New Car

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
homer_simpson said:
Just a question for the parents on TI.  With one child, is it really neccessary or is it more of a convenience to have a larger vehicle?  For those who had a sedan instead of a SUV or vice versa, what are the pros and cons of each with a baby?
One child or many children... minivans rule.

The big con with cars is the access in and out. You have to bend over to get the carseat out... which is harder if you are between cars and trying not to ding the MBZ next to you.

The big con with minivans/SUV is the added expense both price wise and gas wise.

The Mrs. often asks me why I don't miss my truck (I owned 4 different trucks before the minivan) and I told her that just like a 3-car wide garage... once you experience the extra-width of automatic sliding doors... nothing else can compare.
rkp said:
other small benefits include being able to change her diaper in the back..its a flat big surface and was easy to work with
That's a good one... we've done that quite a bit.

And once they are toddlers... they actually have more space to move around in the minivan. Even now... as elementary kids... they can stand up... walk by the other one that is seated very easily... toting their backpacks or whatever.
irvinehomeowner said:
Is it just me or am I seeing waaay more Hyundais in Irvine?

I think PS9 should have got an EQUUS.

If Hyundai ever re-releases a minivan with their new "Storm Edge" styling... I might consider it.

IHO- was thinking the same thing today. I am seeing way more Hyundais now than ever! It's crazy.
rkp said:
and in case you are worried about losing your style with a minivan, one of my favorite commercials:
Yep... I think this has plenty of "style":


People have asked me a few times about the IHOmobile... asking if I customized it and I just told them that's how it comes stock... except for the racing stripes and flames  on the sides (just kidding).
I've had a baby in a coupe, sedan, and a compact SUV. I don't know about shorter people but if you're on the tall side like me, I'd stick with the latter for a single child . It's been the easiest in the taller ride. When it comes time to snap a baby carrier in the car or help a young child buckle their seatbelt, you will appreciate not having to break your back. Ditto on the diaper changes. I would say it's been the perfect vehicle.

Someone (IHO) explain to me the magic that is the sliding door. I don't really understand the appeal. I've never used such a thing. Here's what I'm thinking: What good is it to let a child in? If they aren't old enough to open the door, that means they will also need help getting their seatbelt buckled, which means you have to get out of the car anyway, thereby rendering the effortlessness of the automatic door ineffective.
SoCal78 said:
Someone (IHO) explain to me the magic that is the sliding door. I don't really understand the appeal. I've never used such a thing. Here's what I'm thinking: What good is it to let a child in? If they aren't old enough to open the door, that means they will also need help getting their seatbelt buckled, which means you have to get out of the car anyway, thereby rendering the effortlessness of the automatic door ineffective.
To truly understand the magic of the sliding door... you need to live with one yourself.

1. The egress to a sliding door is much wider than regular doors. Not only is it dimensionally larger, but when parked, more likely than not, you won't be able to have a regular door open 90 degrees so you have to "turn corners" to get a car seat in and out. This is also provides more room for non-infants to enter/exit your van.

2. While your kids may not be able to buckle their belt, they can surely unbuckle it, so when getting to your destination... it's easier for them to get out of the vehicle and useful if your hands will otherwise be full.

3. When they are old enough to open doors, you will find them dinging other cars parked beside you (has happened to us many times with our other vehicle), sliding doors don't do that.

4. Slamming of fingers in doors becomes easier to avoid.

5. You control when doors open/close.

6. Speaking of magic... while they are younger, you can pretend you are a magician and magically open the doors with a wave of your hand.

There are more... but that's a taste for now.
I like the sliding doors of the minivan because you don't have to worry about opening them and slamming another car, but that's the only benefit I've seen so far. One drawback is that little people seem to enjoy pressing buttons, hence open-close-open-close-open-close, which lengthens the entry/exit process from the car.

We don't need the space of a minivan, but chose it because we wanted more space than a sedan, and minivans tend to have better crash test ratings and less rollover risk than SUVs.
homer_simpson said:
Just a question for the parents on TI.  With one child, is it really neccessary or is it more of a convenience to have a larger vehicle?  For those who had a sedan instead of a SUV or vice versa, what are the pros and cons of each with a baby?
Hold on a minute... I forgot to ask you why you are asking this.

Is there a mini-Homer on the way? :)
irvinehomeowner said:
homer_simpson said:
Just a question for the parents on TI.  With one child, is it really neccessary or is it more of a convenience to have a larger vehicle?  For those who had a sedan instead of a SUV or vice versa, what are the pros and cons of each with a baby?
Hold on a minute... I forgot to ask you why you are asking this.

Is there a mini-Homer on the way? :)

Maybe...  ;)
homer_simpson said:
irvinehomeowner said:
homer_simpson said:
Just a question for the parents on TI.  With one child, is it really neccessary or is it more of a convenience to have a larger vehicle?  For those who had a sedan instead of a SUV or vice versa, what are the pros and cons of each with a baby?
Hold on a minute... I forgot to ask you why you are asking this.

Is there a mini-Homer on the way? :)

Maybe...  ;)

Congratulations! Sleep now while you can. :)