Presidential Elections

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Trump gave the okay to have the US diplomats from the epidemic zone (Wuhan, China) to California. Lets see if that was a good decision.

*Maybe they should have been evacuated  and sent to a US territory located in the Pacific. Then after several weeks, bring them back. (just a thought)

Rural Americans Increasingly Concerned About Opioid Addiction, Study Finds

Researchers at Harvard University and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation found that rural Americans identified drug addiction and economic concerns as the most serious problems facing their communities.

A higher share of Appalachian respondents, about four in 10, ranked opioid addiction as the most serious problem facing their community. Separate research from 2017, which found that the rate of overdose deaths per 100,000 people is higher in rural places than in metro areas.

In this partisan era, opioids are one of the big bipartisan issues out there. Solving the opioid epidemic and bringing funding and treatment and some major policy solutions to rural areas is something that both parties will do something about, Gorski said.

President Donald Trump recently named the opioid epidemic a public health emergency, and the Department of Health and Human Services has awarded $1 billion to address the crisis.

Research done by Harvard says the same thing I have been saying. (Not surprising)
Trump did something but its not working. He labeled opioid epidemic as a health emergency.

If Bernie gets enough momentum going to be the nominee for the Dems, what will be the establishment Dems response?

A) Fix the convention for a Bloomberg win?

B) See HRC enter the race late either as the nominee or to spice up another candidates bid by being their VP nominee?

C) ? ? ?

Wild times we're in, eh?

My .02c
That is a fascinating scenario, if he picks an establishment running mate with significant popularity (Oprah, Michelle) he stands a chance...if he sticks to Occasional Cortex (Smith) he is sunk. Either way Trump wins and hilarity ensues!
looking to compare how dems would run the country if elected?  look no further than the iowa caucus! what a disaster!

Who won? Iowa Caucuses disaster highlights why the process is a mess

You had one job.

The Iowa Caucuses essentially collapsed in confusion when state party officials were unable to report any results.

It was a colossal failure on Monday night that will only fuel the criticism of the state?s first-in-the-nation role, with rules so complicated that journalists had trouble explaining them and the Democratic apparatus couldn?t even count the votes.
All of this blamed on a "walled garden" App with a user base of only about 2,000 individuals.

Who'd they hire to develop the App? Glootie from "Rick and Morty"??


Soylent Green Is People said:
All of this blamed on a "walled garden" App with a user base of only about 2,000 individuals.

Who'd they hire to develop the App? Glooty from "Rick and Morty"??


actually, the app was created by a "non-profit" created by former clinton and obama staffers...can't make this up!

Iowa caucus chaos linked to app started by Clinton campaign veterans

An app created by a tech company started by veterans of Hillary Clinton?s 2016 presidential campaign is being blamed for the unprecedented chaos during the Democratic Iowa caucuses on Monday, when delays and ?inconsistencies? in reporting forced the night to conclude with no real winner.

The Iowa Democratic Party paid Shadow, a tech firm that last year joined with ACRONYM, a liberal nonprofit group focused on digital messaging, more than $63,000 during two separate payments in November and December last year for ?website development,? according to state campaign finance records. According to the Huffington Post, citing a source with knowledge, those payments were for the app the caucus site leaders were supposed to use to upload the results at their locales.

Gerard Niemira, who served as Hillary Clinton?s director of product during her 2016 campaign, is currently the CEO of Shadow. He previously worked as both chief technology officer and chief operating officer at ACRONYM for a little over a year, according to his LinkedIn. In September of last year, David Plouffe, who helped lead both of former President Barack Obama?s presidential campaigns, joined ACRONYM?s board of directors. Robby Mook, Clinton?s campaign manager, denied involvement in the app after rumors began circulating that he played a role in the app?s development.
Kings said:
Soylent Green Is People said:
All of this blamed on a "walled garden" App with a user base of only about 2,000 individuals.

Who'd they hire to develop the App? Glooty from "Rick and Morty"??


actually, the app was created by a "non-profit" created by former clinton and obama staffers...can't make this up!

Iowa caucus chaos linked to app started by Clinton campaign veterans

An app created by a tech company started by veterans of Hillary Clinton?s 2016 presidential campaign is being blamed for the unprecedented chaos during the Democratic Iowa caucuses on Monday, when delays and ?inconsistencies? in reporting forced the night to conclude with no real winner.

The Iowa Democratic Party paid Shadow, a tech firm that last year joined with ACRONYM, a liberal nonprofit group focused on digital messaging, more than $63,000 during two separate payments in November and December last year for ?website development,? according to state campaign finance records. According to the Huffington Post, citing a source with knowledge, those payments were for the app the caucus site leaders were supposed to use to upload the results at their locales.

Gerard Niemira, who served as Hillary Clinton?s director of product during her 2016 campaign, is currently the CEO of Shadow. He previously worked as both chief technology officer and chief operating officer at ACRONYM for a little over a year, according to his LinkedIn. In September of last year, David Plouffe, who helped lead both of former President Barack Obama?s presidential campaigns, joined ACRONYM?s board of directors. Robby Mook, Clinton?s campaign manager, denied involvement in the app after rumors began circulating that he played a role in the app?s development.

also, the fact that the app is named "shadow" after the left has bombarded us over the past 4 years with the guise that they're going to be so transparent is laughable to the nth degree.

we all know bernie was screwed last time.  biden apparently got squashed in the polling from yesterday....but my money is still on him winning the nomination despite the fact that he is a bumbling idiot who can't remember what he ate for breakfast that morning.

just remember folks, democracy dies in darkness...unless you're the democrat party, where you live in darkness!
Result reporting inconsistencies.

What's that mean, did the app report Clinton won?

Seriously, what a victory for Trump and a gift that will keep giving.

The Dems want to scream voter suppression and it seems like every election is having voting irregularities in Counties controlled by Dems.
The app has too many checks to make sure you are who you say you are.  pin numbers, passwords, logins....2 complicated.
it's now wednesday and we still don't have all the results from monday's caucus.

the dnc says it's to protect the "integrity of the election" - bernie bros say it's to rig the election

i'm almost out of popcorn...
Kings said:
it's now wednesday and we still don't have all the results from monday's caucus.

the dnc says it's to protect the "integrity of the election" - bernie bros say it's to rig the election

i'm almost out of popcorn...

Double standard. But hes not concern about general election security.

Who is Bernie Sanders? He did not vote for the immigration reform bill. He is against people with money, but he owns 3 houses. He is for gun safety but he did not vote for the gun bill.
CNBC:Dow jumps 600 points as Biden Super Tuesday victories boost health-care stocks

Stocks surged on Wednesday as major victories from former Vice President Joe Biden during Super Tuesday sparked a massive rally within the health care sector.

Many investors have applauded Biden for his middle-of-the-road tact in contrast to the more-progressive policies of Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

My comment: The Biden Bump.  :D
Who knows if the market will stay up?

eyephone said:
Who is Bernie Sanders? He did not vote for the immigration reform bill. He is against people with money, but he owns 3 houses. He is for gun safety but he did not vote for the gun bill.

Bernie is blaming the establishment. How about blame his own voting record?
I stand with the Latinos in America. But how come Bernie did not vote for bi-partisan immigration reform bill when G W Bush was president? We would not be in this mess if it passed.

All this rage is like fake.
Mety said:
So Trump will be re-elected?

Well the media was saying Sanders was going to take it all yesterday and that did not happen. Biden kinda cleaned house yesterday.
Not we are talking about the Democratic nomination.

We will see....