PANDA's intention.

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1235180291]Take it easy, BV. If it's any consolation - I don't think he was lying to any of us. I think he was lying to himself. Don't take it personally.</blockquote>

Most of what I know of the regulars on this forum, including what some look like, have been from reading the resonses to Panda's invasive polls and threads. Panda's threads are a guilty pleasure.
I don't mind if Panda stays or goes. If you don't like him or one of his personas he/they can be ignored. Whats the big deal?
[quote author="Trooper" date=1235174220]"Panda-Gate". LOL !

I'd love to see a new guideline indicating one screen name per IP address...well, two if there are roomies/significant others in the same abode. Sure it won't happen, but it would appeal to me. .02cents

Oscar, what do you think?</blockquote>

Why does it matter what I think? I've already made my position clear.
<object width="325" height="250"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>
For the record, I hope Panda stays, too. He provides me plenty of entertainment.


He lost the rights to see my pictures on Facebook a few weeks ago due to something he said about Graph. He did apologize to both of us, but trust was already violated. After yesterday, he was removed from my friends list on there altogether.

He really needs to respect people's time and not send them several PMs a day asking questions about business and financial matters. I have heard complaints from several folks about this. Successful business people are busy people and that information rarely comes free.

He really needs to respect people's privacy and not ask so many personal questions, either in forums or in PMs. Again, I have heard lots of complaints about this, privately and publicly. He didn't seem to want to know much about me other than "what's up with the ponies?", which is cool, but I started to have sympathy for the folks in the "Panda wants to know everything about me" club.
[quote author="caycifish" date=1235183916]For the record, I hope Panda stays, too. He provides me plenty of entertainment.


He lost the rights to see my pictures on Facebook a few weeks ago due to something he said about Graph. He did apologize to both of us, but trust was already violated. After yesterday, he was removed from my friends list on there altogether.

He really needs to respect people's time and not send them several PMs a day asking questions about business and financial matters. I have heard complaints from several folks about this. Successful business people are busy people and that information rarely comes free.

He really needs to respect people's privacy and not ask so many personal questions, either in forums or in PMs. Again, I have heard lots of complaints about this, privately and publicly. He didn't seem to want to know much about me other than "what's up with the ponies?", which is cool, but I started to have sympathy for the folks in the "Panda wants to know everything about me" club.</blockquote>

I am old school and know very little about technology. This actually helps me stay out of trouble.
C'mon, No_Vas. I keep checking this thread to see if you have inserted the famous beating-dead-horse video. Don't let me down now! :-)
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1235186777]C'mon, No_Vas. I keep checking this thread to see if you have inserted the famous beating-dead-horse video. Don't let me down now! :-)</blockquote>
He has to log out of his hs_teacher account first.
[quote author="irvine_home_owner" date=1235145682]Wouldn't it be awesome if AZDave and bkshopper were the same person?

I think no_vas and hs_teacher are the same person too. He probably really lives in VoC and hates the fact that he bought there so takes it out on himself.</blockquote>

I had never considered trolling myself as an option, but I guess I could try it sometime.

While I never considered myself either a sadist or a masochist, I do play Omaha 8/b (and enjoy it!) so I guess I would have to be a masochist on some level.
i don't know panda and i don't know any of you plus i seldom make a post as you can see in my count, but that doesn't mean i am not a loyal reader in this forum, however, this topic is rather entertaining, i stayed up extra hour late last night just to find out who and what QH is about, personally i careless if others have multiple names in this forum, but answered to your own question.? hmm....this remind me a movie call Primal Fear, the dude have a multiple personalities, sometimes we all have that little voice inside of us, do you mumble and speak to yourself sometimes.? I know I do (privately). my wife can testify this.
i havent read IHB for about a week and i come back to this? this is why IHB is always entertaining.

for the record, i hope panda sticks around. it was a really silly and stupid mistake, but at the end of the day aside from some obvious netiquette violations, no real harm done.

on the other hand, completely understandable for several people here to be very pissed. there is definitely a certain level of trust given when you decide you'll meet some random person whom you only know from an internet forum. you let them know your identity, talk about business, where you live, family, etc. those are all very personal matters. in addition, some folks, myself included, here were bombarded with PMs with questions even more specific and personal than the stuff he's asked publicly in the forums. i can see how they would be angry when they gave panda's constant prying the benefit of the doubt, only to find out the guy wasn't willing to be completely open himself.
I would never answer a question, poll, or give any information online that I felt was invasive or could be harmful to me in the future. I have no problem sharing some aspects of my experiences here but due use caution.

After posting here for over 18 months there are several folks I feel comfortable with on a private pm level and have even met one person in person.

In fact I would even ask for and assimilate advice from those folks that I pm with as I would with any acquaintance.

It is interesting that most of the people that I have pm with were the ones that I clashed with at first. FYI, Panda is not one of these people although I did find him to be entertaining.

Privacy is the main reason that I haven't gotten involved with Facebook or any other social network. I don't even like the fact that Google or other search engines mine data from your searches.

IHB is well worth participating in and there is a great amount of information and points of view here to take in.

Always remember that Free Advice is worth what you paid for it.

This may have crossed the line in certain respects, however I can certainly relate to the root causes that inevitably led to his behavior. I respect the fact that there are many knowledgeable and overly intelligent folks that peruse and contribute to this forum, many of which I have learned invaluable information from. I am by no means an expert in real estate, finance, or investment, and I have been fortunate enough to rely on many of you for information that I probably would have to pay for if I go through local professionals. This has helped me along the way of this on-going journey.

With that said, there are also many high egos that settle here, and those that certainly enjoy a "tease" wherever and whenever the situation presents itself. With Panda being such a frequent contributor and seasoned veteran here, there are not many people that would willingly admit their ignorance in key areas, especially out of fear of rejection and laughter.

I myself can say that there have been many questions that I've wanted to ask, but refrain because it may be seen as a "dumb" question. However, I often find myself relieved when another person asks the same question. I don't really think there's harm in Panda trying to protect his ego. He may have been dishonest to a certain degree, but that is what the internet presents as an opportunity. It allows me, you, and everyone else to protect their identity while sitting behind a computer, yet conveniently obtain answers for questions that they seek.

We all have ego's, and we all have insecurities. Just because he made a misstep in trying to protect an insecurity, doesn't mean we as a "community" should look down upon him. We gave him his chance to come clean, which he quickly did. I'm all for learning that no matter how much we may think we know somebody, we all have deep dark secrets and can never really trust someone that you don't know in person.

Let's give the guy a break, we've probably all been there in one extent or another.
[quote author="BlackVault CM" date=1235392853][quote author="Shooby" date=1235391517]This may have crossed the line in certain respects, however I can certainly relate to the root causes that inevitably led to his behavior. I respect the fact that there are many knowledgeable and overly intelligent folks that peruse and contribute to this forum, many of which I have learned invaluable information from. I am by no means an expert in real estate, finance, or investment, and I have been fortunate enough to rely on many of you for information that I probably would have to pay for if I go through local professionals. This has helped me along the way of this on-going journey.

With that said, there are also many high egos that settle here, and those that certainly enjoy a "tease" wherever and whenever the situation presents itself. With Panda being such a frequent contributor and seasoned veteran here, there are not many people that would willingly admit their ignorance in key areas, especially out of fear of rejection and laughter.

I myself can say that there have been many questions that I've wanted to ask, but refrain because it may be seen as a "dumb" question. However, I often find myself relieved when another person asks the same question. I don't really think there's harm in Panda trying to protect his ego. He may have been dishonest to a certain degree, but that is what the internet presents as an opportunity. It allows me, you, and everyone else to protect their identity while sitting behind a computer, yet conveniently obtain answers for questions that they seek.

We all have ego's, and we all have insecurities. Just because he made a misstep in trying to protect an insecurity, doesn't mean we as a "community" should look down upon him. We gave him his chance to come clean, which he quickly did. I'm all for learning that no matter how much we may think we know somebody, we all have deep dark secrets and can never really trust someone that you don't know in person.

Let's give the guy a break, we've probably all been there in one extent or another.</blockquote>

Come on Shooby. You can't have it both ways. Either hide behind the computer and lie so you can obtain answers, or be part of a community. There are many individuals that come here ask questions, lie, do whatever and honestly I could care less. However, it is quite different when its done by someone that has made an effort to get to know individuals here to the point of meeting, eating, going to church with them, etc.

So to me what you are saying is somewhat contradictory. If you are ok with someone lying to obtain answers, hiding behind a computer, then you should be ok with people acting the way they did too. After all, he is just someone behind a computer right? I don't know don't know him...who cares?</blockquote>

Basically what I'm saying is, we all may be part of an online "community", however, aside from a few personal friendships that have developed from here, we are all people expressing our opinions and knowledge through the internet and a computer. For Panda, I think for him to reach out to many of us in order to get to know us on a personal level, is a true reflection of his character. However, in this error in judgement, it was honesty and character versus care for reputation, and his reputation obviously won.

We all want to be better people, and I do think that Panda through this entire situation did not mean to hurt or betray any of us. He simply was seeking the information that he needed and wanted to receive a non-biased opinion from the pros. Do you think if he asked those questions through his Panda account that he would have gotten the same answers?

Does this ruin his credibility to an extent? Of course. Again, I'm all for honesty and character, and I really don't think his intention was to betray any friends he has made. Sadly, it just turned out that way.
[quote author="Oscar" date=1235463685]C'mon back Panda.</blockquote>
Don't worry; Panda can't stay away.

It's eating him up that he isn't posting. :lol:

He'll be back in a few weeks.