How much does the Irvine Company hate this site?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
<em>I don't think that's an accurate gauge of this site's impact. Thousands of people lurk only, rarely or never posting.

</em>Judging how much out traffic, and new visitors keeps increasing, month after month, this is certainly true.

<p><em>they might hate the market and the overall economy, but give me a break... this site... ? if they really would they would buy it for half a mill and shut it down... </em></p>

<p><em>That's OK. Zov, IR, myself, or Graph would spin-up another by the end of the week.


<p>First, for gawd sakes, it would take way more than half a mil to shut us down. I mean, that is crap after you factor in taxes.</p>

<p>Just imagine... how scary the idea of Eff and I starting our own site. I wasn't that snarky when I had my site, but I was snarky on oc_fliptrack. That might be too much snark, and we would make Realtors and homedebtors... . </p>
I don't understand why you think TIC could shut down this site if they wanted to because even if they close down this blog or or will pop in a matter of minutes. wasn't shut down until that company bought them off.
Ahhh, the fellow who knows all about developer's bonds being cancelled when the improvements are done. A specialized bit of knowledge. . . .

<p>Your observations on legal tactics of the IAC may be sound, but IR wouldn't have to worry about the legal fees. That kind of behavior would be fodder for every freee speech advocacy group in the country, championed by pro bono lawyers chomping at the bit to take down a company like TIC. Bad publicity would soon be followed by a legal loss. I suspect that is why they are skipping the litigation approach.</p>
<p>Skek, </p>

<p>I would suggest keeping up with the advance sheets. <a href="">Getting names in California is no longer as easy as it used to be</a>.</p>
skek, right, so your presumption that, if TIC wanted to, it could shut this site down, is wrong. they could not shut down the site because they can't afford the PR fallout, not to mention they know the futility of their actions as there exist hundreds of similar blogs and another blog, started by another individual, would pop up in minutes.
On what grounds can they shut down this website? I have never read a single thread, post, or comment that libels the Irvine Company. None. In fact, I would say that there has been more positives mentioned about the Irvine Company. No one who posts on this site, moderator, contributor, or reader, has any fiduciary duties to anyone.