"4 weeks and then all hell breaks loose"

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
[quote author="caycifish" date=1252064722]

PS. Graph does, indeed, have his balls. <em>I can't believe I'm writing that on the Internet...</em> :blank:</blockquote>

<img src="http://knowledgerush.com/wiki_image/c/c6/Qianlong.jpg" alt="" />

Graph, YOU ARE FIRED. Emperor needs to protect his concubines by eunuchs.
[quote author="bltserv" date=1252065695]Nude.

When the IHB went to the "Dark Side" I really respected you for leaving.

But WTF. Welcome back man.

Now we need to get Trooper back too.</blockquote>

Where the heck is Sarge? Did I miss something?
Earlier today I wrote that Janet didn't have truth issues. I just reread the thread where I caught her lying about not being a realtor or not being a loan broker or whatever, and discovered I made an error. She was a lying sack of s*it too, so if anyone was offended I was inaccurate about misstating both she and her replacement have truth issues, I apolgize.

But only for being inaccurate. You hear me Janet! This is your fault!
[quote author="morekaos" date=1252065980][quote author="bltserv" date=1252065695]Nude.

When the IHB went to the "Dark Side" I really respected you for leaving.

But WTF. Welcome back man.

Now we need to get Trooper back too.</blockquote>

Where the heck is Sarge? Did I miss something?</blockquote>

She left the day Ideal Housing Brokers was announced. Currently she's working as a "social activist" in her free time away from her straight gig as a "government residency guidance councilor".
[quote author="Nude" date=1252062284][quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252061216][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1252054274]Epic. What Nude misses in volume he makes up for in content.</blockquote>

Really? I thought it was rather weak. I'm ignorant? Haha! Sure, I am.</blockquote>

You are ignorant, <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNo8LvdOwSk">Skipper Dan</a>, willfully so.

<i>1 a : destitute of knowledge or education <an ignorant society>; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics><b> b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence <ignorant errors></b></i>

You pretend intelligence by conflating large words and concepts so that it appears you are qualified to comment on the subject, yet your post attacking Graphrix's exhaustive analysis prove that you don't have the knowledge, intelligence, or understanding of the facts to reach the correct conclusion. Instead, you spew invective and opinion and make yourself look like a jackass, hoping no one will call you on your bullshit.

Get back to your garbage skow, Gilligan, no one cares about you.</blockquote>

Nude reappears to remind us why we instituted a "be nice" policy....
[quote author="IrvineRenter" date=1252066637][quote author="Nude" date=1252062284][quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252061216][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1252054274]Epic. What Nude misses in volume he makes up for in content.</blockquote>

Really? I thought it was rather weak. I'm ignorant? Haha! Sure, I am.</blockquote>

You are ignorant, <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNo8LvdOwSk">Skipper Dan</a>, willfully so.

<i>1 a : destitute of knowledge or education <an ignorant society>; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics><b> b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence <ignorant errors></b></i>

You pretend intelligence by conflating large words and concepts so that it appears you are qualified to comment on the subject, yet your post attacking Graphrix's exhaustive analysis prove that you don't have the knowledge, intelligence, or understanding of the facts to reach the correct conclusion. Instead, you spew invective and opinion and make yourself look like a jackass, hoping no one will call you on your bullshit.

Get back to your garbage skow, Gilligan, no one cares about you.</blockquote>

Nude reappears to remind us why we instituted a "be nice" policy....</blockquote>

At least he forms completely grammatically correct, cohesive and interesting sentences.
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1252065496][quote author="LoudRoar" date=1252065089]Well I guess OP was just about right. After 4 weeks and 3 days, all hell has broken loose.... in this post.

Instead of having a contest using adjectives for how big your avocados are, keep the data coming! Everyone on this board adds only one ingredient, but without the combination of many ingredients, you're gonna have a bland salad.</blockquote>

Here's CR's contribution,

Considering that FHA is the current lender of choice, what does it mean when they go <a href="http://www.calculatedriskblog.com/2009/09/fha-next-bailout.html">busto?</a>

<blockquote>Based on the issues at the FHA, the end of the tax credit, and more supply coming on the market, Burns concluded that "housing could see another leg down later this year or early next year"</blockquote> - CR

There is the last sign of the apocolypse if it (FHA failing) comes to pass.

<blockquote>I think we've added too much chili which doesn't belong is salad anyway.</blockquote>

<a href="http://simplyscrumptiousfoodie.com/2009/08/black-bean-chili-salad/">Says who? Black bean chili salad.</a></blockquote>

CR: "Federal law says the FHA must maintain, after expected losses, reserves equal to at least 2% of the loans insured by the agency."

Well that didn't work out well! They cannot even maintain 2%? Of COURSE this is a disaster. But not to worry. *cough* the market is gonna do another pump n dump. You probably noticed gold hovering $10 below $1000/oz, and treasuries selling for well above face. That should keep the rates down and the prices up. That way they can turn around and sell and realize a profit now = capitalized.

As for the black bean chili salad, looks delicious! And only 1/2 a teaspoon of chili powder!

What is Ideal Housing Brokers? All I could find was that it was a new acronym? Larry Roberts? I thought IHO was Larry Roberts?

How many people here are not anonymous? What was Dan Young talking about?
[quote author="IrvineRenter" date=1252066637][quote author="Nude" date=1252062284][quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252061216][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1252054274]Epic. What Nude misses in volume he makes up for in content.</blockquote>

Really? I thought it was rather weak. I'm ignorant? Haha! Sure, I am.</blockquote>

You are ignorant, <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNo8LvdOwSk">Skipper Dan</a>, willfully so.

<i>1 a : destitute of knowledge or education <an ignorant society>; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics><b> b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence <ignorant errors></b></i>

You pretend intelligence by conflating large words and concepts so that it appears you are qualified to comment on the subject, yet your post attacking Graphrix's exhaustive analysis prove that you don't have the knowledge, intelligence, or understanding of the facts to reach the correct conclusion. Instead, you spew invective and opinion and make yourself look like a jackass, hoping no one will call you on your bullshit.

Get back to your garbage skow, Gilligan, no one cares about you.</blockquote>

Nude reappears to remind us why we instituted a "be nice" policy....</blockquote>

<img src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_t9D_ovmGhQE/R1hJsjHeVGI/AAAAAAAAMPI/KVhi5u-xgRI/s400/whatever.jpg" alt="" />

<a href="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2233/2231369455_25ebd4c9cf.jpg?v=0">This is the picture I wanted to post, but I didn't want to violate the 'nice' policy. If you're gonna get all butt hurt, DON'T CLICK.</a>
[quote author="IrvineRenter" date=1252066637]Nude reappears to remind us why we instituted a "be nice" policy....</blockquote>

We're going to the mattresses, huh?

Look, I know you have a plan for the blog. I know you want to make money off of all your hard work and I wish you nothing but the best of luck in that; you deserve to be rewarded for you effort. If you remember, I was wholeheartedly behind you and offered my personal support whenever I thought I could help, with the initial logo, the t-shirts, and even your book. So don't act like you don't know me or that I am some rabble rouse just looking to stir up trouble.

As much as you know about housing and land and financing, your actions in trying to monetize the IHB show you know little or less about running an internet community. Your "be nice" policy has no place in the forums, but should be strictly enforced on the blog comments because that is where your customer base is going to be found; people in the forums don't need what you are selling. To make an analogy, the forums are the bar in the country club while the blog is the Pro Shop. Different rules for different clientele. In addition to the rules being misplaced, you've alienated people who supported you and zovall with tips and work and good will... needlessly.

Hopefully, you are learning from your mistakes. Hopefully, you understand that even though I don't agree with the ham handed way you have tried to control the IHB's image, I am still supportive of your goals and intentions. I left to avoid pissing on your parade and if Graphrix hadn't linked me this thread, I would still be gone. But I got pissed because your own policy isn't being enforced, your own moderators are being attacked, and you don't lift a finger to do anything about it. So yeah, I handed it to Skipper Dan. Had he left it at that, it would have been the end of it, but he had to stick his foot in his mouth again.

I really don't understand it, Mr. Roberts, why are you attacking your supporters and leaving your friends to fend for themselves? What are you thinking is going to be accomplished by calling me out?
I don't understand.. IHB be has been monetized? I guess I missed the part where IHB sold out? Link anyone? How do these forums make money? Just the blog right?

And who the hell is John Galt?

btw, the salad that is this thread, just got kicked up a notch...

<img src="http://www.oishi.com.tw/blog/shaun/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/bam.jpg" alt="" />
[quote author="Sunshine" date=1252062554][quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252061625][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1252061478][quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252061216][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1252054274]Epic. What Nude misses in volume he makes up for in content.</blockquote>

Really? I thought it was rather weak. I'm ignorant? Haha! Sure, I am.</blockquote>

I would make some sort of snide comment, but I'm done with you. Just like Janet. At least she didn't have truth issues.</blockquote>

The thread doesn't support your claims. In fact, there were many comments appreciating the facts I laid out. <strong>When was the last time someone said something nice about you or what you add</strong>?</blockquote>

I said something nice about no_vas recently...
[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252061625]When was the last time someone said something nice about you or what you add?</blockquote>
I said I would grab his ass... does that count?

So yeah... uh... what was this thread about again?

"4 weeks and then all hell breaks loose... between Nude and IR"
[quote author="GraceOMalley" date=1252073196]So this is where everyones been all week..</blockquote>
Monterey Park working in a dungeon without a computer.
[quote author="bltserv" date=1252065695]Nude.

When the IHB went to the "Dark Side" I really respected you for leaving.

But WTF. Welcome back man.

Now we need to get Trooper back too.</blockquote>

I think I need to go piss on her wall too! Viva la roja! Maybe I can get her to make a one time appearance, but no guarantees. I feel a Revolucion coming on... Viva la snark!
I just wanted to say thanks to all the people who welcomed me back. I won't rehash why I left, but I can't really claim I am coming back either. I was diagnosed with moderate Mitral Regurgitation and the resulting doctor's orders limits my time on the intartubez. No_Vas, your restraint has been admirable, more than I could have handled for more than a week. Bltserv, I hope my transient return doesn't lower the respect I've earned. Tmare, your post in the other thread was touching, thank you. Cayci... update your Facebook pic already ;)

Anyway, I just wanted to acknowledge that I had read those posts and if I missed anyone, it was due to my bad memory and not any intended slight. Thanks again and good night.
I rarely visit this "General topic" so this is where every one has been hiding. This thread is seriously longer than "War and Peace" literally. By estimating Skipper's rate of posting Trojan will have to buy him a house too. We all know about Graph's personality on the keyboard but in real life he is the opposite. At first I was taking very seriously of his verbs and adjectives but over time the words become preposition or garnishes. Focus on the main dish and you will find his posts informative and educational.
The people who want rules enforced aren't willing to follow them. Don't ask somebody to do what you're not willing to do yourself. Set an example.
I see how things work here now. This isn't a place to debate, to share facts or to learn absolutely anything. Peruse these 21 pages and you will see that well over half of the solid information was added by me. I could be wrong, but no_vaseline, and now nude, didn't add a single insightful or useful or interesting comment. I left high school a long time ago, but I see it's alive and well here. Put your blindfolds back on. Go back to not knowing what a loan modification is, and to believing the delinquency rate is 13% and not 6%. Go back to all your half-assed, ill-informed theories. And when your'e done, there's always haunted houses and real housewives and bad restaurants to gossip over.
[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252100087]I see how things work here now. This isn't a place to debate, to share facts or to learn absolutely anything. Peruse these 21 pages and you will see that well over half of the solid information was added by me. I could be wrong, but no_vaseline, and now nude, didn't add a single insightful or useful or interesting comment. I left high school a long time ago, but I see it's alive and well here. Put your blindfolds back on. Go back to not knowing what a loan modification is, and to believing the delinquency rate is 13% and not 6%. Go back to all your half-assed, ill-informed theories. And when your'e done, there's always haunted houses and real housewives and bad restaurants to gossip over.</blockquote>

You may have already mentioned it, but I am super curious. What do you do for a living?