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qwerty said:@iho - i would rather not get it if given the choice, but we generally don?t have much if a choice with diseases/virus. The cost/benefit of staging purchases for 3 days, buying take out, transferring it to our own containers and zapping it isn?t much of a cost. But I still got to the grocery once or twice a week. I go to Costco and target once a week. I?m not going to stop living. The mask and gloves isn?t that big of a deal, etc.
But that's not what you were talking about. You were talking about infection, severity of symptoms and death rate. If you think it's minor, why even go through the trouble?
I'm like you, we get a lot of takeout, delivery and more grocery shopping. But I don't swap containers, wipe down groceries etc because I feel that type of transfer is very low chance. And I go out probably more than I should because I think with proper mask wearing, distancing and hand washing... infection risk is contained.
If schools were open I would send my kids to school. I would not keep them at home, the distance learning is a joke. We have to work during the day and do our best to teach the kids. If they bring home the virus then we hope for the best.
I doubt it. Especially with the precautions you take with your food/groceries as that is way lower risk. Community spread among kids is probably one of the highest infection risks... I can't tell you how many times I've caught something from my kids... it's happened so many times I don't share food, utensils or cups with them anymore.
Like I said before, if you get it and you die then that is the card you were dealt. But people die every day for reasons behind their control. And I think I had this shit in December. Had what appeared to be the flu, fever for a couple of days. It was the worst flu, if it was the flu I?ve had in a while and I get the flu shot every year. I didn?t have aches or trouble breathing so maybe it was just the flu, or maybe I was one of those who get the more mild cases of covid due to my calves being ripped![]()
It's treatable as long as resources are available. That's the biggest reason to flatten the curve. I don't necessarily believe you are stuck with the hand you are dealt, you always have the river.

To me it all comes down to the cost/benefit. I was never a fan of the shutdown and it never made sense to me. I knew the economic damage would be terrible and could end up being worse than the virus itself. The practical approach would have been to have just said, everyone?s should stay six feet apart, wear masks, wash your hands, etc. and let life continue. Yes perhaps more people would have died but like I have said before, we have always put a price on life. Alway have always will.
I'll agree with you here. As I've said, we need to look for solutions that allows the economy to stay open but also decrease risk of infection. Did we overshoot? Maybe, but it's better to have too much than not enough.
Our public schools need money, our healthcare system is a joke. We have tons of homeless people. We just threw 2 trillion down the drain. We would have been better off spending that 2 trillion on a true educational/healthcare overhaul. From a long term perspective that would have been more impactful on society.
It always amazes me how we Are willing to open up the government checkbook in ?crisis? but never open up the checkbook to fix what really needs fixing. The 2 trillion we just spent isn?t going to much. People will still come out much worse When this is over because of the genius idea to lock things down.
Well... this is another topic. Circumstances always change perspective.
I still have a job and my wife?s company is doing just fine. I think the folks who advocate for the shutdown are those who are still collecting a paycheck while working from home. Once that paycheck is gone I?m guessing those folks will start singing a different tune.
Luckily we are in the same boat as you but if this goes for more than another month, we will probably be expecting a Zoom-off. But that's why we see this whole phase thing going into effect and maybe we can get the economy back on track sooner than later.
I think I may have gone on a tangent there
Neh. I know a lot of people who feel the same way you do and part of me also agrees with your position. That's why I'm trying to focus on solutions rather than just complaining about who did what wrong.