving to Beijing to secure various construction deals during the 2008 Beijing Olympics. His most famous asset was the Pangu Plaza, an Olympic torch-shaped condominium residence built prior to the Beijing games.

Guo, long prominent in real estate development and investment circles, came to fame in 2015 after a lengthy investigative report by Caixin media, controlled by Hu Shuli, was released, detailing Guo's political connections, business dealings, and hardball tactics against former rivals.

Guo was accused of corruption and other misdeeds by Chinese authorities and fled to the United States in late 2014, after learning he was going to be arrested under allegations including bribing, kidnapping, money laundering, fraud and rape
Cant wait for all the Trumpsters to tell me that it's made up....

Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead, according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day. In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, ?Why should I go to that cemetery? It?s filled with losers.? In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as ?suckers? for getting killed.