
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
freedomcm said:
qwerty said:
Well the CDC said transmission by surface is low risk. The WHO says if you are not sick then you should only wear a mask if you are taking care of someone who is sick (contradicts the CDC).

As I read the guidelines, WHO was saying that N95 respirators were only needed to prevent self-infection when caring for suspected COVID patients, but that 'face masks' were a useful precaution to prevent spread to others.

Did I read that incorrectly?

This is going around on Facebook. The anti-mask movement is claiming that since the WHO recommends only healthy people who are taking care of Covid infected should wear *medical* masks, that masks are not needed.

What the WHO is doing, it trying to make sure that medical masks are preserved for those who need it. If you download their Assessment, they talk about non-medical masks and how that may also help stop the spread... but because it's not front and center on their website... everyone points to the "only healthy people caring for Covid infected" recommendation.

But the CDC has reversed their stance after further study and recommends cloth face coverings and there are multiple studies that show that masks reduce the droplets and viral load exhaled by people.
Two can play this game.

Sweden outperformed its euro neighbors by not locking down economy.

As I said, the economic demise would have been less than if there was a lockdown. It?s common sense. You and others make assumptions of how bad it would have been that are absolutely baseless. It?s obvious to anyone that if there was no lockdown the economic impact would have been much less. There is no way we reach 40 million unemployed without a lockdown. I have agreed with you that the economy would have still been impacted.  Buts insane to think we end up in the same place economically with and without a lockdown
qwerty said:
Two can play this game.

Sweden outperformed its euro neighbors by not locking down economy.

As I said, the economic demise would have been less than if there was a lockdown. It?s common sense. You and others make assumptions of how bad it would have been that are absolutely baseless. It?s obvious to anyone that if there was no lockdown the economic impact would have been much less. There is no way we reach 40 million unemployed without a lockdown. I have agreed with you that the economy would have still been impacted.  Buts insane to think we end up in the same place economically with and without a lockdown

Did you read the article or just the headline?

It says that their GDP will be just as bad as Germany's.

Last month, Sweden?s central bank said the pandemic had damaged the country?s business and supply chains and warned many companies would be ?hit hard,? with lots of people likely to lose their jobs over the coming months.

The National Institute of Economic Research, a respected think tank, said in a statement published April 29 that it believed Sweden?s economy would shrink 7% this year, with unemployment anticipated to rise to 10.2%.

?While Sweden?s economy has fared better than the worst-affected countries, as a result of its comparatively light-touch lockdown, it is still set for a year to forget,? David Oxley, senior Europe economist at Capital Economics, said in a research note published Thursday.

?We expect the decline in GDP this year as a whole to be in a similar ballpark to that in Germany,? he added.

April, May and June may paint a different picture for Sweden as their death toll rises.

We won't agree on this but it's not just my opinion. I've posted several articles and studies on how an economy will suffer if a pandemic is not controlled. You have ignored them all citing "common sense". Yet, in February, before the lockdowns were even announced, the Dow dropped over 15%. And then you say that means nothing but you posted about pulling all of your money out of the market due to the riots.

Your own actions contradict your stance.
irvinehomeowner said:
Cases may be rising:

?Sunday alone saw an increase of almost 20,000 cases nationwide, according to the CNN count compiled with data from John's Hopkins.

In Washington DC, the health department on Monday reported a new peak in cases meaning a delay to moving from phase one of the District's reopening program to a less restrictive phase.

In California, cases jumped 11% in days, from 98,980 reported Wednesday to 110,583 cases Sunday, according to the health department's data.?

Let?s hope for the best.

Cases already rising? WOW, that was fast. So those protesters did their thing and went to the hospital for checkup which already resulted positive so that CNN can report about the case increase this fast? Hmm...
Forget Sweden. We should be like Denmark!! No recent covid deaths.
(That is winning)

The US is spending too much money. We are recreating the wheel and failing.
Hey eyephone,

Your anti-Turmp opinion is well heard loud and clear. Please move on to something fresh for us. By the way, looks like your friend might be back. Some deep knowledge about Irvine housing and remodeling is much more interesting than political agendas recycling the same voice over and over.

Mety said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Cases may be rising:

?Sunday alone saw an increase of almost 20,000 cases nationwide, according to the CNN count compiled with data from John's Hopkins.

In Washington DC, the health department on Monday reported a new peak in cases meaning a delay to moving from phase one of the District's reopening program to a less restrictive phase.

In California, cases jumped 11% in days, from 98,980 reported Wednesday to 110,583 cases Sunday, according to the health department's data.?

Let?s hope for the best.

Cases already rising? WOW, that was fast. So those protesters did their thing and went to the hospital for checkup which already resulted positive so that CNN can report about the case increase this fast? Hmm...

So you are joining qwerty in his pedantic ways?

That's why I said "may" be rising. It could just be a backlog of prior cases or increased testing. It could also be a rise due to reopenings, not just the protests.

We also may see case count drop this upcoming week because many testing centers had to close due to riots.
@IHO - did you miss the part about Sweden fairing better than most of its neighbors?

The stock market was down 15% in February because it was baking in the lower economic activity. It wasn?t pricing in a full blown shutdown. 

You keep on bring back that my actions contradict my statements. Not sure how. The reason I?m thinking about pulling the money out is to potentially time the market (which may or may not work out). We have had a good rebound from the lows of 18k for Dow and are back to over 26k today. The dow is about 12% from its all time lows.

I?m curiois to see what happens when the government stops spending and reality starts to set in in August when the extra unemployment runs out. And there is the unknown of the scary second wave of covid that could hit this fall and how the market may react.

I manage my money based on how I think the markets will react not based on my personal views. A lot of uncertainty going on right now. And it just seems odd that the market would just go back up to a record high without another decent decrease (10%?)

I haven?t pulled any money out but it kind of seems like a decent time to do so right about now.
Mety said:
Hey eyephone,

Your anti-Turmp opinion is well heard loud and clear. Please move on to something fresh for us. By the way, looks like your friend might be back. Some deep knowledge about Irvine housing and remodeling is much more interesting than political agendas recycling the same voice over and over.


Wait a minute. It is okay for Qwerty to mention Sweden, but I can not mention Denmark. (Denmark is really close to Sweden)

I get it. It does not fit your agenda Mety.
I am not the one defending China.

It is a big time double standard.
irvinehomeowner said:
Mety said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Cases may be rising:

?Sunday alone saw an increase of almost 20,000 cases nationwide, according to the CNN count compiled with data from John's Hopkins.

In Washington DC, the health department on Monday reported a new peak in cases meaning a delay to moving from phase one of the District's reopening program to a less restrictive phase.

In California, cases jumped 11% in days, from 98,980 reported Wednesday to 110,583 cases Sunday, according to the health department's data.?

Let?s hope for the best.

Cases already rising? WOW, that was fast. So those protesters did their thing and went to the hospital for checkup which already resulted positive so that CNN can report about the case increase this fast? Hmm...

So you are joining qwerty in his pedantic ways?

That's why I said "may" be rising. It could just be a backlog of prior cases or increased testing. It could also be a rise due to reopenings, not just the protests.

We also may see case count drop this upcoming week because many testing centers had to close due to riots.

Not joining, siding, or anything.

Just expressing my opinions without getting influenced by medias too much.

Mainstream medias can be helpful, but when my common sense throws some questions on those articles, I must be true to myself if that makes sense...
eyephone said:
Mety said:
Hey eyephone,

Your anti-Turmp opinion is well heard loud and clear. Please move on to something fresh for us. By the way, looks like your friend might be back. Some deep knowledge about Irvine housing and remodeling is much more interesting than political agendas recycling the same voice over and over.


Wait a minute. It is okay for Qwerty to mention Sweden, but I can not mention Denmark. (Denmark is really close to Sweden)

I get it. It does not fit your agenda Mety.
I am not the one defending China.

It is a big time double standard.

Mety said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
Hey eyephone,

Your anti-Turmp opinion is well heard loud and clear. Please move on to something fresh for us. By the way, looks like your friend might be back. Some deep knowledge about Irvine housing and remodeling is much more interesting than political agendas recycling the same voice over and over.


Wait a minute. It is okay for Qwerty to mention Sweden, but I can not mention Denmark. (Denmark is really close to Sweden)

I get it. It does not fit your agenda Mety.
I am not the one defending China.

It is a big time double standard.


I do not know if you know how to read or comprehend English. But if you read the previous posts you will see Sweden. So if someone mentions Sweden. I will have to mention Denmark.

Hey eyephone,

You can do, say, or act however you see please, but I don't defend China in case you still firmly believe I do. Hope it clears one of your misinformations about TI members.

qwerty said:
@IHO - did you miss the part about Sweden fairing better than most of its neighbors?

The stock market was down 15% in February because it was baking in the lower economic activity. It wasn?t pricing in a full blown shutdown. 

You keep on bring back that my actions contradict my statements. Not sure how. The reason I?m thinking about pulling the money out is to potentially time the market (which may or may not work out). We have had a good rebound from the lows of 18k for Dow and are back to over 26k today. The dow is about 12% from its all time lows.

I?m curiois to see what happens when the government stops spending and reality starts to set in in August when the extra unemployment runs out. And there is the unknown of the scary second wave of covid that could hit this fall and how the market may react.

I manage my money based on how I think the markets will react not based on my personal views. A lot of uncertainty going on right now. And it just seems odd that the market would just go back up to a record high without another decent decrease (10%?)

I haven?t pulled any money out but it kind of seems like a decent time to do so right about now.

With all that we've learned, I think there is a middle ground we can find in all of this.

I tend to be optimistic (uh... I mean "hope for good") when I can... and I think, if anything, the lockdown has actually helped businesses figure out how to run leaner and cut costs. The economy may actually be stronger after all this and come Covid-20, we can keep people safe and not have to shut it all down.

That could mean social distancing, hand-washing, no touchy facey and masks for the long haul... but this will also cut down on regular flu and other communicable illnesses.  This pandemic is teaching us habits that, while less social, are more healthy for us... at least for me... because I like that people stay at least 6ft away from me... I have personal space issues. :)
Mety said:
Hey eyephone,

You can do, say, or act however you see please, but I don't defend China in case you still firmly believe I do. Hope it clears one of your misinformations about TI members.


At the beginning of this covid you were defending China. (in my opinion)

Haha my misinformation. BS
Sorry if you do not like the truth.
You hide behind god, but you lie.
eyephone said:
Mety said:
Hey eyephone,

You can do, say, or act however you see please, but I don't defend China in case you still firmly believe I do. Hope it clears one of your misinformations about TI members.


At the beginning of this covid you were defending China. (in my opinion)

Haha my misinformation. BS
Sorry if you do not like the truth.
You hide behind god, but you lie.

DOUBLE STANDARD! It's like talking to a 3-year old.