Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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OCgasman said:
I hate ppl that try to bypass the long line of cars that have been patiently waiting to make a turn or get on/off a freeway ramp and cutoff a car at the last minute.

you would hate me. a lot. i do this all the time.
qwerty said:
OCgasman said:
I hate ppl that try to bypass the long line of cars that have been patiently waiting to make a turn or get on/off a freeway ramp and cutoff a car at the last minute.

you would hate me. a lot. i do this all the time.


cyclists that think their bikes are cars. In many other countries they'd be roadkill and the public would understand.

Majority of asians over 50 all over the world. No manners is an understatement.

Any and all sales people. They talk to you as if you're the biggest idiot on earth and they're the slickest/smoothest person ever that could convince you to buy your own $hit. Worst are the ones who are completely delusional. You know, they compare their careers to ones that require college/advanced degrees and are so hyped on their own product they act as if they're hooking you up with a gift straight from God.

police officers who hide at the bottom of a hill on a street with no traffic.
Skinny jeans on men (or boys).

Seriously... I don't like the super baggy jeans that hang by the knees either ("Pants on the ground!")... but real men should not wear tight pants.

(apologies to those of you guilty of this atrocity to manhood)
People who don?t turn their signals on before changing lanes. Seriously, I wish the police start giving tickets for this.

People who drive their car without at least one hand on the wheel. I see it very often ? texting, eating, doing makeup, and even searching for something under the passenger?s seat while driving.

People who burp in restaurants.

People asking for money in public places.
This rarely happens to me but every once in a while...

Men that don't know how to shake a woman's hand. Be gentle! We're not as strong as you. Sometimes you hurt us.

I met a knuckle-cracker last night at the gym. Early 20s super muscle man. Even though he's big I was not prepared for what was coming. He squeezed my hand so hard, all of my fingers collapsed and I started whimpering. My eyes started to water. He wouldn't let go. It was one of those long handshakes. My knees started to slip and I think he got the hint. Then I could finally speak and said God, that hurt. Later he gave me a fist-bump goodbye instead. LOL.

Most men have common sense and will just touch your hand, not squeeze the life out of it.

Imo, it isn't necessary to give a firm handshake to a woman. Save it for other men.
I actually feel awkward shaking a woman's hand.

Is there an alternative greeting for that?

Also, among friends in our circle, for some reason sometime after we all graduated from college, the women greet everyone with a kiss on the cheek. I hate that... I'm just not that into breaking that personal space with women... although interestingly enough... I'll grab and hug my close guy friends. I'm weird I guess.
LOL!! Before I reached the end of the post, I was going to suggest the alternative to a handshake: a kiss on the cheek. Or, cheek to cheek instead of lip to cheek.

So, what is it about shaking a woman's hand that makes you feel awkward? I feel awkward shaking a man's hand but only because I'm afraid he's going to hurt me with it.

I totally identify with the cheek kissers. My mom's family is from northern Europe. It is more common. They were always kissing family and friends. Close family, we even kiss on the lips - a slight peck. Mostly between men & women, woman to woman, but never really men to men. Now, if I see a man I know fairly well as a friend, I drop the handshake and kiss him on the cheek. Yes, I do think some get weirded out by it but there aren't many alternatives, especially if we are sitting down and saying goodbye. Well, there is one but I find it insincere: The Side Hug. I do that to men I want to keep at arm's length. For women, I hardly ever do a handshake. Hug only. Even meeting for the very first time, I have more women hug me than shake my hand, which even I find awkward sometimes.

If you want to stick to the handshake but have it be less formal, use both hands. If you are closer than an acquaintance but not so close as a sister, shake her hand and put the left hand on top when shaking. It's much less stiff. Can follow with a cheek kiss if you don't want to hug.
I think I would like to invoke the Japanese method and just bow.

My family does the cheek kiss thing... and I don't like it with them either. When we leave a family gathering... I sneak out so I don't have to do the goodbye round... bleh.

I try to get away from breaking my force field bubble by just waving "Hi" to unknown females.
so IHO likes hugging guys and does not like hugging woman. interesting  :)

when i shake a woman's hand, my hand is somewhat limp - that is the only thing that is limp though    ;)
If I ever meet you, IHO, I am just going to High-5 you like a dork with no social skills. But since that would break your force field bubble, it would turn into an Air-5.

qwerty said:
so IHO likes hugging guys and does not like hugging woman. interesting  :)
*Only* guys I'm good friends with.

Yeah... don't like hugging women either (the traditional greeting before they all transitioned to the kiss-on-cheek one (I blame the Europeans)).

Maybe it can be explained like this:

I'm so darn attractive that I can only have physical contact with guys who I know won't fall in love with me (although I guess I'm equally as touchy with my non-straight friends). I don't want to give a women the wrong idea...

I'm too sexy for a handshake... too sexy for hug... too sexy for a kiss... :)
Here's what you do if you are to shake a woman's hand but are afraid of her yanking it and forcing you in for a hug. As you see her coming, you take one step forward, leaving the other one firmly planted in place. Point towards her with your shoulder while keeping the arm and hand outstretched. Lean forward slightly at the waist. This signals that you are politely extending your greetings while wanting to return to your previous position. It's very easy. Just take a half step forward. Try it and see. I sometimes do this when I know I want to make a quick break.
irvinehomeowner said:
I'm too sexy for a handshake... too sexy for hug... too sexy for a kiss... :)

I believe you are very afraid of women for some reason. Can't quite blame you. Some are scary.

Anyway, you may not want to greet someone too closely however be aware it may come off rude as though you are simply blowing them off. They may come to think you are stuck-up / too good for them. If you are friends and want to remain friends, you do want to be polite. You can always just stand up straight with good posture. Stick your arm out like a robot. Smile and say, "Nice to see you." Bob your head a little. Shake their hand. Be friendly. If she insists on hugging you, don't push away the friend and say, "Get your dirty paws off of me." You might make her feel bad for trying to be sincere. No need to take it too seriously. If she's bending forward at the waist so only the shoulders are touching, it's nothing to get worked up about. I've noticed quick pats on the back are just a friendly sign. It's the hug & hold that you should be worried about. Not the courtesy-hug.
What gets me is some of these women HAVE to kiss you... like it's during some picnic and us guys are playing ball and I'm soaking wet from sweat and some of tem are leaving and I'm like "uhh... it's okay... I'm sweaty"... and she's like "oh it's okay" and still goes in for the cheek kiss.

Really? You want to smell/feel/taste a guy's sweat? Ugh.

Or then again... maybe they just want to take home a souvenir from the IHO?
irvinehomeowner said:
Or then again... maybe they just want to take home a souvenir from the IHO?

Like Elvis who handed out sweat-soaked silk scarves at concerts, some men do have this effect. Tom Jones was no stranger to it either. I agree with you that normally you would do a quick goodbye in that case and no, I wouldn't plant lips on a sweaty man UNLESS I just couldn't help myself. You may have hit on something there. From what you state it is quite possible that you are irresistible. It can not be ruled out. The good thing is, while you can't control their actions, you can control yours. Plus, having your wife nearby is always helpful. She'll protect you and believe me, she'd be much better at detecting another woman's intention than you would. I had this happen once when a "friend" tried to give my husband / fiance at the time a "customary" kiss under mistletoe at a holiday party. You've never seen me fly across the room so fast. I was prepared to wrestle her to the ground right then & there and rip her hair out. (He was prepared to make popcorn and watch.) Moral of the story: If she's not concerned, you shouldn't be. Her radar is much stronger than yours!
SoCal78 said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Or then again... maybe they just want to take home a souvenir from the IHO?

Like Elvis who handed out sweat-soaked silk scarves at concerts, some men do have this effect. Tom Jones was no stranger to it either. I agree with you that normally you would do a quick goodbye in that case and no, I wouldn't plant lips on a sweaty man UNLESS I just couldn't help myself. You may have hit on something there. From what you state it is quite possible that you are irresistible. It can not be ruled out. The good thing is, while you can't control their actions, you can control yours. Plus, having your wife nearby is always helpful. She'll protect you and believe me, she'd be much better at detecting another woman's intention than you would. I had this happen once when a "friend" tried to give my husband / fiance at the time a "customary" kiss under mistletoe at a holiday party. You've never seen me fly across the room so fast. I was prepared to wrestle her to the ground right then & there and rip her hair out. (He was prepared to make popcorn and watch.) Moral of the story: If she's not concerned, you shouldn't be. Her radar is much stronger than yours!

LOL! You never know SoCal ;-) Might turn on Mrs.IHO to see women get desperate to kiss her sweaty, smelly husband.