PANDA's intention.

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[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1235122553][quote author="tmare" date=1235115843]I think there are probably numerous reasons to be worried about Panda. I believe no_vas when he says he is sincerely worried (who would of thought). </blockquote>

I push buttons (hat tip skek) and piss people off (kisses for Winex) and don't suffer fools at all (where is HS_Teacher anyway?) but there is no way this is some multilevel troll. I think the guy has a real problem with gambling even if he's never sat foot in a casino.</blockquote>

Come on, no_vas, you know better than anyone that Koreans are gamblers (I won't say "all", ok BK). I swear my good Korean friends would bet on who was going to take the next breath if they could. Even if they don't gamble formally, they will take risks in just about every area of life. This can be to their benefit or detriment, but it's a part of the culture. Panda was just being Panda.
Thank BK for bringing this topic up.

To be honest, I am glad QF post the questions on modification loan. It is quite confusion at time. Our friends are suffer the same issue, and they don't know what to do. It is easier to said go consult an attorney...but attorney cost money. Go ask a bank and the information you get are confusion as well.

My friend feel like either way they are screwed, it cause a lot of grief in their marriage and family life. They don't want to default on the loan, but at the same time...they know they can't afford the payment once the interest reset. When they brought the house, they didn't think it was an investment where the market will go up and sell...they really really want a piece of American dream...owning a house. They thought maybe after 5 years, they save enough money for a bigger down payment and refinance. They didn't think their value of the house would decline more than 50%.

We almost did the same thing as them, buy the house...but the thought of commuting from Corona to Santa Ana each day was too hard for my husband consider he gets up at 4am to go to work and be stuck in traffic after 10 hours day shift.

So please don't think Panda did what he did was in mean spirit. He open a thread and I think many of us could related to the issue...and for some of us...too afraid to post the question.
I have very mixed feelings here too. I had no idea QH was Panda. I really thought this was someone about to face trouble and looking for answers. I don't believe that all of IHB knew it was an imposter and the few responses to the question were deplorable. It's a legit question for many people that I think deserves more thoughtful and more compassionate responses. Panda, I felt REALLY bad for QH and to think it was a spoof upsets me.

I feel like a jerk for blasting the board for a question that wasn't real. Had I known it was Panda just trying to get people to reply to his topic just to reply to his topic for either validiation or curiosity, I certainly wouldn't have protested. However, this very well could be a real question and I think we can be more supportive to those that are in a tough situation. Yeah, there might not be hope for the majority of people who are really in Panda's QH Surfer situation, but I think there is for some and we should be more helpful. I just think that if it was a real question the board could have provided a better service than it did.
and on another note, I don't want Panda to go away. He really only likes the cool IHBer's, which isn't me, but he's one of the reasons that I always come back. Yeah, he's bizarre, but so am I and so are MANY of you. In fact, I'm starting a poll....

OK, can't figure out how to start a poll even though I've done it before :( Will someone start a poll on whether they want Panda to stay or go "should he stay or should he go? "
Personally this little fiasco was the best entertainment I've read on IHB in months. It was thrilling when I solved the mystery after scanning several threads.
[quote author="stepping_up" date=1235132804]and on another note, I don't want Panda to go away. He really only likes the cool IHBer's, which isn't me, but he's one of the reasons that I always come back. <strong>Yeah, he's bizarre, but so am I and so are MANY of you.</strong> In fact, I'm starting a poll....

OK, can't figure out how to start a poll even though I've done it before :( Will someone start a poll on whether they want Panda to stay or go "should he stay or should he go? "</blockquote>

"Many of you"?, no, I think ALL of us (except me, of course ;-P ). We really all have to be a bit weird for having such a strange interest in housing, finance and all that goes with that. Let's just admit that and be as tolerant as we can.
No one should really dictate PANDA?s destiny. We are emotional because He is a regular here. He violated the cardinal rule here and that really pissed off the moderators. He created his peculiar persona destiny and some of his questions were weird so members do not take him seriously. When he wanted to pose a serious question He resorted to a new identity. If he was a troll then the verdict would be easy. Moderators close his account and adios.

There is no malice here but his method was unethical and certainly an insult to his friends. I learned in any relationship that Trust is something that takes years or 1,000 posts to build and only takes a moment to destroy. It is really up to PANDA himself to decide whether to stay and rebuild trust or quit because the IHB posters are too unforgiving.
IHB moderators, What is IHB's policy regarding trolling? I am sure Panda wasn't the first, and won't be the last troll. I suspect there maybe others doing the same as well. Why is Panda singled out and what IHB plans to do for future incidences?

Panda, I hope you will learn and remember to have trust in all your relationships. If you don't have trust you don't have much at all.
I don't think anyone wants Panda to leave. I think some people are just upset that he felt he had to deceive people in order to get the truth, as if we would intentionally mislead him. Personally, I am just annoyed by the invasive (and seemingly random) questions about income, age, location, etc. Rather than ask "What do you think of this neighborhood vs. that one?" he would post a question like "where do you live and how many of your neighbors drive Maseratis?" or similar.

And the constant re-editing of posts... lame.

But I don't think he should be run off. Hopefully, he'll just take some constructive criticism and start posting again.
Wouldn't it be awesome if AZDave and bkshopper were the same person?

I think no_vas and hs_teacher are the same person too. He probably really lives in VoC and hates the fact that he bought there so takes it out on himself.

Man... all the drama happens when I'm not online. Take it easy on Panda... not everyone can be responsible when using the IntarWebs.

P.S. I am Panda.
[quote author="irvine_home_owner" date=1235145682]

P.S. I am Panda.</blockquote>

<img src="" alt="" />
No, I am PANDA.

<img src="" alt="" />

I don't like liars and feel deceived by PANDA. Don't you all recall when he <em>*first*</em> got here to IHB? He pretended he was two different "Panda's" right off the bat, lied about it, got caught and got schooled on it. He shouldn't have made this mistake a second time and who knows how many other times he's done it? Sheesh, he could have just PM'd anyone and asked his questions in a private setting. And the "situations" he came up with were two totally different which one really IS his situation ? Crap, does he even own a condo at all ? Or is that listing he posted just a random one from Chi-town. I don't care if he stays or goes, but count me in the lame camp.

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i have been on this blog for more than two years now. I enjoy and value the collective thoughts, and discussion shared here. This is one of the very few sites (besides WSJ, Financial Times, CNBC, and google finance) that I visit every several hours regardless where I am. I have been monitoring the "Panda Gate" development, and it bothers me a lot in a different way that bothers many of you. At the risk of being polled, and kicked out here, I just can't help to express.

I think many of us are way too hard on Panda.

This is a blog. By definition, we are suppose to have the ability to have free discussions in an anonymous way. I know some of you met Panda, and had a beer or two with him. That doesn't mean he is comfortable to share with you all his financial information, and ask you questions on some of the most private matters in his life. So he created a different screen name to ask. I probably just won't ask the question here instead of going through the trouble of creating a new account. Some of you have said Panda should have just PMed someone. Well, he probably can get more responses by posting in general forums then PM the select few.

Since Panda met some of you, he is no longer anonymous. But he wants to ask an anonymous question. So he created another screen name. Under his new screen name, all he did was asking questions. I am struggling to see why this is considered "unethical" in the blog world? And by the way, what is the "ethnics policy" on this blog???

I can understand why some of you who met him might feel "betrayed" since you think he should have just asked. But again, remember, you just met him once or twice. He is not your best pal yet.

However, I don't understand why some of you who never met him will have the same feeling? You don't even know the guy.

I would be interested to know from Panda why he created two completely different scenarios on the QH condo. Maybe he doesn't under finance, maybe he has his own way of asking questions from different angles. I don't know...but I don't see his bad intention here.

I discourage people to create different names . But if someone does do it for the purpose of asking a question, then leave him alone or ignore him instead of attacking / judging him. If we decide that this is such a close knit community with no tolerance of regular blog behavior, then it is probably time to move this blog to myspace or facebook with private invitation only.
It's a forum, not a blog that we are posting in. But other than that, I agree completely.

To me the large issue here is threats of abuse of power by exposing information that only trusted individuals are supposed to have. Where is the outrage about the keepers of the keys to the forum deciding who can hide behind multiple aliases and who can't? While I don't have access to things like IP addresses of members of this forum, and while I have only posted as WINEX, I'm pretty sure that Panda isn't the only regular forum member who has posted under multiple accounts.
I though Panda?s ?<a href=""> HOLY SMOKES:?.Dow 10,000? </a>? thread was ridiculous at that time. Besides being right in context, that thread had >800 responses and 18,000 views. There are other examples where he created discussion points that obviously engaged this community, by and large. IHB would have ostracized him if there was true malevolence toward him.

Panda also showed remarkable fortitude in the face of withering comments by some, I couldn?t/wouldn?t have been able to do that in his place.

It was a little weird his Facebook obsession of the moment, but I never felt he was a threat.
[quote author="20percentdown" date=1235144581]IHB moderators, What is IHB's policy regarding trolling? I am sure Panda wasn't the first, and won't be the last troll. I suspect there maybe others doing the same as well. Why is Panda singled out and what IHB plans to do for future incidences?

Panda, I hope you will learn and remember to have trust in all your relationships. If you don?t have trust you don?t have much at all. </blockquote>

Multiple usernames should not be used. Trust is an important part of this community (whether we have met in person or not) and having multiple usernames can violate that trust.

Violating that trust has it's consequences...

Can I understand why QH Surfer was created? Absolutely. Was it malicious? I don't think so.

This situation could have been handled better. The user could have reached out to the mods ahead of time to explain what he wanted to do. Also, the mods could have reached out to the user to let him know that 'we know person a=person b' and give him a warning.

I don't think Panda is a troll (although impersonating bkshopr crossed the line). Panda asks a lot of questions. I'm sure there are a lot of others who want to ask the same questions but are afraid to do so. Unfortunately, this forum isn't as inviting as I'd like it to be. For me, it's less effort to ignore a post than it is to write an acerbic and unhelpful reply. It seems every couple of months there is a witch hunt. This isn't a cool kids only playground and we are not going to ban someone for simply not getting along with the majority.

I don't see any bad intentions so hopefully the friendships that have been strained will strengthen again. There is just way too much more important stuff for all of us to worry about.
"Panda-Gate". LOL !

I'd love to see a new guideline indicating one screen name per IP address...well, two if there are roomies/significant others in the same abode. Sure it won't happen, but it would appeal to me. .02cents

Oscar, what do you think?
One other thing to consider is due to cultural, social, environmental differences... Panda may not have even known what he was doing was wrong. If he really wanted to cover up, he wouldn't have contradicted his own posts.

Either way, I don't know what his true intentions are/were... I'm just sad to see BlackVault break up with him.
Take it easy, BV. If it's any consolation - I don't think he was lying to any of us. I think he was lying to himself. Don't take it personally.