Mety said:
irvinehomeowner said:
B2FiNiTY said:
Wow. I?m drooling. That soccer field to the left kinda sucks though.
That's actually Springbrook Elementary's open field. You can spin it as a gigantic side yard.
I'm not sure if the owner added on to the left side of the house to make that a 2-car instead of a 1-car garage. I've been watching it for years hoping it would go on the market so I could at least tour it.
So the owner extended the garage? How did you know?
For me, I would rather have more living space than somewhere for cars or junks. I would have turned one of the garage spaces into game room or something.
I don't know, I just know that floorplan is not a 4-car garage.
Possibly, this may have been a model home and they used that space for the sales office. Usually the model homes are near the entrance to the tract and this looks like a good street for that.
Who knows, that 2nd 2-car garage may be a game room... that's why I have been hoping they would sell so I can lookie-loo it.
Now that my kids are getting older, a 4-car garage might actually be more useful. My neighbor parks his kids cars on his driveway and even in front of my house.
I don't know about most of you, but parking in your garage is just so much better for heat/elements (we hardly get rain).