<em>graphix - if some troll didnt call you a liar, would you have gone through all this?
</em>Probably not, but like EvaL said, I am motivated by spite. For over two years now, I have been considered the chicken little, pollyanna, nutter. Well, I have been right, and actually, I have been too optimistic. I believe I am a credible person, and my posts and my knowledge have proven that. Really it seems I am bitter, but really I am not. You can ask anyone here who knows me here, and they will all say that I am a bright, outgoing, positive, and an optimistic person. So, when someone questions that, I take offense and go on the defense. I like a good challenge, but I also expect that the same credibility be said from the source of criticism. Hey, when I am wrong, I will be the bigger person and admit it. In fact, I have done it on more than one occasion on Lansner's and Padilla's blog. But, do not call me a liar when you know that you are wrong, and can be proven wrong. Ask reason, I am sure he remembers the pictures I took for him way back in the day. And, guess what, I was wrong that the pic was not the same place, but I was right that the address was correct. BTW, reason one of those CalPac homes went back to the bank, and another one is scheduled for next month.
Now! On with the pictures. I took 74 pictures of all the bad cracks, and I have 64 that are decent pics. It is hard to get a clean picture with reflective surfaces, like tile. So, for a tease tonight, I will post some of my favorites, that are shrunk to fit the forums, and later I will post links to the full size images of all 64. When I went to Laing's Sendero, I only took 21 shots, because there were not that many cracks. Looks like BK is also right again, and <a href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=brightwater+huntington+beach">Brightwater in Huntington Beach</a> used the "D" team. Feel free to click the link to the forums for boost up in google.
<img alt="" src="http://img109.mytextgraphics.com/photolava/2008/03/26/blightwaterbasecrack-49ynh16s3.jpeg" />
<img alt="" src="http://img801.mytextgraphics.com/photolava/2008/03/26/blightwatershower9gapping-49ynhunwl.jpeg" />
I wish I had a better shot of this one below. The grout at the ceiling goes from being less than a quarter inch thick to over half an inch at the end where the crack is. And, if you look at it straight on, then you can see how the tile work slopes downward. They obviously forgot their level that day, as I will prove soon.
<img alt="" src="http://img110.mytextgraphics.com/photolava/2008/03/26/blightwatershower1ceiling-49ynib2q3.jpeg" />
This gapping hole was amazing.
<img alt="" src="http://img110.mytextgraphics.com/photolava/2008/03/26/blightwatershower9omg-49ynjbugu.jpeg" />
Here is a shot of the inside of the shower. Notice the bubble of the level is away from the drain, this means it is sloped so that the water will flow to the drain.
<img alt="" src="http://img109.mytextgraphics.com/photolava/2008/03/26/blightwatershower7level-49ynl7oog.jpeg" />
Now, notice how the bubble of the level is away from the crack, meaning it is sloped so that the water will flow into the crack.
<img alt="" src="http://img801.mytextgraphics.com/photolava/2008/03/26/blightwatershower7notleve-49ynmt9a2.jpeg" />
Just think... these are the models, and they are supposed to impress you, not scare you. Yes, you can have them fix issues like this before you move in, but this is not normal, this is excessive, and some of these mistakes require a full redo of the tile since it is so out of balance.
I must have wiped correctly that day, as I didn't notice the smell. Or, maybe it is because I only visited the sands and the trails