IrvineNinja said:I am so sorry that the sales lady was so rude and heartless to you guys. I am sure that the Ryland people are reading these comments and have/will be talking to that sales lady re: her unprofessional behavior.
Re: rude people/uncaring people. Yes, mainland Chinese are just trying to learn the language and yes, there is a cultural divide, but rudeness/heartlessness has no color.
Case in point from my personal experiences:
1) Was walking on a busy street in San Fran with family when an elderly (thin, fragile, looked about 90 years old), white lady holding a cane tripped and fell at an intersection curb. There was a ton of pedestrian traffic and as she lay there asking for help to get up, they all looked down at her with curiosity and kept going (99%) white people. I don't know if it is a city thing or what? Anyways, we went to go help her but an elderly asian lady beat us to it and helped her up.
2) A friend told me about this story. She is Columbian (looks white), and she fell down an outside stairs breaking her leg in the process. A bone was sticking out of her leg and she could not get up. This all happened by a busy residential street. Cars would slow down to look at her and kept going. The only car that stopped was a landscaping truck driven by a mexican man (who apparently didn't speak English) who helped her up and waited until the ambulance came.
3) I saw an asian toddler was being picked on by a (speaking in what sounded like Farsi) little boy. The asian mom went up to the boy to stop and the Persian mom runs up in a huff saying "what do you want with my boy?" The asian mom explains and the Persian mom was like, "so?" Then goes on to tell the asian mom that they use people like her as maids in her country and so forth (ugh...).
and so forth...
Of course, there are many nice people as well, but either way, it really SUCKS to be in the receiving end of uncalled for rudeness![]()
test needs to step up her Asian recruiting for Tustin Legacy... use some 8's in her pricing.broda said:At least the Chinese are keeping the school districts desirable. I heard Tustin High is looking for GPA boosters if you're looking for a change.
SoCal said:VERY FUNNY!! Love it. But what do the Chinese(?) characters say at the end??
obirvine said:Since this thread turned into more of a discussion on mainlanders, I have a question. How do these people come to US? I mean on what Visa? I am pretty sure they are not on non-immigrant visa since they seem to stay here permanently. For rich people there is EB5 category, where they can "buy" green card, but how about normal people? Family based sponsored visa is another option, but unless someone is sponsoring for spouse/children/parents, it takes forever to get a green card under this category. I am just curious.
Irvinecommuter said:The buying of green card is no. 1. There are also quite a few H1 visas (engineers etc.) and student visas.
yaliu07 said:Why does most people here hate/dislike Chinese? Because they are rich??
bones said:ooops thanked homer by accident. is there anyway to "unthank"
i think the 8's in the asking price is silly. if someone (of any ethnicity) cared about certain numbers, they can just write an offer with those numbers in it.
irvinehomeshopper said:Here are the methods of how Chinese obtain a green card:
1. parents, siblings (fake papers and false birth certificates issued by Chinese government) and adult children (birth tourism anchor babies guarantee 18 years of temporary residency status for parents) then permanent after the kids turned 18.
2. spouses and fianc?s (fake marriages or spouse for hire)
3. green card lotteries
4. political asylum or refugee status (opposition to one child law, no freedom of religion, no human rights, political suppression, limited women's right to vote, no freedom of speech, intentionally criticize the government and being hunted by the communists, Great fire Wall imposed on Facebook, etc.
5. other categories like corporate sponsorships (dim sum chef at Capital seafood working for $2/hr), minimum quota investments (investments that promotes a better economy like buying a lot of RE, creating companies that offer employment to lawful US residents (foot massage places by hiring friends, or Yogurtland by hiring cheap child labor) all Chinese restaurants sponsor several dozens of workers, pay the work slaves nothing and deliberately drag out the application process to prolong the duration of slavery.
bones said:ooops thanked homer by accident. is there anyway to "unthank"