Here are the methods of how Chinese obtain a green card:
1. parents, siblings (fake papers and false birth certificates issued by Chinese government) and adult children (birth tourism anchor babies guarantee 18 years of temporary residency status for parents) then permanent after the kids turned 18.
2. spouses and fianc?s (fake marriages or spouse for hire)
3. green card lotteries
4. political asylum or refugee status (opposition to one child law, no freedom of religion, no human rights, political suppression, limited women's right to vote, no freedom of speech, intentionally criticize the government and being hunted by the communists, Great fire Wall imposed on Facebook, etc.
5. other categories like corporate sponsorships (dim sum chef at Capital seafood working for $2/hr), minimum quota investments (investments that promotes a better economy like buying a lot of RE, creating companies that offer employment to lawful US residents (foot massage places by hiring friends, or Yogurtland by hiring cheap child labor) all Chinese restaurants sponsor several dozens of workers, pay the work slaves nothing and deliberately drag out the application process to prolong the duration of slavery.