
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
With regards to the stock market, I remember buying a bunch of stocks in MAR of 2009.  Yes the same day S&P hit 666.  The number of the beast! My favorite number! time to BUY!!! 

Then I sold 1 month later and made a small gain...well...I was wrong because MAR 2009 was the bottom and I should have never sold..

Is it possible MAR 2020 is the same as MAR 2009?.. For now the answer is yes.
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
Hey eyephone,

You can do, say, or act however you see please, but I don't defend China in case you still firmly believe I do. Hope it clears one of your misinformations about TI members.


At the beginning of this covid you were defending China. (in my opinion)

Haha my misinformation. BS
Sorry if you do not like the truth.
You hide behind god, but you lie.

DOUBLE STANDARD! It's like talking to a 3-year old.

You have no substance or content in your post.
Clueless boy that blames the media.
eyephone said:
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
Hey eyephone,

You can do, say, or act however you see please, but I don't defend China in case you still firmly believe I do. Hope it clears one of your misinformations about TI members.


At the beginning of this covid you were defending China. (in my opinion)

Haha my misinformation. BS
Sorry if you do not like the truth.
You hide behind god, but you lie.

DOUBLE STANDARD! It's like talking to a 3-year old.

You have no substance or content in your post.
Clueless boy that blames the media.

Hey, I'm learning day by day. Hope you stay safe and stop hating others so much, my friend!
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
Hey eyephone,

You can do, say, or act however you see please, but I don't defend China in case you still firmly believe I do. Hope it clears one of your misinformations about TI members.


At the beginning of this covid you were defending China. (in my opinion)

Haha my misinformation. BS
Sorry if you do not like the truth.
You hide behind god, but you lie.

DOUBLE STANDARD! It's like talking to a 3-year old.

You have no substance or content in your post.
Clueless boy that blames the media.

Hey, I'm learning day by day. Hope you stay safe and stop hating others so much, my friend!

Again my response does not fit your agenda.
It is a fact that Denmark has low cases of covid and deaths recently. Also, it is a fact that Denmark is close to Sweden. (Look at a map)
So if you are going to throw the misinformation word around. Please provide support.
Eyephone - I think in general people get frustrated and/or annoyed with some of your commentary because you tend to go off on tangents. Here we were talking about Sweden?s economy and then you start talking about Denmark?s deaths.

This give off the appearance, at least to me, that you are just trolling vs having a real discussion.
zubs said:
With regards to the stock market, I remember buying a bunch of stocks in MAR of 2009.  Yes the same day S&P hit 666.  The number of the beast! My favorite number! time to BUY!!! 

Then I sold 1 month later and made a small gain...well...I was wrong because MAR 2009 was the bottom and I should have never sold..

Is it possible MAR 2020 is the same as MAR 2009?.. For now the answer is yes.

I found it so weird that the last THREE major market bottoms have occurred around March 22nd. 2002, 2009 and 2020...just a weird market quirk I guess.
qwerty said:
Eyephone - I think in general people get frustrated and/or annoyed with some of your commentary because you tend to go off on tangents. Here we were talking about Sweden%u2019s economy and then you start talking about Denmark%u2019s deaths.

This give off the appearance, at least to me, that you are just trolling vs having a real discussion.

Hey - he said I give misinformation. But has not come back with a false thing I said.
I can talk about Denmark. Denmark is really close to Sweden. Btw: Denmark is winning against covid and their government is a form of democracy. (not communist) So they can live a NORMAL life.

I think it is a fair comparison. But you also do not like it. Because it does not fit your agenda.

Another double standard.
I believe eye's point is that Denmark did lock down and their number of deaths and infections is much lower than Sweden.

That shows that lockdowns (ie flattening the curve) do work in reducing deaths. Let's look at numbers because that seems to be the only thing some people understand:

Cases 35,088
Deaths 4,220
Population 10,093,230

Cases 11,480
Deaths 565
Population 5,790,276

Cases 8,391
Deaths 235
Population 5,417,143

Geographically, Denmark, Sweden and Norway are all close to each other, but the Covid numbers are very different... let's combine Norway and Denmark's numbers against Sweden since that is almost the same population.

Cases Sweden 35k vs D/N ~20k
Deaths Sweden 4220 vs D/N 800

That's over 5 times as many deaths!!!

Flattening the curve works. That's not a model, that's actual data.
irvinehomeowner said:
I believe eye's point is that Denmark did lock down and their number of deaths and infections is much lower than Sweden.

That shows that lockdowns (ie flattening the curve) do work in reducing deaths. Let's look at numbers because that seems to be the only thing some people understand:

Cases 35,088
Deaths 4,220
Population 10,093,230

Cases 11,480
Deaths 565
Population 5,790,276

Cases 8,391
Deaths 235
Population 5,417,143

Geographically, Denmark, Sweden and Norway are all close to each other, but the Covid numbers are very different... let's combine Norway and Denmark's numbers against Sweden since that is almost the same population.

Cases Sweden 35k vs D/N ~20k
Deaths Sweden 4220 vs D/N 800

That's over 5 times as many deaths!!!

Flattening the curve works. That's not a model, that's actual data.

Yeah but Denmark and Norway will just catch up to Sweden as things open up. This is just a timing difference. This has been my point all along. Is that eventually, at some future point in time, you end up in the same place. So the lockdown would work if we stayed locked down until a vaccine/treatment was available but we all know that was never going to happen. This is why I was opposed to the lockdown. Were there some lives saved with the it initial lockdown, sure, but it?s marginal. As we open up and people get infected, those that were predisposed to to death upon catching the virus are going to most likely die anyway.

If he dies, he dies :-)
qwerty said:
Yeah but Denmark and Norway will just catch up to Sweden as things open up. This is just a timing difference. This has been my point all along. Is that eventually, at some future point in time, you end up in the same place. So the lockdown would work if we stayed locked down until a vaccine/treatment was available but we all know that was never going to happen. This is why I was opposed to the lockdown. Were there some lives saved with the it initial lockdown, sure, but it?s marginal.

Wow... 500% is "marginal"? I'd like to get some of that type of "marginal" returns on investments.

As we open up and people get infected, those that were predisposed to to death upon catching the virus are going to most likely die anyway.

If he dies, he dies :-)

Science says differently... but I guess you're like Kyrie Irving. Did you think the SpaceX launch was a hoax? That's based on science too. :)
Oh yeah, one of those super scientific accurate models gave you the 500%. Forgot about that.

Not sure how you can dispute the last part. How how does science change the outcome of someone predisposed to death is they get get the virus?
qwerty said:
Oh yeah, one of those super scientific accurate models gave you the 500%. Forgot about that.

See how you forgot to read again. That was not a model, that was up to date case and death data from WorldOMeter.

Not sure how you can dispute the last part. How how does science change the outcome of someone predisposed to death is they get get the virus?

That's not what changes. I'm not sure I can use small words here but just because you are at-risk does not mean you will be guaranteed to die.

For those pre-disposed, their chances to recover and live are dependent on the treatment and availability of hospital resources. Simply put, if you have a bed, a vent and someone to take care of you, your chances are much higher than without one.

Maybe that's why you don't get it... you don't understand percentages (like the 500%... what is 4000 divided by 800?).
So in the US, did anyone actually die because there was not a hospital bed/doctor/ventilator available for treatment?

Let?s use California as an example. If you had covid in California at any point in time, you have been able to receive the appropriate medic care. While receiving that medical care, 4300 people have still died. Those same 4300 people would likely have died if they got covid 6 months from now. I already said if there was a treatment/vaccine that changes the outcome. But absent that, those 4300 people would likely die whenever they get the virus, past, present or future. Absent a treatment, some people are not going to handle the virus well because of their existing health as evidenced by 4300 California deaths. I can make this argument for pretty much any state in the US. I think the only one that came close to hitting their capacity or perhaps they did, was NYC.

The lockdowns have been lifted absent a treatment/vaccine. So where will we end up?
qwerty said:
So in the US, did anyone actually die because there was not a hospital bed/doctor/ventilator available for treatment?

Let?s use California as an example. If you had covid in California at any point in time, you have been able to receive the appropriate medic care. While receiving that medical care, 4300 people have still died. Those same 4300 people would likely have died if they got covid 6 months from now. I already said if there was a treatment/vaccine that changes the outcome. But absent that, those 4300 people would likely die whenever they get the virus, past, present or future. Absent a treatment, some people are not going to handle the virus well because of their existing health as evidenced by 4300 California deaths. I can make this argument for pretty much any state in the US. I think the only one that came close to hitting their capacity or perhaps they did, was NYC.

And you can thank "flattening the curve" for that. Had we not locked down... the story would have been different... like NYC but worse. And you are referencing "below the healthcare capacity line" deaths, please do some more reading on "flattening the curve" and "raising the line" to help you understand the concept.

The lockdowns have been lifted absent a treatment/vaccine. So where will we end up?

Like I said, there are now more safety protocols in effect. There are still no mass gatherings allowed in most states... have you been in a theater yet? Watched a pro sports game?

There are still some things that are locked down.

We are looking for that middle ground to keep the spread at bay and because of flattening the curve, hospitals are now able to handle surges with stockpiled PPE and appropriate planning ("raising the line").
Dear eyephone,

Sorry for the late response. I was working hard, you know.

Anyways, I never doubted your sincerity toward your heart that you would like to help people out by putting efforts of posting correct information here. While your sincere heart is speaking through, your messages or articles you share might find some or many others disagreeing with. That is the world we live in. We share different perspectives and opinions.

There is no one or no such thing as absolutely true as God or the Word of God. If there ever was that person was Jesus Christ. That's why we wait for Him to come again and reign on this earth instead of any Republican or Democrat political person. Until then, there will be conflicts and fights and all those opinions we keep coming with disagreements. But I sincerely hope that you find peace and love for others who even have pronounced curses at you. That is the correct way we strive to live as Christ commanded so. If you're not a Christ believer yet, I pray you will be someday so that your sincere heart and knowledge can be used to spread the real truth, real love - gospel.

BTW, you can keep posting about Norway, Denmark or any country you would like. I wasn't saying you shouldn't post anyways so whatever you find helpful, please keep continue to do so. If I were you though, I wouldn't be practicing any name callings or mocking people. Because by doing so, you are putting yourself in a position where you feel you are superior and more righteous than others. Doesn't that sound pretty similar to what we call hateful crimes or even racism? Hope my genuine heart speaks to you.

So would the 4300 that died in Califoria that got the appropriate medical treatment. Would those not die now?
qwerty said:
So would the 4300 that died in Califoria that got the appropriate medical treatment. Would those not die now?


Maybe you will get this:

There will always be a number of people who, with the appropriate treatment, will die. That's not the number "flattening the curve" is about.

It's the number of people who would die if they *don't* get the appropriate treatment. And that could be people who are not at-risk or predisposed... it could be normal, young, no pre-existing condition person who, due to the fact there is not enough beds/vents/personnel to treat them, they die where they otherwise would have lived.

Additionally, we always hear about the percentages of those who died is largely pre-disposed... what about those who recovered? How did they recover? Because we had enough medical resources.

Not sure why I'm even trying to explain this because you always seem to qwergnore logical explanations. :)