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irvinehomeowner said:
Cornflakes said:
I am so buying up all the tremendous, powerful UV lights today before there is a run on it.
Would have bought up all bleach and Lysol but too bad they don't come in my fav strawberry flavor. :(

Do the UV lights come in strawberry flavor? I think the prez is going to recommend swallowing them in today's presser. :)
Get a tanning bed and bombard your body with UV. Maybe that's why Trump is immune to Covid.
Happiness said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Cornflakes said:
I am so buying up all the tremendous, powerful UV lights today before there is a run on it.
Would have bought up all bleach and Lysol but too bad they don't come in my fav strawberry flavor. :(

Do the UV lights come in strawberry flavor? I think the prez is going to recommend swallowing them in today's presser. :)
Get a tanning bed and bombard your body with UV. Maybe that's why Trump is immune to Covid.

Idiots will be idiots.
What if...

The fan following decided to take his words as gospel and drank it sick badly....and then decide to move him out of office comes November.

Wishful thinking but hey anything can happen.
Wishing physical harm on those with differing political viewpoints is no way to go through life.....

What if those other side of the debate hoped all social justice warriors to have been slate wiped by not following the travel ban.... because they are convinced of inherent bigotry within common sense. 

It always seems like the shoes are much tighter when on the other foot.

My .02c

The pandemic has been on Trump's radar since December.  An issue since January, and likely the #1 (or #2 since he thinks economy is #1) issue since February.  That's four months of awareness, 2 months of task force and briefings and access to people like Dr. Birx, Dr. Fauci, Dr Adams and his intelligence resources and pretty much any other expert and his understanding and ability to articulate on it is at the inject disinfectant level.

Think that through as you spin what he meant.
Cornflakes said:
What if...

The fan following decided to take his words as gospel and drank it sick badly....and then decide to move him out of office comes November.

Wishful thinking but hey anything can happen.

I'm sure there's lots of wishing going on now. Who benefits if lots of old people die?
I know TV is starved for relevance, but by watching the actual briefing you heard and saw:

"so you're considering testing this" - spoken to doctors in the room, regarding light therapy

"there may be tests on this" - on light therapy and disinfectant use.

"doctors have to test..." on disinfectant use.

Yet overhyping the kind of strong, incontrovertible endorsements like "It looks interesting".

How one gets from "It looks interesting" to "OMG The President is saying everyone should inject disinfectants RIGHT NOW!!!!" is the stuff of miracle making. Only TV commentators seem to have that kind of abusive propaganda power now.

I had not heard that a pandemic was on the radar in December. I'd like to read more about it for context as December 1 is much, much different than December 31st - essentially January 2020. Links would be nice. Asking in all seriousness and thanks in advance.
Big Picture Check

It's great to point out our own politicians and official's shortcomings in the covid response, but we must never forget that it was deliberate action of the Chinese Communist Party in suppressing information about the virus that caused the pandemic in the first place.

If someone hits you with a car and drives off, no matter how incompetent the paramedic or emergency room staff were, it was the asshole that hit you that is to blame for your injuries.
this is just anecdotal, but i've been snorting powdered tide laundry detergent since the 80s (arm & hammer isn't processed fine enough).  after i fill the washer with a load of whites in my garage, i drop a line on the end of the scooper, then rail that baby like tim the toolman taylor and let out a grunt while i reach for the closest power tool.

where was i? oh yeah, still no coronavirus here.
Happiness said:
If someone hits you with a car and drives off, no matter how incompetent the paramedic or emergency room staff were, it was the asshole that hit you that is to blame for your injuries.

Bad example.

We sue doctors, nurses, and hospitals for incompetence and negligence, it doesn't matter if it was some other asshole that cause this to begin with.

This is America. 
The Virus is real. A few of my employees came down with it...both are doing okay. Both went to the hospital within the first 2-3 days of the symptoms showing up. Both took hydroxychloroquine, zpak and zinc sulfate. Both were released from the hospital after 7-8 days of monitoring.

The best way they describe covid 19, is that it feels like you ran a marathon...when you wake up in the morning and try to take a piss.

For those of you interested (like me), there is a reddit called covid19positive. It really seems like this was a bioweapon that has multiple inserts and affects people even after they are "recovered from the virus." Some are saying their lungs feel lascerated, others still have a lack of smell or taste...just a truly nasty virus I hope nobody here on TI (or in general) has to go through.

We are in a bad situation here in Orange County, but it could be worse. I feel like at least in Irvine, most of the people here are fairly responsible and take the lock down orders seriously. In Newport Beach, a friend of mine who lives near PCH says that the beaches were swamped on Thursday, April 23. Symptoms take 2-14 days to manifest, so I guess maybe we will see a second wave of infections/cases in the beginning of May. It's a double edged sword, you can't shut down the economy completely, yet you don't want to put the most vulnerable of our community at risk.

The best solution is to mimic the Asian countries which have successfully taken care of the virus. In particular, Hong Kong has pretty much eradicated the virus there. They did this by EVERYONE wearing masks when outside--no exceptions. They created stiff penalties and a tracking system (which probably most Americans would consider too invasive). That being said, I learned alot over the past 2-3 months watching this guy on Youtube, Chris Martenson and his Peak Prosperity channel.

One thing I don't understand about this whole situation is the entire $3.7 million funding by the US of the Wuhan Level 4 bio lab to study bat coronaviruses. Not to make this a political debate, but why would ANY administration try to squirt an international accord to continue research on something like this? Hopefully the truth will reveal itself through time.
Definitely not wishing ill on any human being, regardless of how similar  or different we are on any given thing, period.

On the same token isn?t it very very in irresponsible for the president to spread misinformation and speculations? I don?t care republican democrat independent or an alien president.  when you have access to the biggest microphone you have the responsibility.

Some people will make a living out of mocking your words but then there will be people who would take your words as suggestion or even an order.

Soylent Green Is People said:
Wishing physical harm on those with differing political viewpoints is no way to go through life.....

What if those other side of the debate hoped all social justice warriors to have been slate wiped by not following the travel ban.... because they are convinced of inherent bigotry within common sense. 

It always seems like the shoes are much tighter when on the other foot.

My .02c
Here's the deal.
Hydroxychlroquine/Zpack and Zinc are working in all the countries that administer this combination outside the USA.
But guess what? Big pharma doesnt make money, since they can't charge $1000 for treatment (see the failed Gilead experiment). They can't make money on that combination above (hcq,zpak,zinc) that costs only $10 for treatment.There was a definite correlation why out of all the Chinese covid19 patients, none had lupus or rheumatoid arthritis...
So the narrative for the mainstream media and big-pharma who they are in bed with is to bash the drug combination. "Its not safe!!"
Yeah, drinking fishbowl cleaner that has a different chemical composition (chloroquine vs hydroxychloroquine), and not under the watch of a doctor could be risky. Also all of the studies show that this combination is most effective when given early on, not when the patient is about to that point in time, most any medication would be worthless. To further on the safety, this drug used to be over the counter...and you could just get it for a few dollars (let's say if you were going to Mexico or Africa and were concerned about malaria). It's been around for over thirty years and the FDA/CDC has deemed it safe for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis...weird right?People need to wake up to what's going on around us. Theres a reason why our country is going to shit.
Perhaps that Tide Pod eating stuff was a precautionary move by those among us with special knowledge....

No one is sure what will work at this time. You can't do a "real" study in 90 days. The HCQ VA report was a 100% joke, yet reported as..ABSOLUTE FACT!!! Time will tell, and USA based studies aren't the only ones to rely on for solutions.

My .02c
Happiness said:
Cornflakes said:
What if...

The fan following decided to take his words as gospel and drank it sick badly....and then decide to move him out of office comes November.

Wishful thinking but hey anything can happen.

I'm sure there's lots of wishing going on now. Who benefits if lots of old people die?

Some extremely nasty person came on here when Trump had won and said he couldn't WAIT for all the old people to DIE cuz then we can't vote for Trump again. Don't remember who that was, just how utterly nasty he was.

Another meat packing plant has been closed. So I got to thinking..... we're not supposed to touch dead bodies if they have died of coronavirus cuz it lives on (how long I don't know) and it's supposedly came from meat so has anyone thought to test the meat in the packing plants? I don't think dead meat can catch it from live humans but maybe humans are getting it from dead meat. Just a thought.
nosuchreality said:
The pandemic has been on Trump's radar since December.  An issue since January, and likely the #1 (or #2 since he thinks economy is #1) issue since February.  That's four months of awareness, 2 months of task force and briefings and access to people like Dr. Birx, Dr. Fauci, Dr Adams and his intelligence resources and pretty much any other expert and his understanding and ability to articulate on it is at the inject disinfectant level.

Think that through as you spin what he meant.

That pretty much sums it up. 

I read the quotes from the exchange and I cringed.  Then I watched the entire briefing and I cringed even more.  Any "context" missing from the written word only helped him out.  Then today, after thinking we must be past peak cringiness, I watched him try to backpedal on yesterday's performance .
Just heard from someone in neighborhood  tried the antibody test and found they had the antibodies for this virus. The family had flu in Nov. and then again Jan, so they all went for this test and found they had the antibodies. So it looks like virus was here much earlier.
Irvinehomeseeker said:
Just heard from someone in neighborhood  tried the antibody test and found they had the antibodies for this virus. The family had flu in Nov. and then again Jan, so they all went for this test and found they had the antibodies. So it looks like virus was here much earlier.

Do you know where they went?