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morekaos said:
...again this is similar.  Deniers say "go about your business (same old thing) climate change will do what it does" while the zealots scream "killers!, we need to all do something!!".  Meanwhile, humanity adapts, if my house is under water in 10 years...well, so be it, I knew the risks.

So all those people who cannot move or poor are just collateral damage for your risk analysis I guess. 
I asked the question partly to understand perspective.

The finger waggers in my mind are worse than the deniers. The Deniers are who they are. You know what they stand for. You can see what they are doing. That doesn't make it right. Deniers actions serve to make things crystal clear what to do - avoid and shun.

The "Do as I say, not as I do" crowd are much more dangerous. They appear to lead by example, then cut the legs out of their argument with their behavior.  Say what you will about The Tang Menace, but he supports the freedom of choice to wear a mask or not. Fauchi says to wear a mask, then does not do so at a baseball game. TV reporters nag people with a mask on, then strip them off once they think they are no longer being recorded. Governors across the nation say "Don't get together..." before they get together or travel, or fly - completely delegitimizing the much broader argument to wear a mask and social distance.

Do these finger wagging folks get mocked or cursed upon at the same volume those "Karens" who bitterly refuse to wear a mask? Hardly, yet are complete equals on the asshattery scale to start with IMHO, with one being far worse, far more damaging than the other, again IMHO.

My .02c
Fauci at the ball game is conspiracy spin.  He didn?t sit the whole game maskless, he had the mask down for a bit.  And it was July, outdoors, etc.

I would agree if Newsom is chronically gathering at a birthday party with lobbyists then it is worse. 

How much is slippery slope, we caught him once, therefore it?s all the time.

Versus, Trump encouraging 70,000,000 to be reckless. Do Sturgis. Demand to sit in bars, etc. 

The resident dumbass standing on the Costco display, just a Typhoid Mary waiting to happen.
nosuchreality said:
morekaos said:
nosuchreality said:
morekaos said:
Really it is individuals each making decisions.  I look at this a lot like the Climate change debate.  There are the zealots on one side and the deniers on the other.  Most, sit somewhere in the middle.  Each side is militant at the edges. each side convinced they are righteous. In the end I think even if I stipulate that climate change is man made...I still feel there is nothing we can do (as a group, or certainly as a state or country) to stop it.  Therefore, do what humans have always done, (like when the Ice age ended and all that ice melted)...we is what we really are best at...this seems no different.

That's the problem, the deniers are not adapting.  They belly ache and demand to keep doing the same old thing.

...again this is similar.  Deniers say "go about your business (same old thing) climate change will do what it does" while the zealots scream "killers!, we need to all do something!!".  Meanwhile, humanity adapts, if my house is under water in 10 years...well, so be it, I knew the risks.

You don?t get to accept the risk for others.

I get it though, you are fine if your neighbors die as long as you get to do what you want.
morekaos said:
It is what it is...

This is the danger of the Cult of Personality. The followers all start adopting the personality of the leader.

This sentiment is defeatist, lethargic, cold-hearted, and blatantly un-American

Great Depression, we're all screwed, it is what it is. People overinvesting in farms knew the risk, just let them go broke and gramma pass on.

Sorry guys, Japanese sunk all ur battleships, it is what it is. Hitler has the meth army rolling over everybody, too strong, it is what it is.

Saudi Arabia Osama bin Laden murdered a bunch of Americans with an airplane, it is what it is.

icey said:
morekaos said:
It is what it is...

This is the danger of the Cult of Personality. The followers all start adopting the personality of the leader.

This sentiment is defeatist, lethargic, cold-hearted, and blatantly un-American

Great Depression, we're all screwed, it is what it is. People overinvesting in farms knew the risk, just let them go broke and gramma pass on.

Sorry guys, Japanese sunk all ur battleships, it is what it is. Hitler has the meth army rolling over everybody, too strong, it is what it is.

Saudi Arabia Osama bin Laden murdered a bunch of Americans with an airplane, it is what it is.

There is a GOP female senator from Iowa that made a big deal how 2 people died due to Ebola and blamed Obama. How come she did not blame Trump for the COVID deaths? The Republicans have a double standard.
icey said:
morekaos said:
It is what it is...

This is the danger of the Cult of Personality. The followers all start adopting the personality of the leader.

This sentiment is defeatist, lethargic, cold-hearted, and blatantly un-American

Great Depression, we're all screwed, it is what it is. People overinvesting in farms knew the risk, just let them go broke and gramma pass on.

Sorry guys, Japanese sunk all ur battleships, it is what it is. Hitler has the meth army rolling over everybody, too strong, it is what it is.

Saudi Arabia Osama bin Laden murdered a bunch of Americans with an airplane, it is what it is.

I didn?t adopt a thing...those who have been around here long enough know...Ive always been like this.
>:D >:D
Apple temporarily closes California stores as virus cases mount

Apple has temporarily closed all 53 of its retail stores in California after the number of coronavirus cases reached new daily records in its home state this week. A listing of stores on the phone maker's website reflects the change, which does not affect bordering states Arizona and Nevada.

The move shows how a major technology company is trying to reduce spread of the virus for employees and consumers, despite potential business impact.

morekaos said:
...again this is similar.  Deniers say "go about your business (same old thing) climate change will do what it does" while the zealots scream "killers!, we need to all do something!!".  Meanwhile, humanity adapts, if my house is under water in 10 years...well, so be it, I knew the risks.

What risk?  Obamas just bought a waterfront mansion on the East Coast.  Newport Beach oceanfront properties are not plummeting, nor are they plummeting in the Maldives.  Facts are very disturbing to Leftists.
Seven cases since June that I know personally. One dead, one was sick, as in too sick to do anything, for over a month but not hospitalized. Another hospitalized for four days, then dragging for weeks. Two active cases in last week.  One hospitalized, non-icu. Knock on wood.

Youngest recovered was 16. Spent two weeks in isolation from his family with mild symptoms.

The month long sick person is 40s with no health conditions.

Its been real a long time.
nosuchreality said:
Seven cases since June that I know personally. One dead, one was sick, as in too sick to do anything, for over a month but not hospitalized. Another hospitalized for four days, then dragging for weeks. Two active cases in last week.  One hospitalized, non-icu. Knock on wood.

Youngest recovered was 16. Spent two weeks in isolation from his family with mild symptoms.

The month long sick person is 40s with no health conditions.

Its been real a long time.

Sorry to hear this NSR.

I also have had close relatives and friends test positive. Luckily all mild cases... even in the older person with conditions.

Still wondering about the long term effects and feel for those who have experienced worse or even death.

I fear with holiday gatherings we haven't seen the end... but at least more vaccines are out.
We have had 4 infections in our office 3 a symptomatic and one lost her taste for a day. We have always been in the office and I continue to go in every day. I now know over 40 who have been infected. No hospitalizations, no ventilations and no deaths...not one.
Haven't been on here for awhile. been busy saving lives. As a physician on the front lines of this pandemic since the beginning let me tell you this shit is REAL.
I've been admitting people in their 20s, 30s, 40s with NO pre-existing risk factors. They come in with pneumonia, cannot breathe. I partake in multiple resuscitation efforts weekly for COVID patients who don't make it. Been signing death certificates left and right. They die alone in the hospital because they cannot have family by their side. I have to call their loved ones on the phone and the agonizing cries of grief is heart breaking to take. People are dying young and old. We have lost as young as 18 years old. Commonly lose middle aged patients who are parents, siblings, sons and daughters of somebody.

All this is not to scare anyone but to tell you directly from the front lines that this is not fear mongering. If you don't believe politicians or the media or the CDC all you have to do is find a nurse, a doctor, someone who faces this reality every single day and they will tell you. We no longer have ICU beds available in the hospital and the rest of the hospital is running severely low in beds. And yet 80 million plus Americans plan to travel this holiday season.
Just remember that as a result your hospitals will have no beds in 2-3 weeks for not just covid, but for any other patient - heart attacks, strokes, trauma/accidents.
Your healthcare workers are overworked, exhausted, nursing is taking care of more than double the usual patients on their shifts - all this with resources extremely limited will lead to death for all causes not just COVID.

I got my COVID vaccine last week, no side effects and I'm grateful to be one of the first to get this life saving vaccine. My hope is that the general population will trust scientists and the medical community and get vaccinated. It is our only hope at this point. 
Thanks for sharing Paris. Nice to see you.

Paris said:
Haven't been on here for awhile. been busy saving lives. As a physician on the front lines of this pandemic since the beginning let me tell you this shit is REAL.
I've been admitting people in their 20s, 30s, 40s with NO pre-existing risk factors. They come in with pneumonia, cannot breathe. I partake in multiple resuscitation efforts weekly for COVID patients who don't make it. Been signing death certificates left and right. They die alone in the hospital because they cannot have family by their side. I have to call their loved ones on the phone and the agonizing cries of grief is heart breaking to take. People are dying young and old. We have lost as young as 18 years old. Commonly lose middle aged patients who are parents, siblings, sons and daughters of somebody.

All this is not to scare anyone but to tell you directly from the front lines that this is not fear mongering. If you don't believe politicians or the media or the CDC all you have to do is find a nurse, a doctor, someone who faces this reality every single day and they will tell you. We no longer have ICU beds available in the hospital and the rest of the hospital is running severely low in beds. And yet 80 million plus Americans plan to travel this holiday season.
Just remember that as a result your hospitals will have no beds in 2-3 weeks for not just covid, but for any other patient - heart attacks, strokes, trauma/accidents.
Your healthcare workers are overworked, exhausted, nursing is taking care of more than double the usual patients on their shifts - all this with resources extremely limited will lead to death for all causes not just COVID.

I got my COVID vaccine last week, no side effects and I'm grateful to be one of the first to get this life saving vaccine. My hope is that the general population will trust scientists and the medical community and get vaccinated. It is our only hope at this point.