“No oil changes? Less brake wear? Reduction of noise and smog? Instant torque? Less maintenance?”
Can you? You asked a specific set of questions I gave you my opinion on each question (in purple) and then backed up that opinion with articles and data for reference.![]()
since i have time, i'll do the work for you, because just looking at your posts it clearly shows how ignorant you are on the topic, at first it was comical, now it's just sad
Really? the average Joe might change his oil once a year, if that…most new cars come with no maintenance cost anyway but even old cars barely get this done and still operate normally…superfluous $50 a year.
no maintenance cost? $50 a year?? hahaha

completely out of touch on reality, skip assisted living, time for you to check into a skilled nursing facility

What It Costs To Maintain Your Car | Bankrate
Maintenance expenses significantly influence the overall cost of ownership — find out by how much.
"...an electric vehicle or smaller vehicle tends to cost less. Electric vehicles are becoming more available across the market and can be a great option for drivers looking for lower maintenance costs...."
Less brake wear? Probably not true as EV’s weigh almost 1000 pounds more on average than an ICE….
Probably not true? hahaha...

"The average ICE has over 1,000 parts, many of which must be maintained. Unlike ICE vehicles, EVs use motors to power the wheels. This dramatically reduces the number of moving parts in the powertrain, which means the car needs less care to keep everything working correctly."
Who cares? Just like who cares about Ferrari stocks you own, it's just a vehicle from A to B is what matters right? what a joke...instant torque? More a feature than advantage….who cares? just get joe from A to B is what matters
Just like saying I can live by the water, long beach instead of newport beach, who cares, living by the water is what matters? lol
It matters
Sad, just sad...