Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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irvinehomeowner said:
It would be missing more than just a bite.

If the missing piece wasn't in your box... that's kind of scary... critter?

What kind of critter makes a bite that shape and size?  ???
Pet Peeve:

When people write: "Could of" or "Should of" or "Would of".
Instead of
"Could have", "Should have", "Would have"

The abbreviated sound "v" throws them off from "Could've", "Would've", "Should've". For ex: There is no such thing as: "I could of gone to bed early."

It just fries me every time I see it.
irvinehomeowner said:
People who take long showers.

Just curious - what do you consider "long"?

I've noticed men can be in & out of the shower in like 7 minutes or less. Anything more than that, they consider a long time.

I consider 2 hours a long time.
5 minutes or more is long to me. 10 minutes for long hair *might* be reasonable... but 20-30 minutes isn't a "shower" anymore... it's a raining bath.
Taking a 5 minute shower would require an extra 15 minutes to stop the bleeding for people who shave in the shower due to the nicks from a rushed job.
People who take long showers and waste water shaving a long time in the showers.  You can do that at the sink instead and save water.

People who take long showers (and singing) doing this often as below.

Ugh, now I can't get that tune right outta my head.  :P

SoCal said:
Taking a 5 minute shower would require an extra 15 minutes to stop the bleeding for people who shave in the shower due to the nicks from a rushed job.
Sorry, when you mentioned shaving in the showers, I automatically thought
you were talking about your husband or men in general shaving their faces in showers.  :P
Yes, shaving legs at the sink would probably be disgusting and quickly be another pet peeve.

SoCal said:
irvinehusky said:
You can do that at the sink instead and save water.

Shaving your legs in the sink requires an extra hour at Urgent Care.
irvinehusky said:
Sorry, when you mentioned shaving in the showers, I automatically thought
you were talking about your husband or men in general shaving their faces in showers.  :P
Yes, shaving legs at the sink would probably be disgusting and quickly be another pet peeve.

;) :)
Haha! If I were to write a novel and sketch characters,  I will pick three threads from water cooler and start..
"He hated her for shaving her legs in the sink.. but there was nothing he could do to stop it.. until that dark night when it was windy and hot, and the trees in the neighborhood slammed against his bedroom wall.."
Oh, dear. I hope I didn't make it sound like I do the legs in the sink thing. That was just a joke!
Cubic Zirconia said:
Haha! If I were to write a novel and sketch characters,  I will pick three threads from water cooler and start..
"He hated her for shaving her legs in the sink.. but there was nothing he could do to stop it.. until that dark night when it was windy and hot, and the trees in the neighborhood slammed against his bedroom wall.."

Don't forget the man who spends hours in his "library" relaxing and reading the newspaper. His absence worried his family. They thought he fell in and called for help.
SoCal said:
Cubic Zirconia said:
Haha! If I were to write a novel and sketch characters,  I will pick three threads from water cooler and start..
"He hated her for shaving her legs in the sink.. but there was nothing he could do to stop it.. until that dark night when it was windy and hot, and the trees in the neighborhood slammed against his bedroom wall.."

Don't forget the man who spends hours in his "library" relaxing and reading the newspaper. His absence worried his family. They thought he fell in and called for help.

The curious case of how the iPad potty stand was invented.. starring IHO :P
ps9 said:
irvinehomeowner said:
ps9 said:
irvinehomeowner said:
People who take long showers.

People who take long sh!ts
So what's your average? How am I supposed to read the paper if I don't sit for a while?

Newspaper?  The modern man's paying bills, shopping on Amazon, blogging, and angry birding.
I'm old school... and afraid of dropping any type of gadget in the throne.