"4 weeks and then all hell breaks loose"

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[quote author="EvaLSeraphim" date=1252044616]I miss Nude. :(</blockquote>

Eh, this time I will agree with you, but normally I think that it is best that ugly and trash can smelling man stays away. Just for you though, I pissed on his wall and said that you missed him. He would have <em>loved</em> this thread. :coolgrin:
This was strike one:

[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251436219]Same thing goes for that list by Graphrix. Where are the homes on the market or in process? You only tracked completed sales. I thought you were the braintrust, the way you are idolized here!</blockquote>

Followed by strike two:

[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251438388]You're still missing a bunch. Where are the pendings that are older than 30 days? What about the ones that are closed so far in August? Where are the ones not pending but not closed that are working on offers? You don't have the goods to back up the swagger, bud!</blockquote>

And this should have been strike three:

[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251439253]I've been watching how you treat people (like Robert), so I was expecting that nothing reply of yours. Your "analysis" was a little short on the "ysis". Stop berating people who know as much or more than you do. Why don't you impress us all with your credentials like you were asked to do? No identifying info, just experience and credentials?</blockquote>

Now, back when these forums were a nice place to have a discussion, this Balboa Ferry driver would have been lambasted, booted and banned before his ignorance made it to the 4th page. Hell, the EyeAychBee even has multiple moderators to police these forums to keep people like this dinghy delivery boy from violating the rules now. As one who got warned that this kind of attack was no longer acceptable here at the new and improved EyeAychBee forums, I find it kind of ironic that you've kept engaging this troll rather than showing him the door. I'm not saying you've lost your balls Graphrix, but you might ask Cayci if you can use them now and again. Otherwise, sarcastic assholes who are short on patience and long on vitriol might take the lack of enforcement as an invitation to rip <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNo8LvdOwSk">Skipper Dan</a> to shreds.

Hi Eva!
[quote author="trrenter" date=1252035451]<img src="http://www.arty4ever.com/portfolio/album_onearmedmonkey.jpg" alt="" /></blockquote>

What the?????
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1252054274]Epic. What Nude misses in volume he makes up for in content.</blockquote>

Really? I thought it was rather weak. I'm ignorant? Haha! Sure, I am.
[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252061002]

What the?????</blockquote>

One armed monkey - armed to the teeth that is! It's funny! Get it??!!! Nevermind.
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1252061290][quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252061002]

What the?????</blockquote>

One armed monkey - armed to the teeth that is! It's funny! Get it??!!! Nevermind.</blockquote>

Yes, it borders on funny.
[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252061216][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1252054274]Epic. What Nude misses in volume he makes up for in content.</blockquote>

Really? I thought it was rather weak. I'm ignorant? Haha! Sure, I am.</blockquote>

I would make some sort of snide comment, but I'm done with you. Just like Janet. At least she didn't have truth issues.
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1252061478][quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252061216][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1252054274]Epic. What Nude misses in volume he makes up for in content.</blockquote>

Really? I thought it was rather weak. I'm ignorant? Haha! Sure, I am.</blockquote>

I would make some sort of snide comment, but I'm done with you. Just like Janet. At least she didn't have truth issues.</blockquote>

The thread doesn't support your claims. In fact, there were many comments appreciating the facts I laid out. When was the last time someone said something nice about you or what you add?
[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252061216][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1252054274]Epic. What Nude misses in volume he makes up for in content.</blockquote>

Really? I thought it was rather weak. I'm ignorant? Haha! Sure, I am.</blockquote>

You are ignorant, <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNo8LvdOwSk">Skipper Dan</a>, willfully so.

<i>1 a : destitute of knowledge or education <an ignorant society>; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics><b> b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence <ignorant errors></b></i>

You pretend intelligence by conflating large words and concepts so that it appears you are qualified to comment on the subject, yet your post attacking Graphrix's exhaustive analysis prove that you don't have the knowledge, intelligence, or understanding of the facts to reach the correct conclusion. Instead, you spew invective and opinion and make yourself look like a jackass, hoping no one will call you on your bullshit.

Get back to your garbage skow, Gilligan, no one cares about you.
[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252061625][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1252061478][quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1252061216][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1252054274]Epic. What Nude misses in volume he makes up for in content.</blockquote>

Really? I thought it was rather weak. I'm ignorant? Haha! Sure, I am.</blockquote>

I would make some sort of snide comment, but I'm done with you. Just like Janet. At least she didn't have truth issues.</blockquote>

The thread doesn't support your claims. In fact, there were many comments appreciating the facts I laid out. <strong>When was the last time someone said something nice about you or what you add</strong>?</blockquote>

Now. I greatly appreciate no_vas' contributions and snark.
[quote author="Sunshine" date=1252062554]Now. I greatly appreciate no_vas' contributions and snark.</blockquote>

[quote author="Nude" date=1252063033][quote author="Sunshine" date=1252062554]Now. I greatly appreciate no_vas' contributions and snark.</blockquote>

<span style="font-size: 14px;">HE'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!</span>
[quote author="Nude" date=1252049826]I'm not saying you've lost your balls Graphrix, but you might ask Cayci if you can use them now and again. Otherwise, sarcastic assholes who are short on patience and long on vitriol might take the lack of enforcement as an invitation to rip <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNo8LvdOwSk">Skipper Dan</a> to shreds.</blockquote>

For the record: I only have a say in who gets banned, and my say obviously doesn't mean anything anymore. I'm really not sure what the point of being a moderator is anymore. If you want to complain about people not enforcing the rules, don't look at me or even no_vas for that matter. We have asked repeatedly over the past few weeks for enforcement of the rules, and as you can see very little has been done. I have my balls, and you can ask Cayci to confirm that I do, because it is not me who doesn't want the rules enforced (even if I kinda bend them), I do, but I have very... very little say, if any at all it seems. In fact, I still haven't gotten a response from the one who can make a banning decision. Not even an opinion on the matter. If you want to take up this matter with the person who can enforce what you want, then I can give you his email if you don't have it.
While I think Skipper Dan shouldn't be banned because he provides lots of entertainment, I do think the guy could use a vacation or maybe just a massage. I didn't make predictions about OC homedebters, even though he thinks I'll be wrong about them, but I will make a guess that Skippy is on high blood pressure meds or his doctor will soon be writing out that prescription.

Dude...chill out.

PS. Graph does, indeed, have his balls. <em>I can't believe I'm writing that on the Internet...</em> :blank:
Well I guess OP was just about right. After 4 weeks and 3 days, all hell has broken loose.... in this post.

Instead of having a contest using adjectives for how big your avocados are, keep the data coming! Everyone on this board adds only one ingredient, but without the combination of many ingredients, you're gonna have a bland salad.

I think we've added too much chili which doesn't belong is salad anyway.
[quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1252063859]<span style="font-size: 14px;">HE'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!</span></blockquote>

That alone is worth the trouble. Stick around Nude, some of us miss you.

And if this isn't an example of why the "nice policy" has been EPIC FAIL, what the hell is wrong with you? Too many vics?
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1252065109][quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1252063859]<span style="font-size: 14px;">HE'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!</span></blockquote>

That alone is worth the trouble. Stick around Nude, some of us miss you.

And if this isn't an example of why the "nice policy" has been EPIC FAIL, what the hell is wrong with you? Too many vics?</blockquote>

I kind of always had a problem with the "nice policy" as no_vas says. I'm all for nice but it really gets boring and prohibitive after a while. We all have different personalities and too much restriction placed on personality is basically the opposite of freedom. Some have become a bit more nice, but I'm not sure how they feel about their new selves. I kind of liked their old selves.
[quote author="LoudRoar" date=1252065089]Well I guess OP was just about right. After 4 weeks and 3 days, all hell has broken loose.... in this post.

Instead of having a contest using adjectives for how big your avocados are, keep the data coming! Everyone on this board adds only one ingredient, but without the combination of many ingredients, you're gonna have a bland salad.</blockquote>

Here's CR's contribution,

Considering that FHA is the current lender of choice, what does it mean when they go <a href="http://www.calculatedriskblog.com/2009/09/fha-next-bailout.html">busto?</a>

<blockquote>Based on the issues at the FHA, the end of the tax credit, and more supply coming on the market, Burns concluded that "housing could see another leg down later this year or early next year"</blockquote> - CR

There is the last sign of the apocolypse if it (FHA failing) comes to pass.

<blockquote>I think we've added too much chili which doesn't belong is salad anyway.</blockquote>

<a href="http://simplyscrumptiousfoodie.com/2009/08/black-bean-chili-salad/">Says who? Black bean chili salad.</a>

When the IHB went to the "Dark Side" I really respected you for leaving.

But WTF. Welcome back man.

Now we need to get Trooper back too.