rkp said:
IndieDev said:
I'm not going to tell you what to do with your family, but you just admitted there is a big emotional aspect to this purchase, when has an emotional purchase ever been a great financial decision? Rarely, I find. Additionally, I will say that your assumption that 75k is the total downside, and that rents won't correct seems very optimistic.
But if you believe you have thought this decision out thoroughly, and are comfortable, then why does my opinion matter? It seems you're getting angry because I'm causing you to second guess yourself, unless you're insulted that I call TIC products "stucco boxes", and I don't take you as a TIC fan boy. My opinion, though highly informed and respected, is just an opinion. Don't get hurt feelings over me, or anyone else here. That's pointless.
I am not stubborn or think that I know everything and actually appreciate second guessing myself. When you occasionally post intelligently, you do add value so your opinion is yet another point that gets mixed into all the variables to help me make the most informed decision possible.
I do realize that calculating the total rent and saying that amount is one and the same as the possible loss isnt accurate. I really have to look at what my outlay in interest payments, prop tax, opportunity cost of down payment, etc and add that in. In any case, the point is that there is a cost for shelter over ones head and at a certain point, that cost can be greater than the possible decline of the property.
rkp, I have no doubt you have done your due diligence. I'm not calling you foolish or ignorant, I'm not sure where you got that from. I'm simply pointing out that your anger is being misdirected. If you're mad at me, you have to ask yourself why? Is it because of your frustration with Irvine pricing, or is it because I'm trashing Irvine products. If you're frustrated with pricing, you should direct that anger at numerous other places besides myself, banking conglomerates, government housing agencies, TIC, the list is long. If you're mad because I think TIC products are overpriced and crappy, you're mad at my opinion. If you think my opinion is causing you to second guess yourself, that could be true, but I think you're intelligent enough to know what I offer isn't gospel. In that case my opinion may be stoking the fires of your own self doubt that is already inside of you. That's important to distinguish.
Instead of simply saying that I am being optimistic with a 7% decline for WB and rents holding, give me some of that Indie knowledge on what you see happening. You bought in CDM and as IR always noted, there is a substitution effect. If TIC drops substantially, it will also impact CDM, yet you bought and no one has called you foolish or ignorant.
I see obvious weakness in Woodbury product as a whole, resale or new. Since prices peaked at around $360/sqft in 2010, the median is down over 17% (but I'm sure you knew this because you did your due diligence). People attack the median because of the housing mix, etc, but for nearly a 100 years, any financial institution worth its weight has used median pricing as a reliable measure of market trends, and market strength. Because of this, I feel 7% is a bit optimistic on your part, during an election year, rising commodity prices, and many other factors that can cause
true inflation, I see housing prices suffering, but that's just an opinion.
As for my situation, you have to realize there are a few factors with my decision that are not common for most buyers who are shopping for TIC products:
- I'm not a first time home buyer, I've seen the market rise and fall, I'm fully aware of what usually happens during these cycles.
- I'm not financing, so my outlay is slightly different than someone with a 30 fixed.
- CDM hasn't been at rental parity for a long time, even before the last bubble began. CDM is actually prime real estate in the truest sense of the word, unlike Irvine which is a great hood, but prices over the past 6-7 years are mostly based on a manufactured image driven by TIC's marketing gurus.
- You're right, substitution is a valid factor to consider, but I'd venture to say buyers of Irvine TIC products do not usually cross-shop with products in CDM. They are different cities that attract different demographics. Laguna Beach, Newport Coast, Huntington, Dana Point at Monarch Beach, San Clemente coastal, most of West LA, and other similar communities would be better substitutions.
That being said, people are free to call me foolish at their whim, I've been called worse. I'll try to live with being called names as I gaze at the Avalon bound ferries, and fishing boats from my backyard.