Presidential Elections

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irvinehomeowner said:
I'm not asking about the Dem primary... remember... who predicted a Trump win the first time around? Not most of us (if I remember correctly).

I know you weren't asking about the Dem primary. But it gives you an idea why Biden will likely do better than Hillary vs Trump. Look at how easily he beat Bernie who gave Hillary hell and dragged the primary to the finish line last time.

Biden doesn't need or have any other advantages. The "not Trump" + Obama nostalgia is enough to win.

Just look at latest polling in the swing states.

I'm going to be cautious about this. Remember you also thought that Yang could win the Democratic nomination too. :)

I can't be sure "not Trump" and Obamstalgia is enough.
irvinehomeowner said:

I'm going to be cautious about this. Remember you also thought that Yang could win the Democratic nomination too. :)

I can't be sure "not Trump" and Obamstalgia is enough.

That is kind of low bro. Below the belt comment.
But IHO can not give a response regarding the points that I brought up about Trump.

Personally, I'm not sure either. But, I was just pointing out what the polling is showing. It's the closest thing we have to being able to look at this objectively.

I'm quite disappointed that it's come to this too.

While I supported (proud max donor) and campaigned for Yang, I've always been realistic of Yang's chances. I did it not because I thought he'd really win. I did it to advance his ideas mainstream.

Kenkoko said:
Maybe he will not be the nominee, but he is the best candidate. I am 100% convinced of that after watching Yang's debate/discussion with Ben Shapiro. That is how political conversation should be. I am tired of labels and identity politics. I am reminded of this every time I  turn on the TV and see AOC or log into TI and see Morekaos posts.

I don't care that he likely will not win. I will keep donating to his campaign and help push his ideas mainstream.

I'd say we've been really successful at what we tried to accomplish. Look at UBI now! Agree or disagree with UBI, it's mainstream now in US politics.

Can't resist a little dig, where's all the " free money bad" TI crowd? Seems to have gone silent since Trump's stimulus  :P

Man... people need to have thicker skin on TI.

That's what the smiley face emoticon is for.

Believe me, I would much rather have Yang as the Dem nominee than Biden. I was hinging on the "something different" vote... kind of how Trump got elected.

And yes... I still don't believe in UBI as a normal thing... maybe not even during crises such as this.


I didn't really engage in your comments because they were more about bashing Trump and not about what would make Biden a better choice. From what I remember, I don't think you had higher regard for Biden either. Do you like Biden?
irvinehomeowner said:
Man... people need to have thicker skin on TI.

That's what the smiley face emoticon is for.

Believe me, I would much rather have Yang as the Dem nominee than Biden. I was hinging on the "something different" vote... kind of how Trump got elected.

And yes... I still don't believe in UBI as a normal thing... maybe not even during crises such as this.


I didn't really engage in your comments because they were more about bashing Trump and not about what would make Biden a better choice. From what I remember, I don't think you had higher regard for Biden either. Do you like Biden?

Bashing Trump? Am I lying about Fat Boy Kim shooting 9 missiles like it is a video game? Am I lying about dropping the ball regarding the preventing the virus and on top of that praising China? But then when people started to dye in America he changed his position. Sorry that is not called bashing.

The GOP will try to investigate Biden just like other dictator countries that puts the political opponents in jail. It was not a problem until recently.

Biden has experience and leadership which I like.
It still stands you are talking about what Trump has or has not done... bash, blame, point fingers.. same thing.

I'm more interested in what would make Biden a better choice or more importantly, get voters to choose him over an incumbent president.

He has experience, but what is good about his leadership? What about all the negatives people have been bringing up about him?

Maybe Kenkoko has some insight as I don't think the nostalgia can beat the "charisma" (okay... now that is a joke if you didn't get it).
irvinehomeowner said:
Man... people need to have thicker skin on TI.

That's what the smiley face emoticon is for.

Believe me, I would much rather have Yang as the Dem nominee than Biden. I was hinging on the "something different" vote... kind of how Trump got elected.

And yes... I still don't believe in UBI as a normal thing... maybe not even during crises such as this.

Come on IHO, is quoting my own past history = having thin skin? I thought you were all about keeping records on TI!

I get the doubts about UBI, I was one of the doubters before Yang.

But what's the alternative? Do we just keep going down this welfare bottomless pit? We are about to find out soon when unemployment really takes off.

Do we keep pretending that people will go against human nature and respond to welfare's negative incentives? We need a way out of the welfare trap and UBI is the most simplistic and yet most bi-partisan approach.

irvinehomeowner said:
It still stands you are talking about what Trump has or has not done... bash, blame, point fingers.. same thing.

I'm more interested in what would make Biden a better choice or more importantly, get voters to choose him over an incumbent president.

He has experience, but what is good about his leadership? What about all the negatives people have been bringing up about him?

Maybe Kenkoko has some insight as I don't think the nostalgia can beat the "charisma" (okay... now that is a joke if you didn't get it).

But that was Trump does. For the record I am correct. So now I am a bad guy?
This is the worst attack than 9/11. Trump does nothing!

Last time I checked telling the truth is not bashing.
I am not misleading or giving fake news.
That is why people trust me and did not pass measure B. The worst measure on the ballot. Lol
I wasn't referring to you... but I need to be more cognitive of your fear of slack. :)

We talked about UBI in the past and gave my alternatives.

It's not economically feasible nor proven. I'd much rather focus on fixing the tax system first.

There is no such thing as "free" money. There will always be a cost and who will pay it?

But back to Biden... as I said, the reasons you state I don't feel are enough... any others?
eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
It still stands you are talking about what Trump has or has not done... bash, blame, point fingers.. same thing.

I'm more interested in what would make Biden a better choice or more importantly, get voters to choose him over an incumbent president.

He has experience, but what is good about his leadership? What about all the negatives people have been bringing up about him?

Maybe Kenkoko has some insight as I don't think the nostalgia can beat the "charisma" (okay... now that is a joke if you didn't get it).

But that was Trump does. For the record I am correct. So now I am a bad guy?
This is the worst attack than 9/11. Trump does nothing!

Still about Trump. I want to hear your opinions on Biden.

And no one here said you were a bad guy... just asking you to focus on the person who will probably be running against your "bad guy". :)
I'm still a "free money is bad" type. We haven't all run for the hills. Not here to convince anyone of the benefits or detractions of UBI as everyone is dug in on the subject so no use pursuing that right now.

There are bursts of time when the Government needs to intervene in private markets. No one can seriously argue a 100% hands off world will work any better or worse than a 100% hands on world would. 100% all the time, though? I'm not convinced.

FWIW Spain is evidently going to try a UBI model from what I've read today.

My .02c
November is a long way away.  10 million unemployment claims in two weeks. Many small business on government life lines. Social distancing when many public venues closed until May, June or longer. 

The number of ugly ducklings that could hatch from this event come September or October not mention the festering wounds that will erupt after victory declared come July/August. 

@IHO - JIMHO, Biden is irrelevant at this point.  It?s all Trump, covid and the economy.  He?s not Trump and not alienating to many, and  that?s enough if Trump porks the any of the three. And doesn?t matter if people don?t think he porked two of them.
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
It still stands you are talking about what Trump has or has not done... bash, blame, point fingers.. same thing.

I'm more interested in what would make Biden a better choice or more importantly, get voters to choose him over an incumbent president.

He has experience, but what is good about his leadership? What about all the negatives people have been bringing up about him?

Maybe Kenkoko has some insight as I don't think the nostalgia can beat the "charisma" (okay... now that is a joke if you didn't get it).

But that was Trump does. For the record I am correct. So now I am a bad guy?
This is the worst attack than 9/11. Trump does nothing!

Still about Trump. I want to hear your opinions on Biden.

And no one here said you were a bad guy... just asking you to focus on the person who will probably be running against your "bad guy". :)

I already mentioned about Biden read above. Here we go again. IHO you do not get along with your coworkers calm down. Read before you post.
irvinehomeowner said:
I wasn't referring to you... but I need to be more cognitive of your fear of slack. :)

We talked about UBI in the past and gave my alternatives.

It's not economically feasible nor proven. I'd much rather focus on fixing the tax system first.

There is no such thing as "free" money. There will always be a cost and who will pay it?

But back to Biden... as I said, the reasons you state I don't feel are enough... any others?

I don't know if UBI will be economically feasible, but we should try.

I prefer Yang's solution to yours solution because we need to eventually break away from the old paradigm. Things like healthcare being tied to your employment, taxing income instead of consumption, and increasing # of people stuck in welfare.

UBI is the bridge to unshackle us from that.

Biden is the Dem winner in large part because of Trump. Trump has really united the left. Trump has managed to get a lot of the fractured left who were "issues over candidate" to say " fxxk it, let's just beat Trump".

Trump's too unpredictable and acts un-presidential to me. As an Asian American, it sure seems like Trump has given up on the Asian American vote with the whole Chinese virus stunt.

It?s entirely possible to acknowledge the Chinese government?s role in stifling early info and worsening the coronavirus crisis without being racist about it. But he simply chose not to.
Kenkoko said:
irvinehomeowner said:
I wasn't referring to you... but I need to be more cognitive of your fear of slack. :)

We talked about UBI in the past and gave my alternatives.

It's not economically feasible nor proven. I'd much rather focus on fixing the tax system first.

There is no such thing as "free" money. There will always be a cost and who will pay it?

But back to Biden... as I said, the reasons you state I don't feel are enough... any others?

I don't know if UBI will be economically feasible, but we should try.

I prefer Yang's solution to yours solution because we need to eventually break away from the old paradigm. Things like healthcare being tied to your employment, taxing income instead of consumption, and increasing # of people stuck in welfare.

UBI is the bridge to unshackle us from that.

Biden is the Dem winner in large part because of Trump. Trump has really united the left. Trump has managed to get a lot of the fractured left who were "issues over candidate" to say " fxxk it, let's just beat Trump".

Trump's too unpredictable and acts un-presidential to me. As an Asian American, it sure seems like Trump has given up on the Asian American vote with the whole Chinese virus stunt.

It?s entirely possible to acknowledge the Chinese government?s role in stifling early info and worsening the coronavirus crisis without being racist about it. But he simply chose not to.

Maybe it is a GOP thing


"Everything you need to know about the Chinese coronavirus can be found on one, regularly-updated website," McCarthy wrote.

GOP do not like Asian people. Lol

eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
It still stands you are talking about what Trump has or has not done... bash, blame, point fingers.. same thing.

I'm more interested in what would make Biden a better choice or more importantly, get voters to choose him over an incumbent president.

He has experience, but what is good about his leadership? What about all the negatives people have been bringing up about him?

Maybe Kenkoko has some insight as I don't think the nostalgia can beat the "charisma" (okay... now that is a joke if you didn't get it).

But that was Trump does. For the record I am correct. So now I am a bad guy?
This is the worst attack than 9/11. Trump does nothing!

Still about Trump. I want to hear your opinions on Biden.

And no one here said you were a bad guy... just asking you to focus on the person who will probably be running against your "bad guy". :)

I already mentioned about Biden read above. Here we go again. IHO you do not get along with your coworkers calm down.

And here you go again... making things up. Never said I don't get along with my coworkers, what I did say was that in general, for many people, dealing with coworkers can be worse than taking care of your kids at home.

But I digress:

eyephone said:
Read before you post.

Take your own advice... I did read your post and asked for more details:

eyephone said:
Biden has experience and leadership which I like.
IHO said:
I'm more interested in what would make Biden a better choice or more importantly, get voters to choose him over an incumbent president.

He has experience, but what is good about his leadership? What about all the negatives people have been bringing up about him?

So caught up in "attacking" people you don't even follow your own rules.

Again, what is it about Biden's leadership? And what about the cons?
Kenkoko said:
... taxing income instead of consumption ...

This is what I mean when fixing the tax system. I think we need to do that first.

UBI is the bridge to unshackle us from that.

I'm not sure about this but you tend to deal in the big picture and generalities instead of looking at the logistics and the details. The US is not some small country, county or city where UBI can be the panacea to all that ails us... there is just so many hurdles you are not considering.

Biden is the Dem winner in large part because of Trump. Trump has really united the left. Trump has managed to get a lot of the fractured left who were "issues over candidate" to say " fxxk it, let's just beat Trump".

But why Biden? Because Sanders wasn't good enough? I still think the left is fractured... but it's going to take more than uniting the Dems to beat Trump. Don't you need to fracture the right?

Trump's too unpredictable and acts un-presidential to me.

Totally agree on this. But there is a large contingent out there who likes that. Some call it charisma (heh) while you and I cringe. After the debates with Hillary my opinion was "No way is this guy is fit to be prez"... look what happened.

As an Asian American, it sure seems like Trump has given up on the Asian American vote with the whole Chinese virus stunt.

It?s entirely possible to acknowledge the Chinese government?s role in stifling early info and worsening the coronavirus crisis without being racist about it. But he simply chose not to.

You would think that. I don't know the numbers but how much percentage of the vote is Asian American? Is there numbers from the last election?
All I need to know about Biden is that he waived off the raid to kill OBL, wanting "more information". The story optics about the VP's waive off request were terrible when first discussed, then over time it was "oh, I still wanted it done" to "oh, it was just a private conversation....".

To the people in the room, it was far, far more than a suggestion by the VP.

I can set aside quite a bit, but this is one of my red lines about Creepy/Sleepy Joe.

My .02c