Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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ps9 said:
Cubic Zirconia said:
traceimage said:
Children in restaurants who turn around in their booths to stare at the people behind them...and their parents who don't stop them.

and parents who think that you are actually enjoying that interruption..

What?  How can someone not like my kid?  What's wrong with them?

:-) If you are chatting with your wife while the little one coos at me for attention, not acceptable!
Homer, take notes :P
Starlight East said:
- Adults without kids in Disneyland. Can you not find something more age appropriate to do? Without you, the lines would be so much shorter.

NOOOOOO! Once in a year I love going to Disneyland without kids- don't break my heart  :'(
irvinehomeowner said:
Yeah... I don't know about you guys, but my kids put on a quite a show... who doesn't like entertainment with their dinner?

Dinner and a show...she can do the descending stairs if in a booth or she can sing/scream/serenade "Call me maybe" to you :)
Another one of my annoyances, people drinking beer while walking around in theme parks... Looks of the good things about Magic Kingdom compared to Epcot.  Alcohol is meant to be enjoyed sitting down, not walking around looking for fast pass machines.
Isn't that why they made these?


My boy will dance Gangam Style and my girl will sing Kelly Clarkson's "Catch My Breath".
A pet peeve... kind of caused by me and partly by the other person.

When you're in a public place with other people and see your spouse out of the corner of your eye while you're looking at something else. So, you keep yammering on. And they don't say anything. So you keep talking. Then they're like, "Uh-huh" as if they are still there, listening. And you touch your husband's arm. Ask him a question. Get frustrated that he's not answering, just giving grunts and nods. Whip your head around. Realize the guy you're hanging onto is some STRANGER with a similar build / coloring to your spouse! OMG. This happened to me recently. Soooo embarassing. He just burst out laughing! Actually, so did I... because what else was I going to do. Then I saw my real husband and ran to him, asking why he didn't stop me. He said he didn't know what the heck I was doing but figured it was a mistake. Ok. Not cool to let me keep going. I mean, what if I said something REALLY embarrassing or personal that you would only say to your spouse?

Mr. SoCal is a very one-word answer / grunt / no reply type of guy. Not unusual at all for me to think that was him. I need to start paying better attention. This must be like the 3rd time this has happened to me.  :-\
SoCal said:
Pet Peeve:

Smart Cars.

I see them every day. I've never gotten used to seeing them on the road.
I love those things. First saw them and Europe and was so enamored I took pictures with a few of them.

Wondered if they would ever come to the USA. Now, I doubt I can even fit in one. I think I can turn one on its side by leaning on it.
I'm sorry... but I don't like those gigantic headphones like Beats. Especially when they wear them as an accessory (like some MMA fighters who wear them to the ring or NBA players who wear them when they walk into the venue).
More like too silly looking. I think I remember seeing some kid wearing them and they didn't even have the cord (I doubt they were bluetooth).
irvinehomeowner said:
More like too silly looking. I think I remember seeing some kid wearing them and they didn't even have the cord (I doubt they were bluetooth).

They do have a Bluetooth version of beats. I was actually thinking of getting those for when I take the dogs on the walks. But the idea of shelling out a couple of hundred for headphones isn't very appealing
What's with the knuckle busting packaging style for all the new toys?  Every freaking doll is tied down with enough zipties, strings that look like hair, tape, tape on top of can throw the box in a dryer on high spin and the doll would still not come lose... geesh...

ps9 said:
What's with the knuckle busting packaging style for all the new toys?  Every freaking doll is tied down with enough zipties, strings that look like hair, tape, tape on top of can throw the box in a dryer on high spin and the doll would still not come lose... geesh...

You threw the doll in dryer !?
No, I really like that packaging. At least you can be sure someone didn't use it "gently" and return it.
It's because they are all from China and it has to last the rough boat trip over.

If I remember correctly, all of those twist ties are done by hand... must be killer on NaiNai's arthritis.
ps9 said:
What's with the knuckle busting packaging style for all the new toys?  Every freaking doll is tied down with enough zipties, strings that look like hair, tape, tape on top of can throw the box in a dryer on high spin and the doll would still not come lose... geesh...

i use gorilla gloves (from home depot) to open up all that crap so i dont get cut.  it should be illegal to package like that.  i have the same issue with the razors i buy at costco. 
irvinehomeowner said:
It's because they are all from China and it has to last the rough boat trip over.

If I remember correctly, all of those twist ties are done by hand... must be killer on NaiNai's arthritis.

It's probabaly more MeiMei's and DiDi's... young ones don't have arthritis.