
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
qwerty said:
A simple yes or no answer would have sufficed :-)

It should... but you keep saying/asking stuff that is opposite of what flattening the curve is about. I thought you had understood the healthcare capacity issue weeks ago but your statements/questions say otherwise.
qwerty said:
So would the 4300 that died in Califoria...

That number stuck out in my head and now I know why. Sweden, everyone's anti-lockdown darling... has over 4500 deaths. There population is 10m... Cali's is 40m.

That should be proof enough that the lockdown is effective in reducing deaths... Cali is over 4 times the population of a country with lax lockdown measures but has less number of deaths. So would you like Cali to be like Sweden? Let's apply the math...  4 x 4300 = 17200 deaths!!

So are you telling me that if we were like Sweden we would have 17,200 deaths in Cali right now? Is that okay? Let's extrapolate that out to the US, 330m population... so that's 109k deaths x 33... that's 3.6 million dead! And that won't affect the economy? And since you think flattening the curve only delays deaths, you see our total dead hitting 3.6m within how many months?

The math hurts the other way too doesn't it?
Lockdown more harmful to kids than covid-19:
irvinehomeowner said:
qwerty said:
So would the 4300 that died in Califoria...

That number stuck out in my head and now I know why. Sweden, everyone's anti-lockdown darling... has over 4500 deaths. There population is 10m... Cali's is 40m.

That should be proof enough that the lockdown is effective in reducing deaths... Cali is over 4 times the population of a country with lax lockdown measures but has less number of deaths. So would you like Cali to be like Sweden? Let's apply the math...  4 x 4300 = 17200 deaths!!

So are you telling me that if we were like Sweden we would have 17,200 deaths in Cali right now? Is that okay? Let's extrapolate that out to the US, 330m population... so that's 109k deaths x 33... that's 3.6 million dead! And that won't affect the economy? And since you think flattening the curve only delays deaths, you see our total dead hitting 3.6m within how many months?

The math hurts the other way too doesn't it?

So now you do simple math? You need to run the numbers through a model. Just let me know the desired outcome and I?ll send you the appropriate model :-)
As expected, the experts, authorities, and science behind the lockdown have been thoroughly discredited.

Millions of sheltering people across the country watching the protests and riots, including those whose life's work and savings were destroyed by the lockdown, were all wondering the same thing: WTF?

Now that the truth has been exposed, people are beginning to take action. Gov. Newsome?s lockdown order caused L.A. Pride to be cancelled. The gay community now says L.A. Pride is back on in defiance of the lockdown order because it will be ?in solidarity with Black Lives Matter.?

I guarantee you that L.A. Pride won?t be the last group to defy the lockdown.
Happiness said:
As expected, the experts, authorities, and science behind the lockdown have been thoroughly discredited.

Really? Or are you just Team qwerty? Show the proof.

Millions of sheltering people across the country watching the protests and riots, including those whose life's work and savings were destroyed by the lockdown, were all wondering the same thing: WTF?

Now that the truth has been exposed, people are beginning to take action. Gov. Newsome?s lockdown order caused L.A. Pride to be cancelled. The gay community now says L.A. Pride is back on in defiance of the lockdown order because it will be ?in solidarity with Black Lives Matter.?

I guarantee you that L.A. Pride won?t be the last group to defy the lockdown.

I guess you are Team qwerty because you don't even read the articles you post:

In light of concerns about the coronavirus, all participants are urged to wear face coverings and take other health precautions, such as bringing hand sanitizer or wearing gloves.

?We have been told that it is safer at home ? and that is absolutely true; it is safer at home during this health pandemic ? and that unless it is absolutely necessary you should not leave your home,? Montemayor said. ?But as we reflect on what is occurring, I think it is very fair to say that it is absolutely necessary that we leave our homes and speak loudly and clearly about this injustice and peacefully protest.?

This type of propaganda post is why we have so much unrest... show us where flattening the curve has been "thoroughly discredited". You just discredited yourself.
qwerty said:
irvinehomeowner said:
qwerty said:
So would the 4300 that died in Califoria...

That number stuck out in my head and now I know why. Sweden, everyone's anti-lockdown darling... has over 4500 deaths. There population is 10m... Cali's is 40m.

That should be proof enough that the lockdown is effective in reducing deaths... Cali is over 4 times the population of a country with lax lockdown measures but has less number of deaths. So would you like Cali to be like Sweden? Let's apply the math...  4 x 4300 = 17200 deaths!!

So are you telling me that if we were like Sweden we would have 17,200 deaths in Cali right now? Is that okay? Let's extrapolate that out to the US, 330m population... so that's 109k deaths x 33... that's 3.6 million dead! And that won't affect the economy? And since you think flattening the curve only delays deaths, you see our total dead hitting 3.6m within how many months?

The math hurts the other way too doesn't it?

So now you do simple math? You need to run the numbers through a model. Just let me know the desired outcome and I?ll send you the appropriate model :-)

Don't be mad because the data and facts don't agree with your opinion. You do know there is a difference between math and modeling don't you?
To be clear, because I think it gets lost in these "battles" of information, I fully support reopening. As I said before, I would have rather we found a hybrid model that kept people safe but also allowed the economy to run.

It could have been some type of targeted quarantine where only the at-risk people had to shelter in... but then there would have to be strict protocols on social distancing and mask requirements (which some find fascist :) ).

The problem with this is there is always a portion of the population that will disregard safety and that will hamper controlling the spread. Even now, with almost 110k dead, people still think this virus isn't serious... and that's what ends up killing more people than it should.

I was skeptical about this at first, thinking this was something that would stay in China and they would keep it from getting out. Even when it started spreading to Europe and the US, I challenged the initial models as too high (which they were) but when the actual number of cases and deaths started increasing at such a high rate and I saw places like Italy and NYC get out of control, I knew this was something where certain measures had to be taken.

Was a lockdown too heavy handed? Maybe, but just remember it was way more relaxed here than mostly every other country. I know people in places like India and their lockdowns were very strict. I'm sure most of you appreciate that you didn't have to get a government escort to chaperone you while you go to Albertson's (or actually, you couldn't even go to Albertson's). But then, that also shows that lockdowns worked because the countries with the strictest protocols, had the most success in reducing deaths.

The real trick is to figure out how to prevent a second wave, which unfortunately for the US, got thrown out of the window with all these social gatherings... ie protests.

But, if corona follows the same trajectory as the flu, hopefully the warmer weather has rendered it less contagious. But there is already evidence of other countries experiencing a rise in cases, like Iran:

Even in the US, states are reporting higher cases:

Health authorities in 14 states reported more new cases of the novel coronavirus last week compared to the week before, with Texas, Arizona and Oregon seeing the largest increases, Axios reported on Thursday. Though data confirmed by other states showed smaller degrees of change in cases identified over the last two weeks, several--including California and North Carolina--continued to report new diagnoses in high quantities.

Let's hope that is just a rise in testing or something other than a second wave because qwerty would hate a second lockdown. :)
If we have a second lockdown I?m just going to take my talents to Mexico. Officials there can be bribed easier :-)
qwerty said:
If we have a second lockdown I?m just going to take my talents to Mexico. Officials there can be bribed easier :-)
Even if Newsom declares the second lockdown, it will be largely ignored. No one will buy it again. Most importantly, the state won't be able to afford it again.
adventurous said:
qwerty said:
If we have a second lockdown I?m just going to take my talents to Mexico. Officials there can be bribed easier :-)
Even if Newsome declares the second lockdown, it will be largely ignored. No one will buy it again.

Sadly, this will probably be the case.

Even now, I see lack of masks/social distancing by servers/cooks at certain eateries in south county.

I hope we will be okay.
The servers and cooks are in a tough spot. It?s easy for everyone to say wear a mask, but they can get very uncomfortable real fast especially if you start to break a sweat. The kitchens are are warm and if I was a cook forced to wear a masked probably try to find a new job. Same with the server.

Not sure what the office setting is going To look like but when I go back to the office and if we have to wear mask I?m just going to go into my office and close the door and take the mask off. I?d wear it for meetings etc if they require it or to make coworkers more comfortable but in my office I would not wear it.
The word from my office colleagues, if the masks in the office are mandated, they continue working from home. Wearing a mask all day does not sound chill for many
qwerty said:
If we have a second lockdown I?m just going to take my talents to Mexico. Officials there can be bribed easier :-)

Save your money and stay here. Just wear a Black Lives Matter t-shirt and the authorities will leave you alone. Take a knee and they'll probably throw in a Target gift card.
Happiness said:
qwerty said:
If we have a second lockdown I?m just going to take my talents to Mexico. Officials there can be bribed easier :-)

Save your money and stay here. Just wear a Black Lives Matter t-shirt and the authorities will leave you alone. Take a knee and they'll probably throw in a Target gift card.

Didn't you read qwerty's other post? If he takes a knee, he may get shot for reaching for his calf.
irvinehomeowner said:
adventurous said:
qwerty said:
If we have a second lockdown I?m just going to take my talents to Mexico. Officials there can be bribed easier :-)
Even if Newsome declares the second lockdown, it will be largely ignored. No one will buy it again.

Sadly, this will probably be the case.

Even now, I see lack of masks/social distancing by servers/cooks at certain eateries in south county.

I hope we will be okay.

Aesop is saying "I told you so!" in Valhalla or wherever pagans go after they die.
qwerty said:
The servers and cooks are in a tough spot. It?s easy for everyone to say wear a mask, but they can get very uncomfortable real fast especially if you start to break a sweat. The kitchens are are warm and if I was a cook forced to wear a masked probably try to find a new job. Same with the server.

I would just stay home, and I think there have been articles about this, unemployment and what the gov gives you is probably more than what a lot of these people make.  Why go back to work and potentially expose yourself, get yelled at, etc if you can stay home, sleep in, and watch Netflix all day.  When unemployment runs out, go find a job.
akkord said:
When unemployment runs out, go find a job.
Provided that there is job opening on the market for them. Those who will exploit the great unemployment benefits to the very last drop will find themselves at the very end of the job applicants line.
it would be political suicide, but at what point do government officials tell people to stop protesting?  200,000 dead from coronavirus?

won't someone think of the children?