BP is it worth the health risk?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
eatthis said:
Laguna21 said:
I don't want to find out 20 years down the road that I could have possibly avoided cancer or other medical issues because I chose to purchase a home on land that was contaminated.

You have to do what you think is best for your family and with your money. No knocking that. But, there are just as many posts knocking people who chose to buy in BP. There's a lot of fear mongering going on. Is the risk imagined or real?

Idk, there's one member that only drinks bottle water that lives in bp. That should answer your question.
eyephone said:
Idk, there's one member that only drinks bottle water that lives in bp. That should answer your question.

One member doing something doesn't say much about anything. I think it's all psychological. I would hope they made doubly sure during the cleanup knowing the history of the marine base. If you can sleep well at night knowing that the ground has been well tested and cleaned then by all means buy. If not, no amount of bottled water will make it worth it.
I mean, you can hope they made sure they cleaned it up fully the first time, but they didn't right? That's why they are finding more contamination sites still?
acf said:
I mean, you can hope they made sure they cleaned it up fully the first time, but they didn't right? That's why they are finding more contamination sites still?

Did they not? That's TBD as far as we know. IUSD is doing additional testing out of parent concern and abundance of caution around the high school area. Let's see what they find. That should be a good indicator of whether there's anything to worry about with the rest of GP build out.
@eatthis: I agree on fear mongering crossing the line. I'm not in that camp at all, in fact, BP may be completely fine.

My point was that there are better choices than BP, as BP would sit at the bottom of my list in terms of the selections available in developments out there now. But the contaminated soil does shove it straight to the bottom of the list in terms of where we are looking to buy.

So many better areas to be had: OH, Hidden Canyon, Eastwood Village etc. Why choose an area that has contaminated soil when other areas can be had that are far better than BP?
Laguna21 said:
So many better areas to be had: OH, Hidden Canyon, Eastwood Village etc. Why choose an area that has contaminated soil when other areas can be had that are far better than BP?

I'm curious if what you want is only available in BP would you still hold off anyways? If you're interested in a new house in IUSD of around 3000+ sqft, BP is the only game in town right now.
eatthis said:
Laguna21 said:
I don't want to find out 20 years down the road that I could have possibly avoided cancer or other medical issues because I chose to purchase a home on land that was contaminated.

You have to do what you think is best for your family and with your money. No knocking that. But, there are just as many posts knocking people who chose to buy in BP. There's a lot of fear mongering going on. Is the risk imagined or real?

The likelihood of connecting the land that has been remediated to cancer 20 years down the road will likely be impossible.
@eathis: don't really care about IUSD, has no bearing on our purchase, but aren't there homes that are 3,000 square feet and above in both OH and HC that are IUSD zoned?

Hard to say since the situation is that there are a lot of developments available for sale, and there will continue to be new ones, so many choices!
eatthis said:
acf said:
I mean, you can hope they made sure they cleaned it up fully the first time, but they didn't right? That's why they are finding more contamination sites still?

Did they not? That's TBD as far as we know. IUSD is doing additional testing out of parent concern and abundance of caution around the high school area. Let's see what they find. That should be a good indicator of whether there's anything to worry about with the rest of GP build out.

They removed a bunch of contaminated dirt from the school site during construction.  So yes, they didnt clean it up fully the first time.  Whats to say they wont find more contaminated dirt later on?  You can spot test all you want, but there is no testing method that can guarantee the entire site is cleaned. 
hello said:
eatthis said:
acf said:
I mean, you can hope they made sure they cleaned it up fully the first time, but they didn't right? That's why they are finding more contamination sites still?

Did they not? That's TBD as far as we know. IUSD is doing additional testing out of parent concern and abundance of caution around the high school area. Let's see what they find. That should be a good indicator of whether there's anything to worry about with the rest of GP build out.

They removed a bunch of contaminated dirt from the school site during construction.  So yes, they didnt clean it up fully the first time.  Whats to say they wont find more contaminated dirt later on?  You can spot test all you want, but there is no testing method that can guarantee the entire site is cleaned.

There are so many environmental risks we face on a daily basis living anywhere in So Cal whose negative impact far exceed the probability of something bad affecting you from BP dirt. Doesn't matter what anyone says - there will always be those who will worry! Guarantee? There are no guarantees in life and even if someone gives you one, how valid is it? 99.9% of the population can believe a guarantee, yet there is that small percentage who won't believe no matter what! They will likely post on message boards - like TI.

The air we breathe, the food we eat, the ground below where you live now (do you REALLY know what's there?), traffic congestion, earthquakes, the water supply etc. are all safety issues we face daily. Compared to the BP dirt, you have a far greater chance of getting some disease just from breathing. So my recommendation? STOP breathing or move somewhere that has clean air. Let's start a new thread "Breathing: is it worth the risk?" Again, compared to BP dirt, you have a far greater chance of dying from driving. STOP driving but even more, stop all methods of transporting yourself around. Bus and train accidents, getting hit while walking or riding a bicycle. They all happen with more frequency than soil contamination issues. Another thread idea: "Living: is it worth the risk?" Maybe just stay in a concrete bunker with ideal air. Not sure what you can eat though as all foods have safety risks involved somewhere along the line. Yet another idea: "Eating: is it worth the risk?"

Crap - it looks like no matter what I do I will always be able to ask: is it worth the risk? Now I'm depresses. Guess death is the only way to avoid all risk. Ah...but what about life after death? Are there risks in the afterlife? In what forum can I start a new thread: "Afterlife" is it worth the risk?".

My whole rant is tongue-in-cheek even though it does contain some actual facts. Ah...my last new thread idea: "Presenting facts: is it worth the risk?" Not in the TI forums! 
So the question is: would I downgrade BP due to the toxic soil problem?

And my answer would be...yes because the builders actually make you sign some shit about not eating fruit.  If they took that stipulation out of the contract, then I would not worry about it. Having me legally acknowledge it makes the property worse.

So now, if I were to sell my BP property (or columbus grove), do I have to disclose it to my re-sale buyer?  I would probably squeeze the "no eating fruit disclosure" into the middle of the contract hoping my buyer will miss it. 

The "no eating fruit" part of the contract doesn't mean I won't buy the property.  It just means this property is worse than one that doesn't have the disclosure....like PP.
Besides the toxic soil, the whole BP development looks deserted to me? I went to their Chinese New Year celebration event, the whole area looks barebone, no landsacping, no trees, it just seems like the whole place will be in construction phase for a long time? Not my ideal of community, sorry. I am really disappointed since I had high hopes and was excited to move to BP, then I read about superfund site, the possible school toxicity, the possible cemetry, the possible jail expansion, the....etc....etc...? I..... give up.
IrvineRes88 said:
Besides the toxic soil, the whole BP development looks deserted to me? I went to their Chinese New Year celebration event, the whole area looks barebone, no landsacping, no trees, it just seems like the whole place will be in construction phase for a long time? Not my ideal of community, sorry. I am really disappointed since I had high hopes and was excited to move to BP, then I read about superfund site, the possible school toxicity, the possible cemetry, the possible jail expansion, the....etc....etc...? I..... give up.

One less FCB to worry about in BP...
Did they disclose why the annual MR increase? I read that the area requires on-going toxicity monitoring & clean up, is it for that?