irvinehomeowner said:You replied to my post. Learn to use the forum properly.eyephone said:irvinehomeowner said:eyephone said:Is that all you got? It is interesting as the pandemic gets worst you are changing your stance.
Really? Show me where my stance changed. You keep forgetting we were both arguing against qwerty, you just got hurt when I wouldn't support your notion that what has been done in other countries can easily be done here while at the same time you are posting articles where Americans are resisting things like social distancing which demonstrates it's not that easy to get a country as large and populous as the US to do what New Zealand does.
Have you found that post yet where you claim I said "it was just a cough or lighter than a flu"?
And as a note, as more information comes in, everyone has the right to change their opinion... that's how life works. Have you figured that out yet?
eyephone said:You can make fun of people. BUT you do not like it when someone dishes it back to you.
I think you got this backwards. You're the only one who gets really annoyed when anyone criticizes you and you have personally attacked the most people on this forum by talking about their jobs, where they live, their race, their body type, etc... why do you think other members have you on ignore (that's why no one responds to you).
Sorry, I know my post is getting too long and you won't read all of it so I'll wait for one of your off-tangent canned responses:
- Double Standard
- You are like a 5-year old
- I'm a genius
- Get out of here
- You're not my boss
- You aren't reading the Bible right
- Taco/beans or some other racist remark like "brothers you play basketball with"
Or your favorite... "It's Trump's fault" (at least this one I have some agreement with)![]()
Sorry my statements do not contradict itself like other people.
I can blame Trump like many people in America are.
My statement was for qwerty but I guess it goes to you too.
Who is this "we" that you are talking about? And why do you have to say "not that smart" and (not the brightest) in parentheses? Do you not understand your own posts so you are talking to yourself? Is that who "we" is? You, yourself and your other personality?We all know you are not that smart. (Not the brightest)
So what I said those things. I see nothing wrong with it.
And that's the hypocrisy. You get so triggered when people disagree with you and then your response is insults instead of civil discourse.
I am not the one who almost got jumped in the parking lot.
(btw I was not on TI or the other website at that time. But man that story is funny.)
The question is: What did you say or do to Tyler to have that escalate that far?
Hah... another classic "eyephone has no idea what he's talking about" moment.
It wasn't me Tyler threatened, it was another member who he thought was my wife. Imagine that... threatening to fight a woman. Maybe you are like Tyler. I recall you said you "know where to find me".
I know I said I would try to ignore you but I've grown tired of all your name calling hypocrisy... wasn't it you who complained because when I called you Captain Obvious (which most people on this board will agree with)? Even Mety was trying to be civil with you and you started questioning his Christianity... who does that?
Let me guess... your next response will be:
- You're a joke
- You're fat
- You're a b*****
Why don't you just try and talk to people instead of insulting what they do for a living?
Mety said:BTW I'm not attacking eyephone. I'm just copying some of his lines because I find some of them funny. It's like "Welcome Back YF!" Anyways, IHO and eyephone will probably keep talking like this for the rest of their lives here. Makes me think... are we ever going to see each other while we're alive? Probably not. Maybe in Heaven if anyone makes it. ;D
eyephone said:Nah nah.. let me copy what you previously said. Your changing the story. Lol
irvinehomeowner said:eyephone said:Nah nah.. let me copy what you previously said. Your changing the story. Lol
Yeah you do that. And let me help you since you are having problems finding these posts you keep making claims about... it's in the Snowflakes thread and I did indeed mention TylerDurden threatening *another* member in a parking *garage* (not lot).
Maybe that's the problem... what is posted and what you think you read is a disconnect.
(still waiting for that post where you claim I said it was just a cough)
eyephone said:I later said Trump said it was a cough.
But you did downplay the covid virus at first.
eyephone said:Here you go.
irvinehomeowner said:I don't understand.
Based on the numbers, regular flu is more harmful/deadly than coronavirus.
Why would we stay home for corona but not flu?
I don't remember ever having a flu shot in my life yet I'm in public places quite often without a mask... am I immune? I don't think so because I have had bouts of the flu just not often.
Are the symptoms of corona worse than the flu?
I do think I had H1N1 when that was "trendy"... that was probably the worse flu I ever had. I also had a nagging cough when that was a "thing" a few years ago. What can I expect if I catch corona?
eyephone said:Here you go.
irvinehomeowner said:I don't understand.
Based on the numbers, regular flu is more harmful/deadly than coronavirus.
Why would we stay home for corona but not flu?
I don't remember ever having a flu shot in my life yet I'm in public places quite often without a mask... am I immune? I don't think so because I have had bouts of the flu just not often.
Are the symptoms of corona worse than the flu?
I do think I had H1N1 when that was "trendy"... that was probably the worse flu I ever had. I also had a nagging cough when that was a "thing" a few years ago. What can I expect if I catch corona?
irvinehomeowner said:Mety said:irvinehomeowner said:With so many of the Chinese industries shut down... there may be an understatement of how bad this is in China.
I was joking about this before but maybe this is the event that will take down housing.
But Irvine housing isn't going to be affected as much by Chinese, wouldn't you say?
Different scenario than FCB buying power.
This could turn into an economic crisis. News edits testing story after Project Veritas exposes clinic?s line-stuffing ploy
CBS News has deleted footage from a Grand Rapids, Mich., health clinic for a report on coronavirus testing after Project Veritas revealed that the clinic packed a line of patients waiting for tests. The story aired last Friday on the franchise program ?CBS This Morning? and was reported by Adriana Diaz.
?We found a 25 percent increase in testing at Cherry Health,? says Diaz in the package, referring to a health center with more than 20 sites in Michigan.
One of the shots in the presentation shows cars queuing up:
As it turns out, that queue may not represent the actual demand for coronavirus tests in Grand Rapids. Project Veritas, the sting-video operation headed by James O?Keefe, secured evidence that Cherry Health had padded the line for the sake of appearances while the operation was being showcased in a national news story.
Fact check: Hospitals get paid more if patients listed as COVID-19, on ventilators
Our ruling: True
We rate the claim that hospitals get paid more if patients are listed as COVID-19 and on ventilators as TRUE.
Hospitals and doctors do get paid more for Medicare patients diagnosed with COVID-19 or if it's considered presumed they have COVID-19 absent a laboratory-confirmed test, and three times more if the patients are placed on a ventilator to cover the cost of care and loss of business resulting from a shift in focus to treat COVID-19 cases.
This higher allocation of funds has been made possible under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act through a Medicare 20% add-on to its regular payment for COVID-19 patients, as verified by USA TODAY through the American Hospital Association Special Bulletin on the topic.
eyephone said:more than 2,500 new cases in Florida since reopening Monday
Georgia reported over 1,000 new coronavirus cases on the same day its governor lifted the stay-at-home order for most residents.