Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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irvinehomeowner said:
But have you seen how dirty those filters are?

And anything that has to do with curtains is a woman's job. <shields activated>

You can deactivate your shield. I won't argue with you that picking out the rod and making or buying said curtains is a woman's job. It is. Hanging the rod, though, is a bit more difficult only because tools, which are designed by men / for men, are heavy and cumbersome. I can't lift and use a power screw driver with one hand and barely with two to save my life. (If you're using two hands, who's holding the hardware?) They do now make lighter weight pink girl tools which some stores carry. That should help.
irvinehomeowner said:
But have you seen how dirty those filters are?

Do you empty your own dryer's lint trap??

It's a trick question.

If you say no, you're helpless. If you say yes, you're doing woman's work. Which one is it going to be.  ;)
What? Women are not supposed to change filters and men are not supposed to clean the lint?
I better stay out of IHB or I will spoil myself, and my husband :P Rules are simple in my house- you notice, you clean, and get on with life! Unless it comes with physical limitations, there is no gender discrimination..
In my house there is must be a magic laundry fairy... I put my dirty clothes into this white trashcan thing in the bathroom and it magically reappears clean and folded in my drawers. :)
Pet Peeve:

When you go to Del Taco (me today), you order a drink, and they basically  hand you a 2-liter bottle with a straw in it. It's so stupid and embarrassing. I had no idea.
A 2-liter bottle isn't enough for me.

Was watching my kid's music concert earlier this week and there was this elderly woman in the front row center who kept standing up to take video.

1. If you're in the front row center... you have the best seat in the house, why are you standing up?

2. If you're in the front row center... if you stand up, you are blocking everyone else's view.

So ridiculous.
Was she extremely petite? I have noticed some elderly people standing are the same height we are when we're sitting down. Maybe she couldn't see. Also, if they are on a raised stage it can be hard to see. I once splurged for main floor tickets to a show in Vegas, a few rows back and center (more $$). Surprisingly, there was so much action that couldn't be seen.
She was actually tall... which made it worse. And she held her arms out really far in front of her so her camera could capture whatever she was filming and it just blocked more views.

Surrounding parents were irritated but didn't want to make a scene by telling her to sit down... although a lady next to me stood up (I was in the second row) and the person behind her asked her to sit down. Which was funny because she stood up because that front row lady stood up and blocked her.
So... my feelings are kind of hurt because a lady just stole a bunch of lemons I was nurturing for months, waiting to pick.  :(

I got a Meyer's lemon tree that I requested as a gift from my husband last year. It's a small patio tree. It's on a walkway near my doorstep - not on a public sidewalk but maybe a few yards from it. I saw a strange lady standing in front of my house this morning just staring. I went to the peephole to watch. She crept up to my little tree. Crouched down slowly, staring at the door (me peeking at her.) I waited until she ripped them clean off. I popped the door open quickly and said, "Help yourself!". She didn't even hesitate. Walked away quickly with them.

This is a small, potted thing. I had been waiting for the perfect time to pick them. Ugh! I hope she needs them more than I do.  :(

Is this even legal? I can't imagine admiring someone's flowers then ripping them out of their garden. She was obviously uncomfortable with what she was doing since she was being so sneaky about it.  >:(
A peeve that has sort of been mentioned:

I hate to bash on our elderly, since I will be one someday... but they really need to get off the road if they can't drive the speed limit.

Every single time someone is driving slower than a pedestrian... once I pass them up... I look over and it's some older person who can barely see over the steering wheel, both hands clutched like they were hanging on for dear life. It's such a cliche but 99 out of 100 times, that's who is driving. How are they getting their licensed renewed if they drive like that? Just like when you get your first license and a driving test is mandatory, when you reach a certain age, driving tests should be mandatory.
Crap. Now I wish I had chased her down the sidewalk and grabbed her so I could get my fruit back. (I was barefoot and not dressed.) I honestly thought she'd hesitate once she was caught red-handed. This is a grown woman - an older lady. I mean c'mon!  :'(
I think this sort of thing happens quite often.  A buddy of mine in Aliso has a number of fruit trees in his front yard along his driveway and the majority of the fruit is taken by people he does not know (they are not his neighbors).  He doesn't seem to mind but I'd be annoyed if it happened to me.

But I have no driveway and no fruit trees in my front yard so I don't have that problem.  :(
SoCal said:
So... my feelings are kind of hurt because a lady just stole a bunch of lemons I was nurturing for months, waiting to pick.  :(

I got a Meyer's lemon tree that I requested as a gift from my husband last year. It's a small patio tree. It's on a walkway near my doorstep - not on a public sidewalk but maybe a few yards from it. I saw a strange lady standing in front of my house this morning just staring. I went to the peephole to watch. She crept up to my little tree. Crouched down slowly, staring at the door (me peeking at her.) I waited until she ripped them clean off. I popped the door open quickly and said, "Help yourself!". She didn't even hesitate. Walked away quickly with them.

This is a small, potted thing. I had been waiting for the perfect time to pick them. Ugh! I hope she needs them more than I do.  :(

Is this even legal? I can't imagine admiring someone's flowers then ripping them out of their garden. She was obviously uncomfortable with what she was doing since she was being so sneaky about it.  >:(

It is illegal. However, if you're in a condo, the front sidewalk, even leading to your house is likely community property.  That said, it's in a pot,  and clearly has ownership.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.  She probably walks every day in the neighborhood.  Put a nice sign in the pot that's visible from the main sidewalk saying "Please don't take the fruit, it's planned for a special recipe"

It'll make the neighbors talk and further her embarrassment without actually accusing her of stealing your fruit, even though steal it is what she did.

Anybody need Valencia oranges?  I've eaten so many it smells like orange oil spray whenever I go to the bathroom.
@NSR: It's a SFR. There is an HOA but the front yard area is not common grounds - I hire a private landscaper to maintain the lot. Yes, potted plant AND a fairly obvious (I think) drip irrigation system to keep it watered. I would think she'd realize it's being irrigated for a reason.  ???

She may think the lemons cost me "nothing" but actually the plant cost $80! This was its first "crop". Lemons also cost about 79 cents each at the store. I thought this might happen which is why it's potted - so I can move it if it's tampered with. Unfortunately, I had to pick that spot because it gets the best sun exposure. Also, I did want it to be decorative for the front of the house, too.

I'm going today to get a "Touch My Lemons And Die" sign.

@ Zovall: Yeah, I'm a sharing, caring person, too (which is why I didn't call the police on her when she refused to stop.) I'd be happy to share if the fruit was plentiful and I had either a large tree like your friend or several of them. If she had asked, I would have begrudgingly let her have one or two. I think she made off with half my stash.  :'(
