Presidential Elections

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And Trump waived off the warning/advice from the intelligence community and his advisor David Navarro regarding virus. Because of this millions and millions of people of America are unemployed. This is what people care about.

I think the unemployment was inevitable.

We can?t flatten the curve if we don?t keep people from gathering.

What could have been done differently where places didn?t have to close?
irvinehomeowner said:
I think the unemployment was inevitable.

We can%u2019t flatten the curve if we don%u2019t keep people from gathering.

What could have been done differently where places didn%u2019t have to close?

I was just saying his inaction and congratulation to China President led the this to  mass unemployment and recession.
It seems like Trump does not trust anybody. Okay good luck. He can play secret agent on top of being President. He listens a lot to his buddies at his golf resort than government workers. Thats fine, but this is what happens. Lol

Lets save money and cut the disease team budget with the CDC.  (It is not that easy)

I'm glad we at least agree on some things!

I do disagree with your reasoning on why UBI wouldn't work because we're a big country. This is one aspect of UBI both liberals and conservative economists agree on - the simplicity. It can easily be built on top on current infrastructure much like the Trump stimulus checks that's coming soon.

If you studied economics, you probably read a textbook by Greg Mankiw. He is one of most influential economist in the world, the guy who wrote 70% of US college macro economic textbooks. He agrees with Yang's UBI. He's a conservative republican who was Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under President Bush.

Here's a short 2 min clip of Mankiw on UBI.

To your question - why Biden, why not Bernie ?

I respect Bernie's integrity, but he's too far left. His vision of a Federal jobs guarantee is probably the most scary and unrealistic policy out there.

Why Biden? He's not my top choice but he can beat Trump because very large numbers of American voters are low information voters. They vote on name recognition / familiarity. This is the #1 stunning revelation from my months of canvassing in Iowa and New Hampshire. This is why Biden beat Bernie in states where he didn't even have field staff or spent any money. The Obama nostalgia is strong and gets amplified every time Trump does something polarizing.

I agree with nosuchreality, it's mostly about Trump, COVID, and the economy.

Before COVID, I was certain Trump would get re-elected because the economy was good. If the economy was still good, almost nothing can touch him because people were willing to put up with his erratic and un-presidential behaviors. Now the game has changed.

People were surprised Trump beat Hillary but forget that Trump was polling very close to Hillary towards the end, even winning one of the final polls.

Polling, in general, is fairly accurate. The latest polling in the swing states are not looking good for Trump.

The mid-west and the south will be hit hard by this Covid recession. 

Asian Americans make up about 6% of US population and are very concentrated in coastal areas. Traditionally Asian Americans vote pretty evenly split. In the 2014 midterm elections, 49 percent of Asian American voters backed a Democratic House candidate, according to exit polls. But things have changed since Trump. In 2018, that number shot up to 77 percent. It?s pretty clear to me Trump has done the math too. Therefore he decided to sacrifice Asian Americans to please his core base with the whole Chinese virus stunt.

Trump knows he needs to secure his own large numbers of low information voters too. And they care about being strong on China and the economy. Half his tweets are tailor made for them.
This is Trump this morning -

Once we OPEN UP OUR GREAT COUNTRY, and it will be sooner rather than later, the horror of the Invisible Enemy, except for those that sadly lost a family member or friend, must be quickly forgotten. Our Economy will BOOM, perhaps like never before!!!

Only his core base would blindly believe the economy will BOOM like never before. Look at all the caps too
I guess what I'm trying to say is I've hear too much of the "why Trump isn't good" side of it.

I want to hear more about why Biden will make a better leader other than name recognition, Obamastalgia, and he beat Bernie.

From what I've seen of Biden, he too can also be prone to missteps and talking when he shouldn't be... so I don't want more of the same but in a political Democratic package rather than a businessman Republican one.

Sell me on Biden because of Biden, not because he's "not Trump".
To suggest that a large number of voters are "low information" folks reveals contempt for a great number of Americans.

If we want to talk about "low information" why not delve into the screening of any damaging information about Biden? Imagine his standings in polls had the same level of vitriolic investigation had been done with Biden by ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, WaPo, NYT, AP, UPI, Reuters, etc.

Had those groups been as active in providing actual information about Biden, amazing things would have occurred by now. Ask any "person on the street" about Bidens unwillingness to get OBL and you'll get a blank stare because they weren't told. Ask them why Biden keeps harping on the Charlottesville "fine people" lie, when any rational reading of the verbatim transcript of that press conference will show the polar opposite happened. (Try the Politifact site for a copy) The same goes for "Trump called the Coronavirus a hoax" meme Biden pushes. Read the transcript as well - Dems at the time were saying "nothing is being done" which was the hoax, not the virus threat itself. Does the media challenge ANYTHING Biden says? No, which restricts information to those who actually need it.

On the opposite pole, we keep hearing about how Trump has "blood on his hands" for doing nothing, and that David Peter Navarro warned the President (on a Thursday) and DID NOTHING (until Saturday) about the virus. The endless harping about a "Muslim ban" (Anyone from Singapore banned? No? What about Lebanon, or Morocco? Strange...)  "caging children and separating families" (Continuing an Obama Policy BTW) and of course "Them Rooskies" being the invisible hand behind every Trump decision - yet proved as nonsense. I'd ask then who is guilty for making voters into "low information" stooges - AKA the "useful idiot"?

The low information voters perhaps are the ones that rely only on corporate media, spoon feeding them little else but pap and drivel. If that's the case, then we are in agreement. It's not these voters fault directly, but the media's for being blinded by partisan rage just because their wet dream of a 2016 coronation never materialized, disrupted by a reality tv game show host none the less!

My .02c
Soylent Green Is People said:
To suggest that Trumpistas are low information voters betrays your contempt for a great number of Americans.

If we want to talk about "low information" why not delve into the screening of any damaging information about Biden? Imagine his standings in polls had the same level of vitriolic investigation had been done with Biden by ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, WaPo, NYT, etc.

Had those groups been as active in providing actual information about Biden, amazing things would have occurred. Ask any "Person on the street" about Bidens unwillingness to get OBL and you'll get a blank stare because they weren't told. Ask them why Biden keeps harping on the Charlottesville "fine people" lie, when any rational reading of the verbatim transcript of that press conference will show the polar opposite happened. (Try the Politifact site for a copy) The same goes for "Trump called the Coronavirus a hoax" meme Biden pushes. Read the transcript as well - Dems saying nothing was being done was the Hoax, not the virus threat. Does the media challenge ANYTHING Biden says? No, which restricts information to those who actually need it.

The Low Information Voters you distain are the ones that rely on corporate media, spoon feeding them little else but pap and drivel. It's not these voters fault, but the media's.

You must have mis-read my post. I was saying low information voters make up a large number on BOTH side. Which is why we are stuck with Biden vs Trump.

We are here because we have a large number of low information voters and single issue voters. Where was my disdain for them? Do I wish people would listen to logic and reason and care more about issues? Hell yes. That's why I campaigned for someone who many called " random man running for president"

Yes this polarization is in large part the media's fault. They've long figured out it is more profitable to go extreme and cater to their specific audience than it is to report accurate news. But that's what you'd expect in late stage capitalism. These media companies serves the same thing we all serve- the almighty dollar.

I hope people wake up to what's really going on because we have serious problems in our country.

eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
I think the unemployment was inevitable.

We can%u2019t flatten the curve if we don%u2019t keep people from gathering.

What could have been done differently where places didn%u2019t have to close?

I was just saying his inaction and congratulation to China President led the this to  mass unemployment and recession.

I disagree. The pandemic and the call for social distancing caused unemployment. That was going to happen regardless of who was in office. Please don't mix the two.

Lets save money and cut the disease team budget with the CDC.  (It is not that easy)

So I'm starting to fact check these statements and I found this:

Although it?s true that Trump?s fiscal year 2021 budget proposal does propose a funding cut to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), that budget has not been enacted.

As The Washington Post explains, those funding cuts target the CDC?s chronic disease activities:

So the cuts were aimed not at pandemics but chronic diseases like diabetes etc.

HHS officials said they want the CDC to focus on its core mission of preventing and controlling infectious diseases and on other emerging public health issues, such as opioid abuse.

So not only did they want the CDC to focus on things like coronavirus but also your other hot issue of opioid abuse.

The site also states that Trump *increased" CDC funding for global disease detection:

Also in 2018, news reports circulated about an 80% reduction in the CDC?s program that worked in various countries to fight epidemics. That was the result of the anticipated depletion of previously allotted funding. But those budget cuts ultimately didn?t happen, CDC told, because Congress provided other funding. For fiscal year 2021, President Trump has requested that CDC funding for global disease detection and other programs be increased further ? to $225 million total, with $175 million going directly to global health security.?

Again, I don't like Trump, but I also know that people tend to just hear what they want to hear (and this goes for both sides).
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
I think the unemployment was inevitable.

We can%u2019t flatten the curve if we don%u2019t keep people from gathering.

What could have been done differently where places didn%u2019t have to close?

I was just saying his inaction and congratulation to China President led the this to  mass unemployment and recession.

I disagree. The pandemic and the call for social distancing caused unemployment. That was going to happen regardless of who was in office. Please don't mix the two.

Lets save money and cut the disease team budget with the CDC.  (It is not that easy)

So I'm starting to fact check these statements and I found this:

Although it%u2019s true that Trump%u2019s fiscal year 2021 budget proposal does propose a funding cut to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), that budget has not been enacted.

As The Washington Post explains, those funding cuts target the CDC%u2019s chronic disease activities:

So the cuts were aimed not at pandemics but chronic diseases like diabetes etc.

HHS officials said they want the CDC to focus on its core mission of preventing and controlling infectious diseases and on other emerging public health issues, such as opioid abuse.

So not only did they want the CDC to focus on things like coronavirus but also your other hot issue of opioid abuse.

The site also states that Trump *increased" CDC funding for global disease detection:

Also in 2018, news reports circulated about an 80% reduction in the CDC%u2019s program that worked in various countries to fight epidemics. That was the result of the anticipated depletion of previously allotted funding. But those budget cuts ultimately didn%u2019t happen, CDC told, because Congress provided other funding. For fiscal year 2021, President Trump has requested that CDC funding for global disease detection and other programs be increased further %u2014 to $225 million total, with $175 million going directly to global health security.%u201D

Again, I don't like Trump, but I also know that people tend to just hear what they want to hear (and this goes for both sides).

Total fake news. This is not about Trump. I think it is about me. It is clear you do not like me. To be honest I do not care. Lol
But man you do not know what you are talking about.

I never heard of that website and I am not going to click that link. We all know that he has fumbled or shall I say dropped the ball relating to the covid response.
He even brought up the wall during a the covid conference.  (Like who cares) In the mean time, we have people waiting in line for food banks across the nation. Food banks are overrun. Maybe the stimulus should go to the food banks. (just a thought)

We have innocent people with the covid virus dying. (Hospital workers, police, first responders and normal people are dying.)
I think we should all be very thankful to have a president like Trump during this covid situation.

Since this crisis began, you can see Trump struggle to consider and balance the concerns and interests of many different parts of American society, not just the alarmists, because there is more at stake with the current crisis than just flattening the curve.
eyephone said:
Total fake news.

Just trying to get to the facts rather than just what we hear or read.

This is not about Trump.

Then why every time I ask you about Biden you come back with something about Trump? You still haven't answered my question about his leadership.

I think it is about me. It is clear you do not like me. To be honest I do not care. Lol
But man you do not know what you are talking about.

This is not actually about you. Many other people, news shows and sites have made the same claims and I wanted to check rather than just accept it as truth. The only reason I quoted you is because you keep posting the same things over and over again.

Notice, I'm not addressing you... just your claim about cutting CDC funding.

I never heard of that website and I am not going to click that link.

Then you are doing yourself an injustice. Snopes is well known for fact checking and citing their articles with non-partisan sources. It started out as a site that debunks urban legends but has grown into more than that:

Snopes (/sno?ps/), formerly known as the Urban Legends Reference Pages, is a fact-checking website. It has been described as a "well-regarded reference for sorting out myths and rumors" on the Internet. It has also been seen as a source for validating and debunking urban legends and similar stories in American popular culture.

We all know that he has fumbled or shall I say the covid response. He even brought up the wall. (Like who cares)

I can somewhat agree with this. I cringe whenever he speaks during those press conferences.

We have innocent people with the covid virus dying. (Hospital workers, police, first responders and normal people are dying.)

Sure... but you seem to be blaming only one person or administration when this is something that we all are part of. What is this statement trying to accomplish by saying "innocent" people are dying?

You ask me to address your posts but when I do, you call it fake news or say I don't know what I'm talking about.  That's the other reason why I tend not to engage with you because you don't seem to want to have a civil discussion.

I'll just not respond again if that's okay with you.
Biden, now presumptive nominee, holds edge over Trump in general election polls

We all know Biden would do a better job handling the covid situation. Trump is all over the place.

Trump is weak on national security. He is letting Fat boy Kim with a bad hair cut aka rocket man shoot around 9 missiles like it is a video game.

irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
Total fake news.

Just trying to get to the facts rather than just what we hear or read.

This is not about Trump.

Then why every time I ask you about Biden you come back with something about Trump? You still haven't answered my question about his leadership.

I think it is about me. It is clear you do not like me. To be honest I do not care. Lol
But man you do not know what you are talking about.

This is not actually about you. Many other people, news shows and sites have made the same claims and I wanted to check rather than just accept it as truth. The only reason I quoted you is because you keep posting the same things over and over again.

Notice, I'm not addressing you... just your claim about cutting CDC funding.

I never heard of that website and I am not going to click that link.

Then you are doing yourself an injustice. Snopes is well known for fact checking and citing their articles with non-partisan sources. It started out as a site that debunks urban legends but has grown into more than that:

Snopes (/sno?ps/), formerly known as the Urban Legends Reference Pages, is a fact-checking website. It has been described as a "well-regarded reference for sorting out myths and rumors" on the Internet. It has also been seen as a source for validating and debunking urban legends and similar stories in American popular culture.

We all know that he has fumbled or shall I say the covid response. He even brought up the wall. (Like who cares)

I can somewhat agree with this. I cringe whenever he speaks during those press conferences.

We have innocent people with the covid virus dying. (Hospital workers, police, first responders and normal people are dying.)

Sure... but you seem to be blaming only one person or administration when this is something that we all are part of. What is this statement trying to accomplish by saying "innocent" people are dying?

You ask me to address your posts but when I do, you call it fake news or say I don't know what I'm talking about.  That's the other reason why I tend not to engage with you because you don't seem to want to have a civil discussion.

I'll just not respond again if that's okay with you.
I will continue to blame Trump and I guess I should start attacking you.
How is your heath and weight doing? I heard you like to eat a lot.
I assume it is getting better since stores are closed down. But I guess you can still buy junk food.
eyephone said:
I will continue to blame Trump and I guess I should start attacking you.
How is your heath and weight doing? I heard you like to eat a lot.
I assume it is getting better since stores are closed down. But I guess you can still buy junk food.

Quoted before you delete.
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
I will continue to blame Trump and I guess I should start attacking you.
How is your heath and weight doing? I heard you like to eat a lot.
I assume it is getting better since stores are closed down. But I guess you can still buy junk food.

Quoted before you delete.

Quote all you want. Read the previous posts on TI. Another independent member on TI said it not me. I am just relaying the post. You did not say nothing to her.
So I want to get back to why Biden would make a good president.

Quite honestly, I would have preferred more "diversity" in the opposing candidate. As much as can be said about Obamastalgia, Biden is not an African American.

What will make Biden someone I can vote for (and I will already say I am NOT voting for Trump, but Biden needs to earn my vote).

Saying he is not orange isn't good enough. :)
irvinehomeowner said:
So I want to get back to why Biden would make a good president.

Quite honestly, I would have preferred more "diversity" in the opposing candidate. As much as can be said about Obamastalgia, Biden is not an African American.

What will make Biden someone I can vote for (and I will already say I am NOT voting for Trump, but Biden needs to earn my vote).

Saying he is not orange isn't good enough. :)

I?m afraid you are looking for answers when there?s none. Biden?s strategy is brutally simple, keeping dem?s core constituencies, hold on to Liberals like Alyssa Millano and double down on suburban voters who can easily be won over by social issues.

It isn?t very different than what Trump is doing. Making calculated moves to solidify his core constituencies.

Biden isn?t doing anything to win your conservative vote just like Trump isn?t doing anything to win mine. That's just the crappy reality we live in.
Kenkoko said:
irvinehomeowner said:
So I want to get back to why Biden would make a good president.

Quite honestly, I would have preferred more "diversity" in the opposing candidate. As much as can be said about Obamastalgia, Biden is not an African American.

What will make Biden someone I can vote for (and I will already say I am NOT voting for Trump, but Biden needs to earn my vote).

Saying he is not orange isn't good enough. :)

I?m afraid you are looking for answers when there?s none. Biden?s strategy is brutally simple, keeping dem?s core constituencies, hold on to Liberals like Alyssa Millano and double down on suburban voters who can easily be won over by social issues.

It isn?t very different than what Trump is doing. Making calculated moves to solidify his core constituencies.

Biden isn?t doing anything to win your conservative vote just like Trump isn?t doing anything to win mine. That's just the crappy reality we live in.

Biden is for Obamacare or something like it. It sure would of help out this situation that we are in.
Instead Trump bashed it non stop. But wait Trump now cares about the uninsured  and says it is not fair. But too bad that is not what GOP member have said.

Healthcare would play a major role in this upcoming election.
Kenkoko said:
Biden isn?t doing anything to win your conservative vote...

*Fiscally* conservative vote. I tend to be socially liberal but am also not for a welfare state.

Why not work on consumption tax first... see how that is and then determine if there is enough for UBI? I don't think you can implement UBI without fixing the tax system prior.