Presidential Elections

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My comment: before bashing the media, get your statements straight. Does his staff proof check his own statements?

Article: "Trump rehashes his Charlottesville response at wild Arizona rally by reading a different version of his original statement

"Right now, we are all Americans, and we all believe in America first," Trump said.

But he quickly moved to bash the media over its coverage of his response to the August 12 white-supremacist rally in Charlottesville, where hate groups clashed with counterprotesters, one of whom was killed when a car plowed into a crowd. Trump faced scrutiny for making a statement on that day that did not single out hate groups for blame.

On Tuesday night, Trump read back parts of the initial response he gave on that day, though he omitted his comment placing blame on "many sides" for the violence. The president also falsely told the Arizona crowd that he called out neo-Nazi and white-supremacist groups that organized and led the rally in his first statement on August 12. He did not do so until two days after his initial statement, following sharp criticism from Republican and Democratic leaders.

The president bristled at critics who said his condemnation of neo-Nazis and white supremacists - which he called out by name for the first time on August 14 - were not delivered in a timely manner.

"He was late!" Trump said, impersonating a media commentator."


morekaos said:
Haaaa! More overhyped BS.

Trump-backers dramatically outnumber protesters in Phoenix
"Clinton recounted her thoughts  "back up, you creep" as he stood behind her.

"My skin crawled," Clinton said. "It was one of those moments where you wish you could hit pause and ask everyone watching 'well, what would you do?'"


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I literally laughed out loud when I saw the cover to Hillary's new book. 

I'm glad you asked this important question Hillary.  Could it be that your campaign had no theme or reason for being?  Could it be that most Americans see you as corrupt?  Could it be that calling half of Americans "a basket of deplorables" just isn't wise?


[spoiler alert]

It was Bernie's fault.... It was Comey's fault.... It was Putin's fault....


Could it be that calling half of Americans "a basket of deplorables"
She didn't call half of Americans deplorable. Just half of his supporters. That's only about 10% of the US population who were stupid enough to vote for him to be president. 
Loco_local said:
Could it be that calling half of Americans "a basket of deplorables"
She didn't call half of Americans deplorable. Just half of his supporters. That's only about 10% of the US population who were stupid enough to vote for him to be president.

Hey whatever... It pushed many undecided voters into Trump's camp.  So thanks Hillary!
Half of Trump supporters is half of those who voted for him.  46% / 2 = 23% of the electorate...thats a whole lot of voters to label when you live on identity politics.
Only 26% of registered voters voted for Trump.
It's hard to believe these snowflakes got their feelings hurt so badly that they chose a lying, mentally unstable con artist to be their leader. Sad!
Loco_local said:
It's hard to believe these snowflakes got their feelings hurt so badly that they chose a lying, mentally unstable con artist to be their leader. Sad!
1. Sadly, you don't understand the term "snowflakes". 
2. Sadly, generally speaking....  Politicians are lying con artists.  Unfortunately, that's often what it takes to win.  If you don't think your candidate is a lying con artist, then your candidate is doing a really good job at being a lying con artist.
My understanding of snowflake is someone who melts when  they get called out on their stupidity and get offended when someone thinks they they are the same as the bigoted, hate-filled Trump supporters. They demand to be looked at as special, rational creatures that don't follow herd mentality. They think their opinions are unique even if they are just regurgitating the latest propaganda from Breitbart. Call them deplorable and they will cast a ballot for the most idiotic person ever to run for public office.

Interestingly, the original slang could still have meaning today when talking about Trump supporters.

"In Missouri in the early 1860s, a 'snowflake' was a person who was opposed to the abolition of slavery?the implication of the name being that such people valued white people over black people. "
What's up with the power shift in DC? Trump is now working with the Democrats.

Trump basically left the GOP Congressional leadership in the dust.
Liar Loan said:
Snowflakes are those that need trigger warnings and safe spaces... basically the opposite of Trump supporters.

Trump supporters are the ultimate whiners....they want to shout and silence all dissenters and exclude any opposing views to create their safe space.
Liar Loan said:
eyephone said:
Howard Schultz steps down at Starbucks, may consider run for president

I was really impressed that he forced his employees to watch 4 hours of diversity training videos.

Maybe you need your coffee. Lol
Howard was the chairman of Starbucks not the CEO. The current CEO of Starbucks is Kevin Johnson.

Also, what?s wrong with training. It?s for better customer service and the Starbucks experience. It?s all about branding!
eyephone said:
Liar Loan said:
eyephone said:
Howard Schultz steps down at Starbucks, may consider run for president

I was really impressed that he forced his employees to watch 4 hours of diversity training videos.

Maybe you need your coffee. Lol
Howard was the chairman of Starbucks not the CEO. The current CEO of Starbucks is Kevin Johnson.

Also, what?s wrong with training. It?s for better customer service and experience.

I guess I don't see the distinction you're trying to make.  The CEO reports to the chairman ultimately.

There's nothing wrong with training per se...  I just think the timing of his announcement is to capitalize on all the media attention Starbucks has gotten for "successfully" taking on the problem of bias.  He is using the racist incident that occurred in one of his stores to build up his own brand as a potential candidate.  I personally detest that type of opportunism.
Liar Loan said:
eyephone said:
Liar Loan said:
eyephone said:
Howard Schultz steps down at Starbucks, may consider run for president

I was really impressed that he forced his employees to watch 4 hours of diversity training videos.

Maybe you need your coffee. Lol
Howard was the chairman of Starbucks not the CEO. The current CEO of Starbucks is Kevin Johnson.

Also, what?s wrong with training. It?s for better customer service and experience.

I guess I don't see the distinction you're trying to make.  The CEO reports to the chairman ultimately.

There's nothing wrong with training per se...  I just think the timing of his announcement is to capitalize on all the media attention Starbucks has gotten for "successfully" taking on the problem of bias.  He is using the racist incident that occurred in one of his stores to build up his own brand as a potential candidate.  I personally detest that type of opportunism.

The CEO runs the day to day not the chairman. The CEO was on all the major networks talking about incident.

When?s the last time your company had a company wide training?
eyephone said:
Liar Loan said:
eyephone said:
Liar Loan said:
eyephone said:
Howard Schultz steps down at Starbucks, may consider run for president

I was really impressed that he forced his employees to watch 4 hours of diversity training videos.

Maybe you need your coffee. Lol
Howard was the chairman of Starbucks not the CEO. The current CEO of Starbucks is Kevin Johnson.

Also, what?s wrong with training. It?s for better customer service and experience.

I guess I don't see the distinction you're trying to make.  The CEO reports to the chairman ultimately.

There's nothing wrong with training per se...  I just think the timing of his announcement is to capitalize on all the media attention Starbucks has gotten for "successfully" taking on the problem of bias.  He is using the racist incident that occurred in one of his stores to build up his own brand as a potential candidate.  I personally detest that type of opportunism.

The CEO runs the day to day not the chairman. The CEO was on all the major networks talking about incident.

When?s the last time your company had a company wide training?

The mortgage industry is highly regulated.  We have company wide trainings every month.  Topics would be things like Fair Housing Act, borrower privacy, preventing mortgage fraud, etc.  We re-certify every employee on these topics every 12 months.

As for your assertions about the CEO role, I don't watch "all the networks".  I actually don't watch any networks. 

If you don't think this incident got the full attention of the Starbucks board (including the chairman of the board), I think you're incredibly mistaken.  This was an existential crisis that they were able to successfully navigate.  Closing every store for 4 hours would have required board approval, so Howard Schulz was right in the thick of that. 

Just because they chose the CEO to go on the media blitz doesn't mean he was the one pulling the strings.
