Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
irvinehomeshopper said:
Qwerty and all his homeboys are exempt from child supports. In fact government offers them luxury Irvine housing near the Great Park honoring their dead beat dad status.

eyephone said:
irvinehomeshopper said:
The whites someday could be the gardeners for the Chinese so no need to scoop up properties in Santa Ana when you can shag the FCBs daughters then to receive free money to buy more properties. You know that your giant tool gets the job done.
I hope you pick the right one - if not you will be paying child support.  ;)

my homeboys are exempt, its hard to pay child support when you are on a cash basis business and have no reportable income. i would just quit my job in an effort to not pay child support :-)  and then go move in to a fancy new IAC apartment.

Actually, that's a pretty good floorplan and low $/sft for this area.

It is an SFR, 3b/2.5ba, has a driveway and a 5500sft lot... would be hard to find something to comp to (esp in new build).

And this is one of the newer areas of Northwood so not as ghetto as qwerter thinks.
OpenSky said:
I love the recent WTF listings that have hit the market in 92602.

No, jag-off - you're not going to get $1.1M for your house.

1) You're in NP Square, not NP. Especially when similar-sized homes in NP proper have been sitting for 60+ DOM for less, I highly doubt someone would be foolish enough to pay more to get less:

2) You're in TUSD, not IUSD. This is my favorite part of going to NP(S) open houses -- that moment when there is a break in the Mandarin when the only English word you hear is "Tustin Unified."

3) Brand new, upgraded Mendocino inventory is coming online at ~$382/square foot.

These sellers are hoping to have an FCB pay higher than peak 2005-2006 pricing to cash them out of their former dream...

These properties do have the following going for it vs. the Mendocino you listed -

- MUCH larger lot size
- Landscaping done
- MR of 2k-3k instead of 4k-5k
- Upgrades done

I agree that they are priced a bit too high, but you really can't do an apples to apples comparison with the new construction price.
OpenSky said:
woodburyowner said:
These properties do have the following going for it vs. the Mendocino you listed -

- MUCH larger lot size
- Landscaping done
- MR of 2k-3k instead of 4k-5k
- Upgrades done

I agree that they are priced a bit too high, but you really can't do an apples to apples comparison with the new construction price.

On upgrades: some of the new construction listings that have hit redfin are already upgraded.

On MR: $100/month difference is ~20k of present value.

The Oroville property is priced closer to reality, and yet it is sitting 60+ DOM. I'm more picking on the Longvale property, which has street noise and a tiny yard with a so-so floor plan.

The MR difference between the Longvale and Melville is about 2k a year so $166/month or $33k of present value.  Also, landscaping which is maybe $35k?  Lot size for Longvale is 6000 sq ft.  (yes, the lot for Longvale is mostly in front yard, but backyard is decent) vs. Melville of 3500 sq ft.  I do see some value for the Longvalue property.  Maybe 50k less would have been a better price..

Also, what street noise are you referring to for Longvale?  It's right in the middle of the neighborhood and doesn't border any major street?
Tyler Durden said:
I'll pass.

But that's what we call "A Handball Friendly Roof":
