They have the right to tout the no MR since they paid $84M + whatever it is for SVUSD.
Excerpts from
Q: Once the Baker Ranch development project is completed, how much will the developers have paid in fees to the City?
A: Upon completion of the Baker Ranch development, projections indicate the City will have collected approximately $72 million in Community Facilities Fees, $2 million in park maintenance fees, $6.7 million in LFTM fees, and $3.6 million in FCPP fees.
Q: How much have the developers of the Baker Ranch project paid in fees to the Saddleback Valley Unified School District to support the additional elementary school students who will be attending Foothill Ranch Elementary School?
A: The Shea-Baker Ranch Development Agreement includes a School Mitigation Agreement between the District and the developer, requiring the developer to pay an impact fee to the school district totaling $8,540 per housing unit prior to pulling any building permits. The City does not collect or administer the use of these funds.
Q: Will the new homes in the former auto center (Bake and Portola) be required to pay a share of the Mello-Roos fees associated with the Foothill Ranch Community Facilities District (CFD No. 87-4)?
A: Yes. The new homeowners in the former auto center are required to pay a share of the payments for CFD 87-4.
Q: Are the homes in the Baker Ranch development contributing their fair share towards the maintenance of the City's infrastructure?
A: Yes. While not a part of CFD 87-4, the Baker Ranch property was included in CFD 87-6 and made payments for its share of costs for the road infrastructure in the local area including arterials in Foothill Ranch. In addition, Baker Ranch was required by the County to pay its share for the Sheriff's Substation, Fire Station, and the Foothill Ranch Library in addition to other miscellaneous facilities. The owners of Baker Ranch decided to pay their obligation in cash instead of utilizing CFD financing. Therefore, the new homeowners in Baker Ranch do not pay Mello-Roos taxes.