Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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Women with a boy cut. If you can go to the barber with your man and get a 2-for-1 special, there's a problem.

The women I know do it because it's "low maintenance". It's like they've completely given up. I know their husbands don't like it and they don't care. I feel sorry for them.
Funny you mention that "boy cut" on women. We were watching something on TV and a black woman had that almost bald look that seems to be a trend among singers and my daughter asked me if she had cancer. I told her that was the style... and she said... she should just wear a wig. :(

So I have a combo of pet peeves today... which actually has to do with today... Casual Friday.

I peeves me when people think Casual Friday means wear whatever you want, even if it's the clothes you slept in... esp in a business office. The combo? Some guy at an office next to us always wears an old t-shirt, beat up jeans and... slippers. C'MON!!!! I already hate seeing guys feet and you're going to wear that to your office? Bleh.
For black ladies, I actually do have to give them a free pass there. It's a whole lot more work for them. As my black friend used to tell me, "We don't have that 'wash & wear' shit you have." The hair is a different texture, obviously, so the options include using harsh chemicals to relax it, or a very time-consuming and expensive weave that can leave them with hair loss. Or, a wig which is hot and also can be expensive. If it's not pricey, it's going to look cheap. I know for me, it takes a long time just to blow-dry my hair because there is so much of it. I can take 2 hours when everything is said and done. I can't imagine dealing with everything else on top of that they have to go through. If their hair gets wet, it's more work right there because it kinks up. It must be really difficult.
Pet peeve: Parents who don't supervise their kids when playing. There's a 7 year old flying down my street on a bike without a care in the world. Lots of cars coming and going both directions at this time of day. He barely looks before darting out into the street. A little brother following him on foot. No idea where they live. Even my 6 year old knows something is wrong. Without me saying anything, he tells me: "It's like they don't even have parents." Ain't that the truth, Kid! I may be overprotective, but I'll stick to bubble-wrapping mine, thanks. I had a childhood friend struck down on her bike as a kid resulting in a brain injury. Can't help but be cautious. At our old apartment complex, this one single mom would let her little 4 year old drive a fast electric(?) kid vehicle around the entire complex far out of her sight on streets and sidewalks. A small, low car. So many close calls. All the neighbors were like, "What the heck, Lady." She would make stupid comments like, "He just loves adventure!" Brain dead parents. Never let a small kid out of your sight. Older kids still need to be checked on.
Our 'motor court kids' are >this< close to be hit by a car. We all have kids at play signs, but some kids are so little, and they get out of the motor court so fast, it's hard for the drivers to see them come.. I don't leave mine unattended, and now most of the kids just bike near my house while their mommies catch up with whatever they are doing. We might be in the safest city, but we have the most dangerous drivers  ::)
So let me see... deadbeat dads, tiger moms, helicopter parents, soccer moms... and now brain dead parents and bubble wrap mothers.
irvinehomeowner said:
and bubble wrap mothers.

Who said they don't like bubble wrap moms? Bubble wrapper in the building right here. Go ahead and talk about it like I'm not here.  ;)
1. People who don't completely read emails:

I find it happens more often than not someone replies to an email only having read the first sentence and paragraph and then asks a questions or addresses something that was laid out in the second sentence or paragraph.

Depending on my mood... my response will either by pithy (I reply just with my original email and bold the part they asked about) or I'll politely point out that I already addressed it in my previous email.

One time, after even bolding the part in question, they still asked me about it and I had to pick up the phone and call them... bah.

2. Companies that don't have live chat or email as a support/contact option:

I actually dislike having to use the phone for support issues. Usually because I like to have written confirmation of my problem and what the company is doing to solve it. Plus with email, I can respond at my leisure rather than having to wait on hold etc etc.
People making a left coming out of the 99 Ranch side of Arbor Village thinking they have the right of way over people making a right on the other side.  I don't signal right anymore and will go straight as far as I can and make a 90 degree right at the last minute to get my right of way.  They give right of way to people going straight, but not to people turning right.  Idiots.
I'm not sure you are in the right here. See the "Exampes of Right and Left Turns" section in

2. Right turn. Begin and end the turn in the lane nearest the righthand curb. Do not swing wide into another lane of traffic.

So coming out of the Wienerschnitzel side you are not supposed to go immediately to the left lane on east bound Walnut.

There shouldn't be a problem (in theory at least) if the left turner coming out of 99 Ranch goes to the left lane, and right turner coming out of Wienerschnitzel takes the right lane.

My pet peeve is actually that the Asians just don't know the concept of being courteous to other drivers and yield even if they have right of way; many don't even yield without right of way.


gaogi said:
People making a left coming out of the 99 Ranch side of Arbor Village thinking they have the right of way over people making a right on the other side.  I don't signal right anymore and will go straight as far as I can and make a 90 degree right at the last minute to get my right of way.  They give right of way to people going straight, but not to people turning right.  Idiots.
Signaling to change lanes only to find the driver in the other lane speeding up and driving parallel with me so I'm stuck.  After having this happen three times I no longer signal.  I just cut in front of other drivers and hope I won't get rear ended.
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OMG. When people leave junk outside my front door. Ads from realtors, cleaning services, home improvement companies, etc...I hate having to pick it up and throw it away. We get it almost every day. Argh.
Latest pet peeve:

Dads who randomly leave their children with me in public - at the store, at the park, etc. It happened again last weekend when I was at Costco.

I say "dads" because it is almost exclusively men.

I must have a stamp on my forehead that reads: "Free emergency babysitter."

Fathers, it's not that I mind watching your child in a pinch, although, I don't recommend it. It's that I don't know if you're coming back. Those of you who speak to me and make clear the specifics... well, okay, if I agree. Those who eyeball me without saying a word, place your child next to me, and walk away -- not so cool. To the dad at Costco: were you hoping I won't notice or am I supposed to read your mind?

Does anyone else experience this?

People with kids run away from me.

And when I'm out with my kids, people look at them to make sure they are not with me against their will.

You should take them home with you and tell Mr. SoCal: "Look what I got at Costco!"
But you reminded me... but I do, however, get asked for directions quite a bit. Even when I was in college walking around campus.

So strange... like my forehead says "GPS".
irvinehomeowner said:
People with kids run away from me.

And when I'm out with my kids, people look at them to make sure they are not with me against their will.

You should take them home with you and tell Mr. SoCal: "Look what I got at Costco!"

You do look tough, but not criminal, imo.
Laundry peeve, washing/drying elastic bed sheets that turn into a giant anaconda that swallows your other clothes in the wash preventing them from being washed and dried effectively.
ps9 said:
Laundry peeve, washing/drying elastic bed sheets that turn into a giant anaconda that swallows your other clothes in the wash preventing them from being washed and dried effectively.

I wash sheets and pillowcases in their own separate load apart from clothes for this very reason. They are still no fun, though. I gave up trying to fold fitted sheets a long time ago. After wrestling the sheet to the ground, it would always win.
Pet peeve: Men who are helpless / lack aptitude when it comes to basic household repairs.

I'm talking about stuff like: changing an A/C filter, replacing a window screen, fixing a toilet, etc, etc. or even something as dangerous as hanging a curtain rod.

No kidding, I've had friends whose husbands hired someone to come do these things not out of convenience but because they are clueless. I shudder at the idea of paying someone to do that. The A/C filter -- the husband said the unit was broken because he kept lowering the temp but the unit couldn't keep up. He called out a repair technician. Nope. Just needed a clean filter. If he had the wits to check, he would have seen that and saved himself some money. Imo, if a person is going to be a homeowner, they should at least be able to help themselves to some degree.
