gasman said:
JBean72 said:
That's very true - it's all perception with IUSD - Irvine is a brand name, but little do they know that TUSD is right up there with them, and has fantastic schools.
Only true for a few TUSD properties, like Beckman, Myford, etc. The rest of the TUSD schools are completely neglected.
Myford, Peter's Canyon and Ladera are all excellent schools. As a long-time Irvine and Tustin resident, TUSD is actually a plus for me over IUSD. My friend's son goes to an elementary school in Irvine and is currently the only non-Asian kid in his class. I like Asians, they're polite and work hard, but I prefer more cultural diversity for my kids. A school is much more than its API, and the demographic info for each school is always an interesting snapshot. If FOBs are discouraged from buying in OH because of their preference for IUSD, then that's fine by me.