"4 weeks and then all hell breaks loose"

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
My apologies to Graphrix, I didn't mean you. You are obviously knowledgable, and I appreciate the back and forth.
[quote author="Minimorty" date=1252100485][quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252100087]I see how things work here now. This isn't a place to debate, to share facts or to learn absolutely anything. Peruse these 21 pages and you will see that well over half of the solid information was added by me. I could be wrong, but no_vaseline, and now nude, didn't add a single insightful or useful or interesting comment. I left high school a long time ago, but I see it's alive and well here. Put your blindfolds back on. Go back to not knowing what a loan modification is, and to believing the delinquency rate is 13% and not 6%. Go back to all your half-assed, ill-informed theories. And when your'e done, there's always haunted houses and real housewives and bad restaurants to gossip over.</blockquote>

You may have already mentioned it, but I am super curious. What do you do for a living?</blockquote>

I'm semi-retired.
[quote author="Nude" date=1252069657][quote author="IrvineRenter" date=1252066637]Nude reappears to remind us why we instituted a "be nice" policy....</blockquote>
But I got pissed because your own policy isn't being enforced, your own moderators are being attacked, and you don't lift a finger to do anything about it. So yeah, I handed it to Skipper Dan. Had he left it at that, it would have been the end of it, but he had to stick his foot in his mouth again.</blockquote>

When we started a social network, I had no idea what we were getting in to. We have had endless debates about where to draw the line. Zovall and I draw the lines in different places. I am more permissive, and Zovall is more restrictive.

The "be nice" policy was put in place because a frat-house mentality had taken over. New pledges would come in here seeking information, and they find themselves going through an initiation process. Many of those people left and never came back. Driving away newbies is a certain death to social networks, so this had to stop.

Personally, I find Newport Skipper irritating at times, but that is why the software has an ignore button.


What are you thinking is going to be accomplished by calling me out?</blockquote>

I am calling out the fact that you were a part of the problem we used to have with frat-house initiation. We are not bringing that back. Zovall and I agree on this. You are welcome, but some of your antics are not.

To be honest, I miss you, and I wish you were around more often. Your keen intellect and insight has been missed. When I look back on some of the more interesting debates I have had in the forums, many of them have been with you.


When I look at this whole situation, I see the place the frat-house mob has in social networks. When people aggressively skirt the lines of propriety, the bullying effect can be very disruptive to the social order. When there is a local mob to keep order, new individuals with aggressive tendencies are pushed back by the mob. The collective sets powerful rules for individual behavior.

The question becomes, what do you do when the mob is unruly? You guys were driving people away. If there isn't someone in charge who can restore order, chaos can ensue with the mob. Moderators are the ones who restore order -- or at least we are supposed to be.

(I just realized that Zovall is the Emperor, I am Darth Vader, and Graphrix and Nude are the Jedi. Hmmm....)

<img src="http://www.freewebs.com/jedimaster96/Star_Wars_Jedi_Sith_poster-600x454.jpg" alt="" />

I am too permissive. I can simply ignore information that is not important to me, so as long as I don't see people name calling or making strongly negative characterizations, I don't say much. Zovall wants a more orderly level of civil discourse. Both Zovall and I agree on the need to prevent the mob from driving away newbies -- good newbies that is.

The real problem here is that there are some newbies that <em>should </em>be driven away. I am not the judge of who those people should be, but there needs to be a mechanism where a group of people can drive away newcomers who do not fit into the community.

Perhaps people can email me or any moderator, and as moderators we can open a poll in the forum on what should we do about a certain newbie's behavior. The post awgee did where he clilpped together dozens of comments by Newport Skipper is a great example of the type of new entry a moderator could do. As moderators we can do this without being perceived as being aggressive because maintaining order is part of the job.

I am not a good moderator. I am the first to admit that. I will be more diligent in my duties and try to find better solutions to problems like the blow-up this thread has become. (BTW, the thread has been the most interesting in ages on the forums.) I don't have all the answers when it comes to being a forum moderator. If someone has a constructive criticism or advice to offer, I will be happy to hear what you have to say.
[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252100639]My apologies to Graphrix, I didn't mean you. You are obviously knowledgable, and I appreciate the back and forth.</blockquote>

Newport Skipper, your initiation process has certainly been unique. There is hope for you....
[quote author="IrvineRenter" date=1252103234][quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252100639]My apologies to Graphrix, I didn't mean you. You are obviously knowledgable, and I appreciate the back and forth.</blockquote>

Newport Skipper, your initiation process has certainly been unique. There is hope for you....</blockquote>

I thought I had apologized, but if not, I apologize again. However, the reason I poked my head in to begin with was due to what I saw as relentless and unfounded bullying, mainly of Geotpf. He had some legitmate questions and was treated with extreme rudeness, which he handled admirably.

After going back, I realized that there are two threads concerning Geoptf and his questions. The whole conversation crosses both of them.
<span style="color: purple;">If IR is Darth Vader and Graph is a jedi, then that leaves only one person who can be Princess Leia...</span>

<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3633/3295434438_5ab63e69b9.jpg" alt="" />

<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3247/3113448089_7ecb44654f.jpg" alt="" />
[quote author="profette" date=1252104143]<span style="color: purple;">If IR is Darth Vader and Graph is a jedi, then that leaves only one person who can be Princess Leia...</span>

<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3633/3295434438_5ab63e69b9.jpg" alt="" />

<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3247/3113448089_7ecb44654f.jpg" alt="" /></blockquote>

Hey! Who let my secret out! Aw man! I'm ruined forever around here!
[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252103675][quote author="IrvineRenter" date=1252103234][quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252100639]My apologies to Graphrix, I didn't mean you. You are obviously knowledgable, and I appreciate the back and forth.</blockquote>

Newport Skipper, your initiation process has certainly been unique. There is hope for you....</blockquote>

I thought I had apologized, but if not, I apologize again. However, the reason I poked my head in to begin with was due to what I saw as relentless and unfounded bullying, mainly of Geotpf. He had some legitmate questions and was treated with extreme rudeness, which he handled admirably.

After going back, I realized that there are two threads concerning Geoptf and his questions. The whole conversation crosses both of them.</blockquote>

Skip we are all responsible for our own behavior. You seem to get down in the gutter fairly quickly and make excuses for your own behavior.

Your behavior is inexcusible. There is absolutely no reason to act the way that you have on this thread toward other forum members.

Do not point me to places where people have attacked others or where you have been attacked. It a great human trait to remain true to ourselves, not to stoop down to others levels like you claim to be doing.

From my observation you don't need to stoop that is your level. I read from the beginning of this thread and your first comments on this thread were....

<blockquote>I?ve been watching this pissing match for a few weeks now, and I gotta say it?s stupid. REOs go into contract in days, you would never expect to see them in Redfin or other websites like theirs. There?s thousands of these things in escrow.


<blockquote>Same thing goes for that list by Graphrix. Where are the homes on the market or in process? You only tracked completed sales. I thought you were the braintrust, the way you are idolized here!


Your arrogance and sarcasam were returned and then you seem to cry and call people jackals.

Grow up act like an adult and if it truly offends that people treat you the way that you treat them... start treating others the way you want to be treated.

Oh and by the way you have never truly proven that a loan would be reworked on anyone with 100% DTI.
[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252103675]

I thought I had apologized, but if not, I apologize again. However, the reason I poked my head in to begin with was due to what I saw as relentless and unfounded bullying, mainly of Geotpf. He had some legitmate questions and was treated with extreme rudeness, which he handled admirably.

In all fairness, the way you initially poked your head in wasn't helping him or yourself. You came in with scathing remarks and equal rudeness. Maybe if you took the time to explain things more, you would have garnered better responses. It was only when we starting asking you questions that you actually responded to without the snark, things started to smooth out.

And again... this doesn't take the heat off of some of the other posters here as they are a bit abrasive, but I think if you came in with data/knowledge first instead of a disrespect (after all... you are the new one here)... it may have not escalated. A part of me does see your side of it (my initiation into the IHB was not the friendliest) and reading more of your posts has led me into some insight on your "forum style" but there is something to be said about having some respect for the regulars. You questioned my regard for Graph and you have admitted that now you know why.

(BTW: I'm still looking for those 25 available $150k properties in Tustin... heh)
Geesh, does the drama ever end? Would anyone like to discuss housing?
[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252100087]I see how things work here now. This isn't a place to debate, to share facts or to learn absolutely anything. Peruse these 21 pages and you will see that well over half of the solid information was added by me. I could be wrong, but no_vaseline, and now nude, didn't add a single insightful or useful or interesting comment. I left high school a long time ago, but I see it's alive and well here. Put your blindfolds back on. Go back to not knowing what a loan modification is, and to believing the delinquency rate is 13% and not 6%. Go back to all your half-assed, ill-informed theories. And when your'e done, there's always haunted houses and real housewives and bad restaurants to gossip over.</blockquote>

Hey Skippy?

Not everyone wants to participate in the "too much testosterone so lets just get the ruler out and measure" types of discussions. You've done plenty of name calling in this thread and the bottom line is, some of us haven't had our sense of humor surgically removed. No need to slam those who have nothing to prove and no interest in this combative kind of discussion. You accuse these guys of behaving like high schoolers, yet you're semi retired, and that means probably older than most on this board, and you've gotten down and dirty with the best of them. I'm not sure if you should be welcomed or blocked, but either way, its the pot calling the kettle black isnt it?
[quote author="GraceOMalley" date=1252106936][quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252100087]I see how things work here now. This isn't a place to debate, to share facts or to learn absolutely anything. Peruse these 21 pages and you will see that well over half of the solid information was added by me. I could be wrong, but no_vaseline, and now nude, didn't add a single insightful or useful or interesting comment. I left high school a long time ago, but I see it's alive and well here. Put your blindfolds back on. Go back to not knowing what a loan modification is, and to believing the delinquency rate is 13% and not 6%. Go back to all your half-assed, ill-informed theories. And when your'e done, there's always haunted houses and real housewives and bad restaurants to gossip over.</blockquote>

Hey Skippy?

Not everyone wants to participate in the "too much testosterone so lets just get the ruler out and measure" types of discussions. You've done plenty of name calling in this thread and the bottom line is, some of us haven't had our sense of humor surgically removed. No need to slam those who have nothing to prove and no interest in this combative kind of discussion. You accuse these guys of behaving like high schoolers, yet you're semi retired, and that means probably older than most on this board, and you've gotten down and dirty with the best of them. I'm not sure if you should be welcomed or blocked, but either way, its the pot calling the kettle black isnt it?</blockquote>

Yes, it is. And now we're past it. My earlier reply was to Nude, who recently chimed in.
[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252106333]Geesh, does the drama ever end? Would anyone like to discuss housing?</blockquote>
25 available $150k properties in Tustin that can rent for $1500?
[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252106333]Geesh, does the drama ever end? Would anyone like to discuss housing?</blockquote>

Show me how a bank could modify a loan with 100% DTI.
Can we put this thread to rest already? The bears and the bulls just ain't going to agree on anything. We all have anecdotal evidence to go along with the various public and private data sources we each have access to. However, I would like to echo an earlier statement about data that graphix made - garbage in = garbage out.

MY anecdotal evidence? MY source will remain unidentified, but is in top management with a major servicer, and loan mods ARE NOT the norm. They are deluged with requests, but the basic underlying facts remain: 1) many cannot, under any circumstances, afford the homes they are living in, and 2) many loans are not easily modified due to the way they were sold, packaged, repackaged, etc.

I feel for the RE folks here who so desperately want the future to be bright and who are so frustrated with those they think "live for " the apocolypse, but guess what - some of you very well may have helped get us into this mess. Irvine was the West Coast epicenter of many of the loan practices that created the meltdown. I know people who prided themselves on selling bad mortgages to people who couldn't afford them, they didn't think they were doing anything wrong because the market was supposed to keep going up forever! Equity cures all ills! Ha.

While some of you are new to this blog, many are not, and we know that IHB calmly and factually documented the whole train wreck.

Comments like: "It doesn't change the future or the apocolypse you live for" reek of bubble mentality arrogance and willful ignorance. No facts, just opinion. I for one am really tired of this thread and all the hot air. Can we please shut it down or move it to the water cooler?
Meet me at the water cooler.

<img src="http://www.humorhound.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/heineken-water-cooler.jpg" alt="" />
[quote author="irvine_home_owner" date=1252107940][quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252106333]Geesh, does the drama ever end? Would anyone like to discuss housing?</blockquote>
25 available $150k properties in Tustin that can rent for $1500?</blockquote>

You are either extremely dishonest or you have memory lapses.

Here is my original comment. Nowhere did I say what you are accusing me of. I tried to ignore your taunts, but I have had enough. You are deeply misinformed about many things.

"These comments have no basis in reality. Tustin rents range from $1,200 to $2,800 for 2-3 bedrooms and there are many units that have sold at (and below) $150,000. It?s a fact that a $150,000 condo rents for around $1,400.

$1350 / 2br - Large Tustin Village Renovated Townhome


Similar floorplans are closing at $130,000:

[quote author="trrenter" date=1252110504]Meet me at the water cooler.

<img src="http://www.humorhound.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/heineken-water-cooler.jpg" alt="" /></blockquote>

Yes, the only thread with solid information belongs in the Water Cooler section. Of course it does.
[quote author="trrenter" date=1252108030][quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252106333]Geesh, does the drama ever end? Would anyone like to discuss housing?</blockquote>

Show me how a bank could modify a loan with 100% DTI.</blockquote>

They put it in writing and mail it to you for you to sign. You are still wrong.