$425/sft was not the average price in 2005/2006 for WPII homes in the Vintage/Montage tracts... they were more around $400 during that time frame... I know because I was shopping that area at that time. There were at least 3-4 homes in mid 2005 that were listed for $375-405/sft (and probably closed lower)... and I looked at all of them.
I don't know how you are getting 20% off unless like Indie is saying, you are counting in an adjustment for inflation. And the uber-bears on the IHB were talking real pricing... not nominal ones. That's why Larry has backed off of his previous calls and even AZDave, who denied he made such a claim, backed off also when I provided the quoted proof that he was claiming REAL 1999 prices would return (real 1999 prices on these homes were like $420k?).
I'm sure IndieDev thinks these WPII homes are still overvalued even at $350/sf... or does he?